Hey you, Flower Boy

Hello, Mr. Bad-

You frozed right when you saw all these cutey accessories.

"W-where is this?" you were dazing off.

"Your pin is ruined so you should get another one"

You looked around, "I'm broke.. I think i should leave"

"I can buy it for you"

"I don't even.. know you" you shook you head.

"I don't care, this one seems to fit you" he clipped a hair pin into your hair


"Choose one" he held both of the clip up.

You pointed at the pink one while staring off somewhere else.

"Okay, lets pay" he took out his money.

"You really don't have to---.."

"Thank you~" the cashier bowed, "have a nice day"

"Here you go" he handed you the pin.

"You must have not know my name yet, it's Jongup" he introduced himself.

Although he didn't seem to be smiling, you nodded, "I know.."

"You know? Aish, that little boy.." he ruffled his hair.

You thanked him for the hair clip.

As soon as you got out of the shop with Jongup and girl was pulling your hair so hard you screamed so forceful.


"YAH! What the heck are you doing here?" he pulled the random girl away.

"Yah Moon Jongup, how can you do this to me?" she scanned you from head to toe.

"So? We broke up already anyways"

"Are you saying you're breaking up with me for this lowly looking trash girl?" she laughed.

You got so enraged with her words.

"Excuse me? Did I.. heard wrong?" you interrupted them.

"No you didn't" she faked a smile blinking for more than ten times. 

"Lowly? Trash? mm, not surprised with those words. I have heard them for more than 49538495 times. But girl, do you have some eye diseases? Your eyes kept blinking. By the way, did you know calling someone with these words makes you more low-quality? Also, please stop being desperate. I'm going to choke" you almost made a beautiful short speech.

You held his hand up almost slapping you. You grabbed her wrist in a second, "Ma'am, you don't always use violence to win. it proves that you have lost. Also, a girl who has no heart" you smiled.

"You yanked you away and stomped her feet, "You'll pay for this" she pointed at both of us and stomped away.

Jongup looked speechless. Totally.

"Were you playing with me all along?" you can tell.

He smiled, this must be the first time he has ever smiled. Maybe not. Stop feeling too special.

"Maybe I did. That pin it's your last gift I guess, we won't be seeing each other right? Thanks for acting as my few minutes girlfriend" he winked and walked away casual and coldly.

"What kind of person exist?" you kicked a rock and found the way home.

You heard a beautiful acoustic melody down the street. You decided to check it out.

There it was, an angel light shining right at the guitar player.

Everyone was clapping as soon as he finished playing the music.

Everyone dropped bills and walked away complimenting him. You went up to him and dropped your 300 wons inside.

"Thank you" he said.

You kind of blushed because of that badass looking face of his. You shooked your head, falling for someone already? No, stay strong.

You walked away until someone shouted out, "watch out!"

Someone tugged your wrist which made you approach them.

"Oh!" everyone started yelling.

The guitar player let go of you, "are you alright?"

You nodded and noticed cream all over him, "your.. back!"

He looked at his back and saw a whole cake splashed on him.

"It happens everytime.. don't worry about it"

"...you should get yourself washed up. Follow me"

He followed you and you reached to your yard. You filled a bucket of water and told him to take of his jacket.

He handed you his jacket and you washed it as clean as you can.

"Thanks" you thanked as you rubbed the cream of the jacket.

"No problem" he didn't seem like the type to talk.

"What's your name?"


"L? That's a name?" it was the first time you ever heard of a one letter name.

"Special isn't it?"

You slowly nodded and rinsed the water off the jacket.

"Here, dry this when you get home"

He took the jacket, "thanks, see you around, clumsy"

He did the see ya pose and lefted.

You seem to be meeting so much flower boys nowadays.

You shivered, maybe luck has been coming. You giggled, I'm dreaming way too much..




I know, you're loving me so much for updating. It's already 1:07 am here. -Sigh- I have too much ideas..


Comments, comments btw! I would love to read your feedbacks ;3

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klienchoung #1
Chapter 4: aishhhhhh . Jongup and L X_X. -flips tables-
Mayeon1 #3
Chapter 4: two words to describe my feeling: LOVE IT
Craving fkr more here, hehe