When You Fall in Love With A Country Bumpkin


You, a popular and rich girl who's never interested in commoners.

What happens if you continued to rebel your parents who's going to send you to the country-side?

What happens if you have to start going to school there? Will your whole mind changes about commoners

and become a more respectful and a mannerful person? What happens if you even fall in love with one of them?





(11) ulzzang | Tumblr

Kim   [age 16]

Jung Daehyun, known as the country bumpkin. [Age 16]


Lee Jieun, your first friend you've met in the country side  [Age 16]


There'll be more O/C in the story !






Next story! Hope you keep reading this as soon as I update chapter one. Another fanfic with Daehyun ^^





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pabo0624 #1
New reader!! I hope you'll update soon!!
hehhe yay~new to daedae~ill support u and read it all but why it wrote 'sujidaehyun?' i know its not me but why !? :)