chapter 6

Take My Hand -DROPPED-

The dimmed room made his tense muscles relaxed as he got ready to sleep. A smile formed on his lips when his handsome face popped up in his head. Earlier, Kris had come over to discuss about their semester project. Kyungsoo wondered why he’d even agreed on the venue. He’d never let anyone step into his house. Or, his late grandfather’s, in actual fact.

But Kris had been especially nice to him for the past few days that it didn't matter. Kyungsoo wasn't even sure how he managed to drop his guard and let the other guy into his most personal space. A part of him was freaked out, but the other part was glad that he had someone to help him with the cleaning.

Kris had been right though. Two people cleaning was much faster than when he did it alone.While they were scrubbing the counter top, he had noticed how Kris' biceps bunched beneath the sweatshirt. His lips would be pressed together in concentration, and brows furrowed, focusing at the work at hand. Kris had looked charismatic then. Kyungsoo didn't know how that was possible, but it did happen.

He himself would never ever look that good cleaning. Kris made cleaning look like a fashion magazine spread. He giggled. Something about Kris was making his stomach flutter. How did one describe this feeling? Like whenever Kris looked his way, Kyungsoo couldn't stop the heat from his face. Well, normally handsome guys like Kris, didn't look at him twice. Even pretty girls in his class didn't. So, why him? He was dying to know, yet afraid of the answer.

Maybe Kris was just feeling bad for him. Since he didn't have any friends of his own. Or, Kris had a good heart inspite of his manga hero good-looks. And when he smiled, it made his days looked brighter. These days during certain lectures, he found himself waiting for that familar manly perfume to invade his senses. What is this feeling in his heart?

A crush. God, that sounded about right.

Kyungsoo sat on the edge of his bed and checked the bedside alarm clock to ensure that it would go off at the right time. When it showed 7.28 a.m., Kyungsoo changed it to 7.31 a.m. since he preferred odd numbers. Satisfied with the look of his bedroom, he tucked himself into bed with a smile as Kris' smiling face conjured behind his close lids. It was going to be a long night. A very long one.




The library wasn't his favourite place since it wasn't the most cleanest, but, he still tolerated the place as it housed lots of his favourite books and the comforting silence was something he cherished. There wasn't anywhere outside of here could he find this kind of silence. It helped him to focus on his work despite his short attention span. He had picked up a few books while waiting for Kris to meet him here. The window view was his favourite because from here, he could see almost everything below at ground level. A great vantage point.

Glancing at the watch ticking away on the wall far right on the cream coloured wall, Kyungsoo frowned. Kris was late. Maybe he got held up with the professor. It couldn't be that he had forgotten about their library date, right? Well, not exactly a date date but still was considered one, right? He picked one of the five books he had stacked, flipping it open to the foreword. Waiting for Kris while doing nothing was making him antsy. Might as well use the time to do something useful.

First chapter of the book was wordy. Like small black ants all over. Kyungsoo began counting the lines in each paragraph. Twenty. Twenty-four. Ok, twenty-four lines in this page. Wait. It looked more than that, like there were twenty-eight. Did he missed some lines? Oh, never mind. He recounted the line again slowly this time. Once he reached the bottom of the page for the third time, he sighed. Ok, I was right. Twenty-four lines.

Counting the lines in the books he read was something he didn't understand. It just happened. And something that he felt the need to. At times, he grew so annoyed at the need to keep counting every lines that he just threw the book away. But in the presence of other people in the library, Kyungsoo managed to keep himself in control, which was one of the hardest thing since the need kept crawling beneath his skin.




Kris knew he was late. He owed Kyungsoo an apology for being twenty minutes late. His professor just had to choose today to babble about the statistic mini-project that had to be completed by next week. Dodging a few familiar faces with a smile, he took long strides across the library, sighing inwardly at the sudden blast of cold air. They had promised to meet up here for their research. Kyungsoo had previously mentioned that he liked the window seats, so Kris began looking for the petite guy across the first floor. When he didn't see him, Kris climbed up the wooden spiral staircase to the second floor where he spotted the adorable raven-haired guy hunched over one book, fingers running down the book as though he was counting or looking for something in particular in the book.

Putting on his best smile, Kris approached the other guy, pulling the chair opposite of him. "Kyungsoo, I'm sorry for being late. Got held up by the professor."

The other guy looked up with wide eyes, surprised at seeing him there. "Who's your professor?"

"Professor Jung." At Kyungsoo's confused stare, Kris began to describe the man. "Stocky, pot belly, wire-rimmed glass, pale skin and always sports a shirts the shade of blue. Ring any bells?"

Kyungsoo smiled. "Ah, that one." He chuckled. "I've seen him around."

"Are you hungry?"

"I had a turkey and cheese sandwich earlier."

Kris his lips. "Hmm, that makes me hungry." He patted his stomach. "I know a bakery nearby that's good. They sell one of the best doughnut. My friend told me about it and just fell for it."

"Ok, let me borrow these first."

Kris helped Kyungsoo with the five hardcover books. It didn't take long for them to scan the books for borrowing. Then they headed to the bakery that was just about ten minutes on foot. Kyungsoo was holding onto the straps of his back pack when they stepped into the bread store. Delicious scents of sweet pastries filled the store. The loud growl from his stomach made him smile in embarrassment when Kyungsoo chuckled.

"I was just hungry." Kris reasoned as he paid for his chocolate doughnuts. They went to one of the empty seats with their tray of doughnuts and coffee. 

As they got themselves comfortable on the plush cushioned high back chairs, Kris asked Kyungsoo for some hand sanitizer where he proceeded to clean his hands. He tore the sweet bread into two, biting into one of  them, with eyes trained on Kyungsoo's face. Kris couldn't stop the grin from his face when he caught the latter drooling.

"Do you want one?" Kris offered the other half of the doughnut. "You'll regret not trying it."

Kyungsoo stared at the doughnut offered as though contemplating if he should take it. It took almost a minute for the adorable guy to finally decide that taking it was the best option. Kris purposely didn't remind Kyungsoo that he had forgotten to clean his hands. Watching Kyungsoo gobbled it cutely, smearing some chocolate over his upper lip.

Without thinking Kris swiped a thumb over the smeared chocolate, then it off. "Hmm, how is it possible that it taste sweeter on you?"

"Wha-Wha-What?" Kyungsoo blushed hard. He took another doughnut, nibbling on it as his eyes were downcast.

That has got to be the most adorable guy he'd ever set eyes on. Kris wanted to do a dance just because Kyungsoo got distracted from his usual routine. But he didn't. A dance in his head was enough. He wouldn't risk having Kyungsoo die of laughter from his lack of dance skill. It would be a problem.

Since he was beginning to adore this guy. A lot.




Thank you for all the comments! Here another chapter of our lovable krisdo! <3

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[140519] I will no longer update this story.


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Soobak #1
Chapter 7: i'm waiting :'(
Chapter 7: OMG!! THIS IS CUTE!!
Plase do continue this story ><
trymyluck #3
Chapter 7: so adorable story~
gidi1315 #4
Chapter 7: I wish in the future you could complete this fic it's just make my heart flutters so good relly good jop and even if wu yifan not with exo anymore i still ship krisoo,fansoo so hard i can't stop myself i love them both thank you ^_~
It's saddening you dropped this fic but I understand our feelings. I do hope someday you will continue this fic again. :)
-lover #6
I'm so sad you dropped this fic :'(
But thanks for writting ^^
shiniromino #7
Chapter 7: daebak author-ssi! ♥ krisoo T____T
-lover #8
I soo need to read this!
I love KriSoo <3
kirabe #9
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH! This is a lovely story. I'm not a english native,,,.. so i've a question.. What JOT means? i've looking on internet but i didn't find any answer.. Sorry (-//_//-)
kaisoooshawol #10
Chapter 7: Omg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghhgghgndndndjdjjdndjdjfjfjfnfjjfjfjfjdjsksnkskdkjdjkwldofjfjfnnfnfjskjfjdnebhfjsjehjsjwjbjhcbenwaked
Omo feels