


  • Getting image...


Which of these needs a sequel?

  • Breaking Rules (KrisBaekYeol)
  • Teach Me (KrisDO)
  • Are you out of your mind?! ALL OF THE ABOVE.

About Me

She's just an ordinary working young adult and her voice is her asset. Loose her voice, and she can't work. No, she's not a singer, silly. She hides herself with her innocent front. No one would believe that she has the hots for hot sweaty men in uniform humping each other.

She used  to  write fanfics for multiple fandom, like, DBSK, 2PM, SHINee, FT Island. She thought she had retired but looking at the yummylicious EXO boys got her thinking of erted things that's too hot for public view. Yeah, let's quote one of her friends, "You're a erted PEDOnoona." Not true though. Ther're not THAT young. She just likes younger guys... bad history with handsome men... *sigh*

Oh, yeah. She said she will try to pen down all her erted ideas for all to view. Share the goodies, she said.

Vandalise her wall  with your love! ♥ 

Check her Twitter: @jyoonsae or LJ: or Tumblr: or LINE app: pinkstrwbrry