chapter 5

Take My Hand -DROPPED-

Kyungsoo sat at his usual seat, twirling the ballpoint pen in his right hand. He stared at the spinning pen while trying to calm his urge to scrub something. Anything. The lecture theatre was slowly filling up with students with all sorts of dress sense. Some wacky. Some nice. And some, just plain what-the-heck. It wasn't something that Kyungsoo was interested in. He was comfortable enough dressed in shirts and jeans. Smart casual and comfy, suit all occasions. Well, almost.

This was the last lecture before they called it a day. He couldn't wait to head home and indulged himself in a freshly baked cinnamon roll. It was something he never forego every Friday, ever since he started college. A habit that was hard to let go. Correction, couldn't let go.

Hushed voice behind didn't’ bother him. Nothing much bothered him these days. Except for –

“Hey.” The deep tone startled him from his thoughts. Kris smiled his way while settling down at the chair right beside him. At where he usually did.

Kyungsoo tried to move away, throwing a glare while he was still maintaining eye contact.

Kris seemed taken aback. The smile from earlier drooped around the corners. It suddenly made Kyungsoo feel guilty. Why should he feel guilty when he didn't do anything wrong in the first place?

“Look, I know that you’ve got the right to feel that way but let me just apologise regarding Chanyeol’s behaviour the other day. He’s actually a nice guy but sometimes his mouth kind of run ahead of him, you know.”

Kyungsoo just stared him, unblinking. When it all sank into him, he nodded whilst wiping his pen with a sanitising wiper. The sensation of someone watching made him give a sideways glance. It showed that Kris was indeed still staring at him. Heat crept up his cheeks.




"Ok, everyone, break into groups of two or three for this semester project work. I'll give you a month to complete. If you have any questions, you can come to my office." The professor glanced at his wristwatch and back at his students who had begun talking among each other. "There's actually about fifteen minutes more. I'm giving you permission to get your project partners before I dismiss all of you for the day."

As everyone stood to partner up with their friends, Kris remained seated. The only difference was instead of looking ahead, he turned slightly in his seat to face Kyungsoo. The latter was staring at his written notes while resting his chin on his left palm where it was propped up against the table. Dark fringe fell over his forehead, giving him a good view of how fair skinned he was. And the way he was his lower lips made Kris' stomach tightened with unexplained desire.

What the hell?

As though sensing his impure thoughts, Kyungsoo looked at him with those wide, adorably big eyes. Add with that, a slightly parted full red lips. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach. God, help him. 

Clearing his throat louder than he should, Kris forced his voice out while his heart was beating loudly in his ears. He was going to risk getting rejected by putting out his hand first. The need to be near Kyungsoo was both puzzling yet exciting. As his inner self asked why, Kris put on his best smile.

"Do you have a partner?" He asked while refraining himself from staring at those lips.

"It's ok. You don't have to."

"I don't have to what?"

"Be nice." Kyungsoo twirled his ballpoint, eyes darting away from Kris' eyes.

He wondered if he had looked too intensely at the other guy.

Kyungsoo added. "I can do it on my own."

"I'm not being nice. No, I mean I'm nice, but you can't do this project alone." Kris tried to make eye contact but Kyungsoo seemed suddenly shy and wouldn't meet his eyes. "And you don't have a partner. I think I'd be perfect for you."

"You'd be- what?" Kyungsoo's eyes grew impossibly wider than they already are.

Realising what he'd just said, Kris tried his hardest not to blush. But failed. "I mean project partner. Besides, you can't do this alone. The professor said so."

When Kyungsoo adamantly disagreed, insisting that he was allowed to do so, while mumbling softly about how nobody wanted him, Kris knew he had to do something. He strode towards the professor who was packing his teaching materials into his briefcase. After a confirming with the professor, Kris went back to his seat with a grin.

"He said you can't. So, you have me. What are you scared of? I promise I'll be a good partner and take care of you. I mean, the project. You know, not that I mean being your partner is bad. It's something I'd love to be. N-No, I'm sorry, I mean, I'd like to be friends with you." Kris wanted to slap himself for that double meaning and blabbering like a tongue-tied teenage boy in front of his crush. He needed to remind himself not to absorb too much of Chanyeol's let-his-mouth-run influence. 

A loud sigh escaped the smaller guy. Like he was defeated.

Please say yes!

"Fine. What choice do I have, huh?" Kyungsoo pouted. "Where are we going to discuss?"

Kris grimaced. "You make it sound like I have some kind of plague. Didn't I promise that I would be a good partner?" When the other guy just stared at him like he was nuts, Kris continued. "How about the school's study area? I mean the library wouldn't be a good place for discussion since we'd be disturbing those who are trying to have some peace."

Kyungsoo nodded. Then shook his head vigorously.



"M-My place will be better." Kyungsoo suggested while packing his bag. "It's cleaner."

"Right. Ok, then." 

They exchanged phone numbers and address before parting just outside the exit door, promising to meet at Kyungsoo's place later in the evening. A small part of him wondered if Kyungsoo realised that he had just given Kris a hint of what bothered him. Like for an example, cleanliness. He couldn't' wait to uncover more of this mysterious Kyungsoo that was fascinating his senses the more he got to know him. Interesting.




At 8 p.m. sharp, Kris arrived at the address that Kyungsoo had given to him. He shoved his hands into the front pocket of his sweatshirt as he waited for the tell-tale lock sound to be heard. The two-storey building was situated just about twenty minutes from campus. Metal door gates with slightly chipped bronze, accompanied with the lightly faded white-coloured painting outside of the house, gave the place a vintage feel.

The sound of the lock turning, pulled Kris' thoughts away from the house to the guy who'd just invited him over. Kyungsoo greeted him while opening the door wide enough for him to pass through. He tried not to scrutinise too much at how good Kyungsoo looked in a -shirt and sweat pants. 

"Wait here, I've got something to finish up. I'll be right back once I'm done." Kyungsoo showed him the sofa before disappearing into the corner.

Curiosity made Kris take that few steps, following where Kyungsoo had gone to. When he turned the corner, apparently, it was to the kitchen where he was bent over in blue rubber gloves, holding a green spray bottle in one hand while the other holding onto a sponge. He wondered why Kyungsoo was scrubbing that table top when... it was clean?

In order for obsessive-compulsive disorder patients to overcome their illness, they need supportive people.

Then an idea came to him.

"Can I help?" Kris asked suddenly which caused the other guy who was too focused on the task at hand to jump in place.

"No." Kyungsoo shot him down like a hunter to a bird.

There must be another way. Kris thought hard. After a minute or two, another idea came up.

"Where's the bathroom?" He asked Kyungsoo was was still cleaning the counter.  "And do you have a bath towel?"

Kyungsoo looked at him quizzically. "What for?"

"I'm going to wash up before helping you."

Somehow, Kyungsoo had agreed. Kris didn't want to dwell too much on how it was possible to make Kyungsoo agree, but he quickly showered then came back to the kitchen and helped. He couldn't' stop smiling as he stood side by side with the much shorter guy, cleaning the counter top. It was by far the strangest thing he'd ever suggested in his life. But if it meant as a way to get closer to Kyungsoo, he'd gladly repeat it. Over, and over again.

Kris was determined to help.



Thank you for waiting!! I'm so glad there are people supporting this story. Your love means so much to me!
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[140519] I will no longer update this story.


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Soobak #1
Chapter 7: i'm waiting :'(
Chapter 7: OMG!! THIS IS CUTE!!
Plase do continue this story ><
trymyluck #3
Chapter 7: so adorable story~
gidi1315 #4
Chapter 7: I wish in the future you could complete this fic it's just make my heart flutters so good relly good jop and even if wu yifan not with exo anymore i still ship krisoo,fansoo so hard i can't stop myself i love them both thank you ^_~
It's saddening you dropped this fic but I understand our feelings. I do hope someday you will continue this fic again. :)
-lover #6
I'm so sad you dropped this fic :'(
But thanks for writting ^^
shiniromino #7
Chapter 7: daebak author-ssi! ♥ krisoo T____T
-lover #8
I soo need to read this!
I love KriSoo <3
kirabe #9
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH! This is a lovely story. I'm not a english native,,,.. so i've a question.. What JOT means? i've looking on internet but i didn't find any answer.. Sorry (-//_//-)
kaisoooshawol #10
Chapter 7: Omg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghhgghgndndndjdjjdndjdjfjfjfnfjjfjfjfjdjsksnkskdkjdjkwldofjfjfnnfnfjskjfjdnebhfjsjehjsjwjbjhcbenwaked
Omo feels