chapter 1

Take My Hand -DROPPED-

Do Kyungsoo dropped onto the sofa, burying his head into the cushions, letting it soak the perspiration lining his forehead. It didn't even occur to him that he was dirtying the just washed cushions. He rolled over to his side, staring out into space. With lips parting slightly as he tried to calm his beating heart. A dull ache echoed through his brain. He was throbbing. All over. And there was nothing he could do to make it go away.

"I want to sleep." Kyungsoo breathed out each syllable before ending it with a sigh. Then he remembered. "I've got homework to do."

Tears prickled at the corners of his eyes as he willed himself awake. He really did want to just let his eyes slid close and enjoy a good rest. But the nagging voice in his head ensured that assignments needed to be done regardless of how tired he was. Well, he didn't want to fail his college. And it wasn't in him to walk into classes without completed assignments. He wasn't brought up that way.

The apartment was void of any noises, except for his laboured breathing. He had just finished cleaning every corner of the house, making sure his abode was spotless. Nothing more comforting than a clean place to inhabit. Truthfully, who would want to live in a pig sty? Nobody.  That was also another reason why he didn't have any housemates. He didn't think he'd survive living with a slob. It would just grate on his nerves.

He shot up from the sofa, jogging towards his room. Within minutes, he was settled comfortably in his rolling desk chair. His knees bobbed up and down. Up and down. Up and down. While he managed to finished a quarter of his assignments, Kyungsoo started to fiddle with his pen. He clicked the top of the pen cap. Once. Twice. Thrice. Then he stopped. 

"Work. Got to finish it." Kyungsoo muttered. He went back to writing his essay. After a couple of minutes, he stopped. Kyungsoo glanced over at the wall clock and noticed that only twenty minutes passed, yet, his concentration was waning.

Suddenly, he walked out of his room to sit on the sofa again. Picking up the remote, he switched on the TV, browsing the channels, switching from one to the other. Nothing really caught his interest. Then he switched off the television and began pacing around the sofa. Once. Twice.

"Jogging." Kyungsoo spoke to the empty air. He dashed into his bedroom and changed into his grey sweatshirt and matching sweat pants. The hoodie slid over his short dark hair, providing him enough shade from the weather. 

The jog didn't last that long. He went through the nearby park, followed by his customary greeting towards his fellow neighbours. Then he headed back home to continue with his assignment. Even though his eyes were protesting. Even with the amount of droplets trickling out of it's tear duct.




The murmuring sounded all around as they waited for their turn to step forward to have their passports verified and stamped. He slid his passport towards the officer whom flipped it open. The officer glanced between his passport and his face, then proceeded to stamped one of the pages.

"Thank you." Kris Wu smiled while he took the passport.

He made a bee line towards the luggage area. Conveyor belts brought out luggage of various shapes, colours and sizes. Kris just stood behind the frenzy of anxious people awaiting for their luggage. A part of him wanted to laugh at the reactions of the different kinds of people. Some were pushing past the bodies to stand right up front. While some, fidgeted in place, worrying about their bag like a parent would with a child.

People began dispersing with their bags and luggage. Kris picked his, rolling it against the shiny floor as he quickly made an exit out of the arrival's hall. Scent of breads and strong bitter coffee mingled in the air, calling out to his growling stomach. Kris bought himself a croissant  turkey ham sandwich along with a house brewed black coffee.

Taking his time to savour the buttery pastry, Kris took that time to just sit back and unwind from the long flight. It had taken longer than expected, probably about thirteen odd hours. Gosh, isn't it great to land on his feet again? Having his feet finally touch the beautiful ground of Korea was exhilarating. 

Canada was his home ground but here in Korea, everything looked stunningly high-tech. He would have to email his professor later when he was in a Wi-fi hotspot. Too bad this cafe had lousy Wi-fi network. Hopefully, Starbucks was nearby. There just was no contest against Starbucks coffee. He'd need that for his journey to the apartment that he'd rented not far from campus. His professor had recommended his name for the transfer, praising his fluency in the Korean language. He loved Korea, on its own, aside from it's crazily good K-pop scene and emotional dramas. 

Orientation tomorrow, though a short one with the Student Council's president, whom he didn't recall his name. He'd worry about that on Monday. For now, he was planning to just sit back and enjoy the weekend.

Some of the women that walked past his table did a double take at his direction. Kris looked away quickly, not wanting to lead them on that he was somehow interested in them. He was here to study and soak in the Korean culture. Not to find love. But if love finds him, he wasn't appose to dating someone Korean.

But his mom will go nuts. Since she loved her Korean soap operas. She'd talk to him non-stop about how perfect these Korean men & women are... on TV. Kris chuckled. They were meant to be perfect-looking for the public. What would one expect? Finishing the last drop of his drink, he left the bakery in hopes of finding a taxi stand. He'd need to consult a directory map or a signage for that. Firstly, he needed to visit the gents. Urgently.




My pilot chapter for this beautiful story! Thank you for those who've waited for this!

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[140519] I will no longer update this story.


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Soobak #1
Chapter 7: i'm waiting :'(
Chapter 7: OMG!! THIS IS CUTE!!
Plase do continue this story ><
trymyluck #3
Chapter 7: so adorable story~
gidi1315 #4
Chapter 7: I wish in the future you could complete this fic it's just make my heart flutters so good relly good jop and even if wu yifan not with exo anymore i still ship krisoo,fansoo so hard i can't stop myself i love them both thank you ^_~
It's saddening you dropped this fic but I understand our feelings. I do hope someday you will continue this fic again. :)
-lover #6
I'm so sad you dropped this fic :'(
But thanks for writting ^^
shiniromino #7
Chapter 7: daebak author-ssi! ♥ krisoo T____T
-lover #8
I soo need to read this!
I love KriSoo <3
kirabe #9
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH! This is a lovely story. I'm not a english native,,,.. so i've a question.. What JOT means? i've looking on internet but i didn't find any answer.. Sorry (-//_//-)
kaisoooshawol #10
Chapter 7: Omg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghhgghgndndndjdjjdndjdjfjfjfnfjjfjfjfjdjsksnkskdkjdjkwldofjfjfnnfnfjskjfjdnebhfjsjehjsjwjbjhcbenwaked
Omo feels