~Entry Two~

GD's Journal


      Dear Journal,                                                                                                                                         July 8th, 2021


                   TOP stayed the night with me, comforting me when I was getting weak enough to cry. This was kind of strange, everything that’s happened lately. Oh, yesterday, when TOP went to YG, they said he was allowed to work with me anymore. So they banned him from the building. What was up with YG these days? TOP’s still here, he’s just on my laptop while I scrawl this out in my journal I got for my birthday a few months ago, when I was still being perfectly supported and everything. Writing in it brings me to tears. Aish, why’d it have to be like this? It is now 3:58 and Seunghyun is cooking dinner. I’m playing Street Fighter with hyung, kekeke~ He’s surprisingly good! >:P Hyung is very supportive of me, so I’m proud of that. About the current situation, I hadn’t gone to SM Ent. Because… ewe They’re kinda bad! Sorry SM! >  <; So, now TOP is kinda lounging around after dinner… He’s staying over again ^^

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ajsskslakda sorry i literally dont update but here you go my very small amount of subscribers .-.


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baoling90 #1
Chapter 4: I wish Big bang could lasts forever! I only became a VIP just last year...