Meeting other people^^

Girls against Boys or...TOYS?

ZuZu's POV


I took my phone to check if I got any calls or messages. 

And I got some messages and all from one person..I didnt even think he would mind that I left the country he never cared about me anyways. But in all his messages he wrote I miss you here, you are not around it makes me sad.. and things like that. 

And if this wouldnt be enough to make me sad I saw a video mail by my friends and got tears in my eyes..

I will never find friends like this again...I miss them all so much :(

I didnt realize it but my door was open and this boy Minho was standing outside watching me. I fast stood up and wipe my tears away.

"Im sorry" He said and looked away. "Its ok really...But please dont tell to anyone ok?" 

"Of course I wont...Do you might telling me what happened?" He asked and I looked around if my sister or Taemin was near.

"Don't worry Taemin went to pick two other friends from us we will go out later" Minho smiled.

"Im just missing my friends a lot.." I said and he replied. "This life here will be really good please don't worry Taemin is a really nice boy too and Heechul they will take care of you and Im sure you will find a lot of friends because you are a nice girl" He said and made me feel so much better.

"Really thank you for the talk" I said and he said it would be ok. After this I went downstairs.

"What took you so longgg" Heechul oppa asked me. "Nothing I was checking my messages and walking around the house....."

"You know the have a big pool!" Hongki screamed. "Wow! really? Wahhh!! But I cannot swim" I said and they all loughed include my sister -_-

"You stil didnt learn it! Your just a vain pot how I say always" Feggy teased me once again and loughed. I just went to her and hit her shoulders.




Feggy's POV


We were sitting on the couch and watching TV when the house door opened and Taemin came again. With two other boys.

One had black hair the one side was somehow shaved? And the other one with blonde hair.

"Yo Jonghyun!" Heechul stood up beside me and walked to the boy with the blonde hair. "Hey hyung whats up? Who are those pretty girls?" He looked to us and smirked. He looks to much like a playboy.. big fail -_-

"Its out new sisters! I told you our mother married again" Heechul loughed and hit his head. "No neeed to hit me Whats your names?" He looked to us."IM ZUZU!" I looked over to her and she yelled her name to him and he smirked once again. "And how about you?" He turned to me. "Im feggy.."

"Why are your names so weird o.O never heard any like this in korean.." Jonghyun said.

"God! how can you be so silly! I told you they are foreign"

They were still talking then I looked over to this other boy. Because he was holding a bag from Gucci and it got my attention. He looked to me and smiled, I smiled back.

"Oh ya girls you already know Jonghyun.. and this is Key" He point to that boy.

"Key...... nice name"Zuzu said while playing with her phone.

"Not as nice as yours ;)" Jonghyun winked ot her and Heechul kicked his leg. "You go upstairs now Jonghyun"

Heechul said and he walked upstairs with Key and Taemin.

"Excuse Jonghyun he is just like that" He sat down beside me again.

"HAHAHA I see! He looks somehow silly but funny" Zuzu said and loughed a lot. "You will get along withhim well as long as you stay FRIENDS with him" Heechul said and loughed. "For both of you FRIENDS understood me?" We both nod and loughed.

"So I will go upstairs since its late and be FRIENDS with this boy and then go to sleep! Bye Bye!!!" Zuzu said and stood up.

"WHAT!?! I was joking don't go near him! no no never no!" Heechul stood up and glared at me o.O

I couldnt stop loughing while watching them both! Heechul oppa was never 21 years old! he was to funny! 

In the end Zuzu run upstairs and we stayed there.

"Should I join her and be friends with him :P" I teased Heechul and he gave me a serious glare. " NOOOOOO you girls don't know how this jerk can be o.O even if he looks thats silly"

"haha I know! I was joking :D He isnt my type anyways" I replied. Because really he wasn't my type. 

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hHEHHehE..^_^.<br />
NICE STORY!!<br />
UPdate sooN...^_^
zeidyris #2
lol it wasnt there at first<br />
but now it is O.o i think my page is messed up lol<br />
but im liking it so far ^^
Siliyis #3
i like it lol XD can't wait for an update
lmao you cannot see the button o_O lol its in the place with forwords no? XD
zeidyris #5
lol this is awesome<br />
but for some odd reason, i cant see the subscribe button o.o
Siliyis #6
haha terorists XD that what i thought<br />
clothes,make up, and drawing haha into fashion both
Sounds interesting!!!! I'll subscribe!!:D update soon!!!
Ooo! I can't wait! ^^
THanky ou rosie!! haha it was my friends idea! lol :D