Meeting our new brothers....

Girls against Boys or...TOYS?

[Autors note= The parts in the fanfiction who are red means that the girls are talking in english and not korean.]


Nobody's POV



"Darling where were you? I was waiting so long" Misses Lee asked the girls father with her fake smile.

"Sorry but this girls!" He was pointing at Zuzu and Feggy and made them feel really bad inside. It was like there father didn't care about them but just about her!.

"Let's just go to the plane darling"She said and they both begann walking towards the plane. 

Zuzu and Feggy just followed while rolling there eyes to them both.


"Bye bye my dear country.. I will miss you" Zuzu was looking back before going inside the plane and Feggy hold her hand. "We will be alright you always have me" She smiled and they both went inside.




Feggy's POV


The way was really long til we would arrive so me and my sister went to sleep.

We were flying in the first class at the plane thanks of this  rich woman but who cares afterall.

We arrived in Dubai first becuase we need to change the plane it didn't took long and we went inside the other plane.

After 4 hours we arrived in South Korea....

One word to say...WOW...

This country was somehow shiningin my eyes. All people at the Airport tried to help us with everything and took our bags till the Van. I could feel that I will be home here.




Zuzu' POV


FINALLY! we are here! I hate planes =.= It makes me feel sick o_O

It didn't even look bad here I might like it. Seoul is a amazing city! this is what I have to say.

Its just so beautiful its nothing to decribe in words.

When I saw Misses Lee's house I was even more shocked! It was so big and has a great backyard.

We were waiting outside till she let us in. I guess she was bringing her boy's downstairs?




Nobody's POV


They girls went inside and the driver brought there bags along.

Two boys were walking down the stairs. One with long light brown/blond hair and the other one with short brown hair. They were looking really similar to each other like twins just with different ages.

"This are my two son's"Misses Lee spoke up. "Lee Taemin and Kim Heechul. If you are curious why there last name is different it's because I gave Taemin my own last name and Heechul took his fathers. So please get along well I dont want to hear any noise or any fight I hope this is clear" She gave them a cold stare and walked out of the room.


They girls and the boys were looking to each other without saying anything.

This boy Taemin looked really bored and annoyed and wanted to go back to his room you could see it in his eyes. He was really cold.

But Heechul was smiling and came towards them.

"Awww you are so cute!!"He said while punching Zuzu's cheeks. And she couldn't say anything back. "Im sure that I will like you both"He smiled.

"I bet you girls want to rest! I will show your room's, but Im sorry I have to seperate you both. Because there is just one room in the first floor for you *points to Feggy* where I sleep, and another one in the floor upstairs where Taeminnie sleeps. And since your younger you have to be with Taemin."

Zuzu eyes widden because this boy Taemin didn't really look nice at all! He was just looking at herlike he wants to kill her or kick her out from the house!

"I forgot to ask what's your names?"Heechul asked them." Im Feggy and she is Zuzu"

"Omona! Even thenames are cute" This boy was just to happy to have two sisters now. He came close to them and whispered. "Don't mind Taeminnie so much he is just still shocked probably to have new people in the house. He is a really nice boy" The girls just nod and smiled.

"Yah Taemin since your all quiet take Zuzu to her room ok? I will bring Feggy."Heechul said and Taemin nod but with a annoyed face.

Zuzu fast followed him while trying to carry her bags. It was really heavy and she was about to fal from the stairs but she could hold herself and didn't fall.

"HEY! It would be a littlenice if you might help me please"She finally spoke up and Taemin turned to her. 

"Alright..."He just walked flowly to her and took all her bags.

"So this is your room..Don't make noise, dont annoy me, and dont come into my room ok?" Taemin said to her and she rolled her eyes.

"Ok! I understood" Taemin then walked out from the room. "God this boy is so stupid =.= I will exactly do the oposite and annoy him!" Zuzu said to herself and looked around the room. "Wow its so pretty and somehow this house is so high o_O"She was looking out from the window and thenbegann to pack her things out.



Meanwhile Heechul was showing Feggy her room. 


"So this is your room!" He jumped to the bed.

"Are all rooms in your house so near to each other?"Feggy asked because his room was just some centimeters away from hers. So he could hear all what she was even talking probably.

"Yes but just the bedroom's. But isnt it better? we can spend time togehter! Always when you want something tell me! Or if you need anything come to my room" Heechul was keep talking that Feggy was already beginning to have headache. She just thought how will I live in the ame floor as this boy! And she was half not understanding it becuase he was talking to fast her korean isnt even so good!

"Oh before I forget! you both are going to get home classes so you don't have to go to school." Heechul said.

"Oh that'S good but we will have the same things to do as the normal students right?"Feggy asked while beginning to unpack her clothes. "Yes of course our mother took the best teachers."



After 2 hours the girls finished unpacking and already rest. It was time for dinner so they went downstairs.


"Hey sis come let's go downand eat" Feggy was standing at Zuzu's door to pick her downstairs she was stil laying on her bed. "ok ok Im coming" Zuzu tried to stay up and made her hair fastly. "Your such a vain pot!"Feggy . "Im not!!"


"You both should learn korean instead of talking english all the time don't you agree?" They both looked and saw Taemin walking slowly down and jsut didn't reply him.

"I bet its just becuase he can't understand it!" Feggy said. 

"Yes! He is really so cold." Zuzu said while walking down already. 


"Are we going to eat without our parents?" Feggy asked Heechul and he nod. "Our mother never joined us while eating she has a special dinner room" Feggy felt bad. Maybe that is why they don't get along with there mother and that Taemin is just so quiet.

Then suddenly the door bell rang and Taemin went to open it.

"Come inside Hyung" He said and a boy with black short hair came inside. He was almost looking foreign becuase his eyes were really big and he had a innocent face.


"This is Minho Taemin's best friend" Heechul told them. Both of them really get along well with Heechul he was like reading there minds with saying them always what they wanted to hear. 


That boy Minho came quiet inside the room an smiled to Zuzu and Feggy. He kept his eyes for a time at Feggy then shyly turned back to Taemin and sat down.


Everybody eat and Taemin went to his room with Minho.

Zuzu, Feggy and Heechul were sitting on the couch. Heechul's friend Hongki was there too so it was really funny with them both.

"Yah hyung give me my phone back!"Hongki was saying to Heechul.

"Ok but when Im finished reading your messages!" They were teasing each other and made the girls lough. "Let me read them too!" Feggy said and hongki pout cutely.

"I will go upstairs and take my phone ok" Zuzu said and stood up to go upstairs. They all nod and just continue annoying Hongki.




Taemin's POV


I was talking with Minho hyung in my room. I felt likehe is the only person who can make me feel good. While we were talking I saw that girl Zuzu walking across my room. Since my door was open. 


"Where are you looking at Taeminah?"Minho asked me and looked to the same side."Ohh that girl. How do you get along with them both?"

"We don't talk at all, I dont feel confortable with them they are just annoying and no need in this house.."He said cold and trow his phone to the bed.

"Taemin don't be like that you don't even know them and judge them so easily? They don't look like bad people Im sure you will like them soon" Minho hyung smiled and I could just agree. Maybe he is right afterall.


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hHEHHehE..^_^.<br />
NICE STORY!!<br />
UPdate sooN...^_^
zeidyris #2
lol it wasnt there at first<br />
but now it is O.o i think my page is messed up lol<br />
but im liking it so far ^^
Siliyis #3
i like it lol XD can't wait for an update
lmao you cannot see the button o_O lol its in the place with forwords no? XD
zeidyris #5
lol this is awesome<br />
but for some odd reason, i cant see the subscribe button o.o
Siliyis #6
haha terorists XD that what i thought<br />
clothes,make up, and drawing haha into fashion both
Sounds interesting!!!! I'll subscribe!!:D update soon!!!
Ooo! I can't wait! ^^
THanky ou rosie!! haha it was my friends idea! lol :D