
Sudden Winter

Baekhyun and Eunji continued sitting beside eachother everyday, whispering carelessly through class. Having so much to talk about with their similar interests. Their discussions often interrupted by their angered teacher. This didn't stop them though, instead they would laugh and chatter even more.

"Let's check out th-", Eunji and Baekhyun nearly leaped from their seats as a duster came fleeting towards them. They had been so engrossed in their conversation they had completely forgotten they were in the middle of class. Eunji snorted as she stifled a giggle and glanced at Baekhyun, not wanting to meet his eyes and cause further laughter and she knew he was doing the same. They waited until the teacher lifted his lingering gaze from them and progressed on with the lesson, relieved they had managed to avoid detention and continued from where they had halted.

"The mushroom ring by the blossom tree?", Baekhyun finished for Eunji before she could. Eunji raised her brow questioningly, wondering how Baekhyun knew what she was going to say. Baekhyun gave Eunji a smug look and she responded by rolling her eyes and punching his shoulder lightly, the smile never disappearing from her face. Eunji saw Baekhyun's mouth open to say something but ceased when they heard the thrill of the bell.


Chanyeol walked briskly from the school gymnasium, almost breaking into a run, eager to have lunch with Eunji since he had the time free from any Sport Practices. He headed for the cafeteria then remembered her mentioning a little garden near the back of the School Grounds that she preferred to eat in. He hummed cheerfully, a slight skip in his step as he anticipated spending the hour with his beloved. His face brightened as he spotted Eunji sitting under a tree, absorbed in consuming a sandwich. The corners of his lips curled up into a loving smile as he approached Eunji warmly. Eunji looked up from her lunch, her eyes widening as soon as she saw Chanyeol.

"Yeol Oppa? What're you doing here?", Eunji gasped, tilting her head curiously.

"I came to spend some quality time with my beaut-"

"Hey Ji, come look at this insect I fou-", Baekhyun and Chanyeol both blinked, staring suspicously at eachother.

Chanyeol narrowed his eyes at Baekhyun who returned the icy stare. Eunji watched with interest as the deep stare quickly turned into a derogative glare.

"Am I missing something?", Eunji scratched her head in confusion. Chanyeol's menacing glare continued, a scowl replacing his previous grin as he thought back to the previous weekend.



Baekhyun paced protectively up and down the entrance to the forestry. He wasn't going to let it be demolished this easily. Behind him other supporters waited with him and he huffed impatiently. The thought of people wanting to destroy the home to the wildlife sanctury's inhabitants just for business developments made him furious and he snarled as he imagined it. He snapped his eyes up as heard a car approaching. A boy about his age exited from the passenger side, followed by a formal business looking man from the driver's side. Baekhyun screwed up his face in disgust as they drew nearer. Baekhyun gave his protesters a quick nod and began chanting with them.

"Save our forest! Save lives!", they repeated and the tall, light hair boy rolled his eyes.

"Pathetic.", The boy scoffed, earning a reprimanding look from his Father.

The man waved his arms, signalling for silence. "Please, if you could all just move out of the way and let the men do their jobs.". Baekhyun stepped forward, shouting even louder.

"I guess we'll have to take legal action, then."The business man sighed and turned, nodding to his companions, all of which were dressed in black and resembled bodyguards. The bodyguard men began closing in on Baekhyun and lurched forward, grabbing a firm hold on his arms. Baekhyun's eyes widened and he thrashed his arms and legs furiously. "You can't do this!", he sreamed, watching helplessly as the other protesters quickly srambled away.

"Actually, we can. Tresspasser.", the tall boy smirked. 

"Chanyeol, let's leave the men to their work.", Chanyeol gave Baekhyun one last look before turning on his heel and following his Father back into their vehicle.


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Eunji furrowed her brows, her flaring gaze landing on Chanyeol. 

"Care to explain?", Eunji frowned profoundly, placing her hands on her hips, making Chanyeol recoil slightly under the furious glare. Chanyeol reluctantly tore his eyes from Baekhyun and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Well, uhhh...". Annoyed that she didn't get a straight answer, Eunji switched her stare to Baekhyun, her eyes softening significantly. Although Baekhyun didn't seem to notice, Chanyeol did and he flinched, his face falling. A strange pain stabbed at his heart as he felt the strong effects of jealousy. Anger pulsed through his as he noticed the closeness between Eunji and Baekhyun, and the warm look Baekhyun was recieving from her.

"Your "Yeol Oppa" sent bulldozers to destroy the forest near the end of town.", Baekhyun spoke confidently, his eyes momentarily flicking to Chanyeol, his cockiness adding to Chanyeol's surging anger. Baekhyun gave Chanyeol a smug look, gaining the exact reaction he wanted. Chanyeol's mouth opened in protest to defend himself but was stopped by Eunji.

"I thought you loved it there? Don't you remember our first...", Euni looked warily at Baekhyun briefly before returning her attention back to Chanyeol. "Our first kiss...", Eunji mumbled sorrowfully. She saw streaks of recognition in Chanyeol's eyes but he denied it and stated his case.

"It's for business, Eunji.", Chanyeol pleaded. "You know that we need that land.". Eunji nodded dejectedly, understanding what he meant but her heart still tinged slightly with hurt. Chanyeol bowed his head in shame, knowing he had upset Eunji. Eunji bit her lip nervously and Chanyeol wanted to reach out and comfort her. To comfort himself and remove the empitiness he felt seeing Eunji's limp expression.


Baekhyun cleared his throat crudely, purposely interrupting. "So... Are we going to go examine the flower I found?", Baekhyun gently pushed himself between Chanyeol and Eunji, and Chanyeol blinked at his boldness. Eunji's face brightened and she nodded eagerly.

"Yes!!", Eunji let herself be pulled further into the garden, leaving Chanyeol staring vacantly at where she had been moments ago. 

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It was the end of the day and the incident at the garden was long forgotten, by Eunji anyway.

Chanyeol huffed irritably as he replayed the scene in his mind. After he was left standing alone in the small clearing, he was awestruck that Eunji could forget about something that he deemed important so fast. Unless she wanted to forget.. Wanted to be able to forgive Chanyeol even though it hurt her.. *Aish.* He shuddered with disgust as he pictured Baekhyun and Eunji standing so close. The way he looked at her like she was the only girl on Earth. The way she smiled back in a friendly way, completely oblivious to his obvious adoration for her. It reminded Chanyeol of how he looked at Eunji. At how he felt a soothing warmth fill his chest every time he had her presence. How his love for her increased every second they spent together. How his heart felt hollow and deserted when she wasn't with him...

He wished he could change what he had and done and take away the hurt he had glimpsed in Eunji's eyes, even if it was only for a very minimal second. At first he had been completely opposed to the idea of bulldozing the park and honestly, it was one of his favourite places simply because of all the memories he shared with his beloved there. But, he had been convinced by his Father that it was an essential move for the growth of their family company. He sighed and shook his head. 

"Hey Hyung, you ready for practice?"

Chanyeol was pulled from his deep thoughts and found himself eye locking with one of his good friends, Sehun. 

"Uhh, just a sec~", Chanyeol mumbled blankly, stuffing his books into his backpack and standing up to follow Sehun out the door.





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ExoPink__Baekji #1
Jolyne #2
Chapter 10: Don't change to OC
ishikawa #3
Chapter 10: NOooo, please dont change :(
tiffani123456 #5
Chapter 10: Don't change to an OC
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Chapter 10: awww XD okay, I will wait woopoo~
Chapter 10: awww XD okay, I will wait woopoo~
Author-Nim, HWAITING~!