
Sudden Winter

3 Months Later~ 

A harsh wind blew outside, causing twigs from the large oak tree outside Eunji's window to tap the glass. Although it was a light sound, it was still enough to wake Eunji from her restless sleep. She lay uncomfortably in her bed, willing herself to open her eyes and confront the day. After a few minutes the tapping had become furiously annoying and Eunji forced an eye open. She glanced around her room, slowly opening her other eye as they adjusted to the dim lighting. She groaned and dragged herself out of bed, treading carefully to the bathroom, trying not to trip on the mess that roamed the floor. She gripped the faucet handle with a shaky hand and struggled to turn it, a frown forming on her face as the stubborn tap didn't turn on. She sighed and started tugging a brush through her dark hair roughly. She stared blankly at her reflection in the cabinet mirror, bringing a hand to her face as she took in the saddening sight. She shook her head in frustration and hurried back to her room to get dressed. 
After throwing on some old jeans and an oversized sweatshirt, Eunji ventured into the living room, sighing irritably at the empty soju bottles that littered the cramped room. Picking a few up, she threw them into the trash and was about to make herself a coffee when she heard a car horn outside. Eunji checked the time on her watch.
"Crap, I'm late", she muttered to herself as she grabbed her backpack and headed toward the front door.
She took a hesitant step outside and pulled her hood over her head as the icy wind whipped at her hair, causing stray strands to flail around her face. Eunji waved at Chanyeol who was waiting to take her school, like he did every other morning. 
"Yah Jiji, you're late", Chanyeol joked as Eunji hopped into the passenger seat. 
"Sorry Yeol Oppa..", Eunji replied quietly, forcing a small smile, her mood lightening slightly at his use of her nickname. 
Chanyeol's face softened when he saw the sadness in Eunji's eyes, knowing her smile was fake. He pressed a gentle kiss to her temple and started the car.  

Eunji's hand reached for the handle to open the door when Chanyeol cut the engine but stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to face Chanyeol, his eyes searched for hers desperately and she bowed her head, playing with her fingers. Chanyeol placed a hand on face and tilted her chin but Eunji averted her eyes, looking anywhere but Chanyeol.

"We should get to cla-"
"Eunji. Talk to me.", Chanyeol cut in. His tone was sharp but Eunji could hear the worry, the pain, the pleading.
"What's there to talk about? My Mother is dead and my Dad is an alcoholic refusing to get help.", Eunji shot back, regretting the harshness in her voice as soon as it left . Chanyeol's face remained blank but Eunji could tell she had really hurt him.
"I'm sorry..", Eunji whispered, reaching for Chanyeol, who responded by pulling the keys from the ignition and grabbing his bag.
"Let's go to class." Chanyeol said curtly, his face straight as he opened his door and exited the car. Eunji quickly wiped away the tears that had began to form and slumped back in her seat. *Aish. Why must I always do this?* Eunji thought.


Eunji sat at the back of the class with her earphones tucked neatly in her ears and her book standing up in front of her, shielding her face from the criticizing looks of her old friends. She rested her head on her folded arms and closed her eyes, hoping to catch up on sleep she missed the previous night. She sensed a person standing in front of her and slowly opened her eyes to look at them, hoping it wasn't the teacher. She found herself looking at a girl called Jiyeon, the person that had replaced Eunji as Queenka. A scowl came to Eunji's face as she saw the smug look on Jiyeon's face.
"My my, you really have let yourself go." Jiyeon said, an obvious smirk playing at her lips. Eunji kept her face vacant of visible emotions and stared blankly at Jiyeon. "Hello? Anyone home?", Jiyeon asked sarcastically, waving a hand in front of Eunji, who remained still. 
"Loser.", Eunji heard Jiyeon mutter as she returned to her own seat just in time for the teacher to enter the class.  
"Okay students, today we're going to learn about-", Eunji fell asleep.


Omo omo 8 subscribers *o* /runs off to die from happiness. 
Thank you to everyone! <3



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ExoPink__Baekji #1
Jolyne #2
Chapter 10: Don't change to OC
ishikawa #3
Chapter 10: NOooo, please dont change :(
tiffani123456 #5
Chapter 10: Don't change to an OC
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Chapter 10: awww XD okay, I will wait woopoo~
Chapter 10: awww XD okay, I will wait woopoo~
Author-Nim, HWAITING~!