The Intruder

Sudden Winter

The warm wind blew heavily on Eunji's hair and she ran her fingers through the dark waves, holding the hair-dryer closer. She let her mind wander as she continued the simple task and thought back to school that day. Back to Jiyeon.. Back to the bathroom..


Eunji wiped the last drops of moisture from her cheeks, the faucet and splashed some water on her face. Enjoying the sudden cool sensation, she closed her eyes and let the liquid drops run down her face. She noticed a peachy tinge to the drops falling into the sink and watched as the makeup washed off her cheek.
Eunji hastily grabbed some paper towels and lightly dabbed her cheek, being careful not to wipe off the thin layer of concealer remaining. The right side of her face had grown blue and it was very obvious, especially with the small amount of makeup covering it. Eunji sighed and picked up her backpack after repositioning her hair so it hid her face, wishing she had worn a hoody that day instead of just her plain t-shirt. On her way out of the bathroom, her bag caught in the door and tugged her back. Eunji huffed irritably and yanked her bag from the door, bumping into someone as she turned around. She clamped her eyes shut and clutched her bag tightly, hugging it to her chest. Eunji squinted, hoping that when she opened her eyes it wouldn't be Jiyeon. To her surprise it wasn't Jiyeon but the new person that had been assigned the seat beside her. She let out a sigh of relief, glad to be free of torment for the time being.
"Are you okay?", the boy asked, concern evident in his voice as his eyes skimmed across her cheek. Eunji nodded, pulling her hair over her face even more. Although it was a small and well hidden action, he noticed.
"I heard what that girl said to you...", he tilted his head to the side slightly, pulling off his hood. "I'm Baekhyun. I'm new.", he beamed when Eunji didn't respond, holding out his hand in front of him. 
*Ahh, Baekhyun! Nice name..* Eunji thought dreamily, suddenly noticing his out ed hand. She hesitantly slid hers inside and shook it lightly. 
"I'm Eunji", she nodded, noting how handsome his face was.
"So, uhm...", Baekhyun cleared his throat. "Since we're going to be seat neighbours, want to get to know eachother better?", he asked with a soft smile. Eunji saw no real harm in talking to the new kid and walked with him to a seat outside. Baekhyun lay his back along the bench and began chatting nonchalantly to Eunji. Eunji tried to pick up as much as she could, making mental notes.

"So, you have lived with your Aunt for the past 9 years?", Eunji questioned, tilting her head to the side.

"Yeah. My parents died in a car accident when I was eight, and I lived in several foster-homes before my Mother's sister decided to take me in. She is a self-employed artist, so we move frequently. I don't usually talk to people because we never stay long enough for me to make real friends." 

"Oh...", Eunji said solemnly, looking down briefly before mustering a small smile. "My Mother died in a car accident as well. And hey, you're talking to me."

"Ah, really? ... ", Baekhyun sat up, rubbing the back of his neck as Eunji nodded. "And, I guess you can say you're an exception, then.", he chuckled, reaching over to poke Eunji's cheek. "But I don't mind about the friends, I've gotten to see some pretty cool places." 

Eunji smiled, a genuine smile -something she hadn't done in a while-, and listened to Baekhyun as he continued talking with the hope that he would break through the social barrier he sensed Eunji had.

*She must have a past too.* Baekhyun thought after had giving his voice a break from talking and was watching Eunji as she stared up at the passing clouds.

A loud bang on Eunji's window interrupted her thoughts and she jumped, startled. *Waaa~?*



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Eunji held her breath and waited to see whether another bang would occur. She bit her lip, hugging her knees to her chest. A few long minutes passed and Eunji finally let herself breathe again, cursing at the suspense she'd made for herself. Eunji pulled her blanket up to her chin, shivering lightly but not because it was cold. The wool scratched at her skin and she wished she still had the soft, cotton sheets from their old house which they were forced to move from because her Father couldn't make the mortgage payments. Eunji let her eyelids fall and was almost asleep when she heard the crack of her window opening. She clamped a hand over , holding in her screams. As the intruder entered her room, Eunji backed herself up against the wall, into the corner, pulling her blanket over her. Eunji choked on her sobs, terrified of what the intruder would do to her, knowing that her neighbourhood was not a friendly one. Her body grew even more tense when she heard a low chuckle. Eunji snapped her eyes shut, her breath catching furiously. 
*Please don't hurt me.. Please don't hurt me..* 
"Please don't hurt me..", Eunji whispered, gasping in fright when she realised she'd said it out loud. She squeezed her eyes closed so much it began to hurt, her trembling hands gripping tightly to her blanket. She felt a shadow envelope her as the intruder moved closer. She felt the bed dip under the intruder's weight as they placed a knee onto her bed. She felt the light touch of their fingers of her wrist and her body quivered as they traced their fingertips lightly up her arm to her face. She nearly cried out when their lips met with hers, but instead she held her body still and waited for their next move. To her surprise, and delight, they released their lips from hers and chuckled once again. 
"Yah, Jiji. Open your eyes."
Eunji almost shrieked in frustration as she recognised the voice.
"I thought you were a !!", Eunji hollered, keeping her voice low so she didn't wake her Father. She hit Chanyeol's arm, hard.
"Ouchhhhhh. That hurt!", Chanyeol pouted, rubbing his arm. Eunji pecked Chanyeol's pout and hit his other arm even harder.
"Yaaaaaah. Jiji~", Chanyeol whined, jutting out his bottom lip in a cute way. Eunji rolled her eyes and lay down on her bed, letting out a sigh of relief. Chanyeol grinned widely and moved beside Eunji.
"Did you get to school alright?", he asked, wrapping an arm around Eunji's shoulders. 
"Neh Yeol oppa~", Eunji nodded, yawning. "Where were you today?", She probed curiously. 
"I was uhm....", Chanyeol cleared his throat. "..With family.", He quickly added, forcing a smile. Eunji narrowed her eyes, knowing he was lying but nodded, too tired to care.
"Right..", Eunji said sleepily, yawning again.
"You should sleep.", Chanyeol said sadly, a little upset that their moment would come to an end so fast but he covered it up with a warm smile. Chanyeol looked down at Eunji and sighed peacefully when he saw her sleeping body.
"Pabo", he whispered, tapping her nose in a reprimanding way. 

Eunji stretched her aching limbs and wiped the sleep from her eyes. She kept her eyes closed and was about to let sleep reclaim her when she remembered she had school today. She groaned and tried to sit up but was stopped by a heavy extra weight. 
"Yah, get off me.", Eunji chuckled, trying to push the large lump off her. When her third attempt failed, she sighed and stared at Chanyeol's sleeping body. He reminded her of a young boy, looking so innocent and vulnerable. This image made her smile and her mind flicked back to when he used to sneak into her room almost every night and snuggle her sleep, the sweet memory made her smile even wider. She continued reminiscing and cried out in surprise when she felt a hand tickle her waist. 

"Yah, Park Chanyeol! You stop tickling me right now!!", Eunji squeaked in between giggles. Chanyeol smirked and moved on top of Eunji, straddling her as he relentlessly continued.
"YAH!", Eunji screamed, light tears forming in her eyes and she laughed. She struggled to regain her composure but did so just enough to slap Chanyeol's arm. 
"Arraso,arrasso, I'll stop", Chanyeol grinned playfully as he hopped off Eunji.
"Aish, pabo. We're going to be late.", Eunji snapped with a glare, a statement that would scare most but just caused Chanyeol burst out into laughter. 
"You're adorable, you know?", Chanyeol cooed, pecking Eunji's nose. Eunji glared even more and scrambled out of bed to get changed.
Eunji hurried to the bathroom and Chanyeol followed casually. 

"Yah, go away.", Eunji smiled sweetly at Chanyeol before closing the door in his face. Chanyeol pouted and trudged back to Eunji's room to wait for her. Chanyeol looked around the room, noticing the cheap bed and matress, the lack of personal items and frowned as he remembered how full and inviting her old bedroom was. When Eunji returned she rushed around frantically packing her stuff, ignoring Chanyeol as he watched her with interest. Once ready, Eunji dragged Chanyeol out to his car, who followed nonchalantly. 
"Yah, hurry or we'll be late", Eunji nagged as Chanyeol drove.
Chanyeol chuckled. "You do realise we still have an hour until school starts, right?"




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ExoPink__Baekji #1
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Author-Nim, HWAITING~!