
Sudden Winter

As soon as the final bell rang to signal the end of the school day, Eunji had hastily stuffed her books into her bag, grabbed her backpack and was rushing to get out the door. Once out, she quickly scanned the students around her and swiftly dashed across the school, ignoring the disgusted looks she received. To her disappointment, Chanyeol was at the gate waiting to take her home, his mood completely reset from the morning incident. Eunji feigned a happier mood but Chanyeol saw through it. He bowed his head, trying to hide the hurt and ushered Eunji into his car, following her into the drivers seat. 

"How was your day?", Chanyeol asked in attempt to break the awkward silence that hung between them.
"Good..", Eunji mumbled, fiddling with her bag. Chanyeol cleared his throat and sighed inwardly, knowing his attempt had failed. He thought back to before Eunji's Mom died, they both always had so much to say and were sad the drive was so short. Now, it was much the opposite and he hated it. Not knowing what else to say, he remained silent and cursed to himself as he felt the awkwardness grow again.

As the car pulled up to Eunji's house, she clutched her bag and tried to conceal her eagerness to get out. Chanyeol knew Eunji too well and noticed it, despite her efforts to hide it. 
"Bye.", Eunji muttered politely as she hurried out of the car and to her door, stumbling on a loose stone in the path. Chanyeol sighed and started the car again, giving Eunji a small wave as he passed. Eunji sent Chanyeol a regretful look and turned back to fumble with the key lock. The door finally opened with a little extra push from Eunji's shoulder and Eunji wandered in, glaring at her Father's mess. She hurried to her room, trying to make as little noise as possible as not to disturb her father. Just as she got to her bedroom door, she tripped on a stray shirt and fell to the floor. She held her breath, cursing to herself. 
"Eunji? Is that you?", a harsh voice snapped.
"Neh, Abeoji. It's me.", Eunji replied, cursing even more.
"Is dinner on yet?".
"Aniyo, not yet. I'll get to it now". Eunji parted with her bag in her room, scolding herself for not completing her homework at school. *It'll never be done now.* She thought, full of regret.

Eunji sent an icy glare as she passed the door to her Father's room on her way to the kitchen. Even though she had been made to make dinner every night since her Mom died, it was still very much a chore to Eunji. Her little knowledge about cooking didn't make it any more enjoyable either. Eunji groaned silently and began preparing to make Mac'n'cheese, the one "meal" she could cook successfully. After putting the macaroni into the pot, she started on the cheese sauce. She carefully sliced an onion and was almost finished when the knife snagged her finger and left a deep gash. Eunji held in her urge to scream and ran to the bathroom, rummaging through the cupboard in search of the first aid kit. The nausea began to form as she stared at her gaping wound, blood dripping heavily into the sink. She winced as she realised she'd left a trail of blood and roughly bandaged her finger, rushing to clean up the blood before her Father could see. After she washed away her mess, she then remembered about the macaroni. 
"Aish!", Eunji swore aloud, hurrying back to the pot just in time for it to boil over, sending water everywhere. Before she could act, her Father walked in the room, wearing a very displeased look.
"What is this?", Her Father snarled. "Can't even cook the simplest of things? You'll make a horrible wife.", He continued, giving Eunji a hard slap across the face. A sharp pain shot through her face and was quickly replaced when the impact anesthetised her cheek. 
"M-mianhae..", Eunji choked, trying to keep in her tears.
"Get out of my face.", Eunji's Father spat, his voice harsh and terrifying. Eunji ran past her Father to her room, bringing a hand to her numb face. She looked at her fingertips and saw they were wet. *Don't cry, Eunji. It'll be alright.* She assured herself but as usual, her words contained little confidence.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Eunji had a reasonable sleep, knowing she had managed to complete her homework. She woke early the next morning, the numbness had worn off and now her face stung with pain. She pulled herself out of bed reluctantly and headed into the bathroom to freshen up. She stared into the mirror and her reflection made her gasp, on her right cheek was a large red mark. With a trembling hand she rubbed some concealer over the wound, wincing as every touch made her whole face throb causing her great discomfort. Eunji had never really worn makeup before and threw the cosmetic down in frustration, the laceration still slightly visible. Although it was a poor attempt, it would have to do. Eunji returned to her room and heard her phone vibrating. *Eh? Who would message me?* She wondered, picking up her phone to read the message.
To Eunji

Won't be coming to school today. Sorry.

From Chanyeol.

*Chanyeol's not coming to school? How strange* Eunji thought, constructing reasons for his absence in her head. *Must be something serious. Should I ask?* She quickly discarded that idea and continued readying herself for school.

Eunji sat at the back of the class as usual, staring mindlessly at the teacher, trying to take in as much as she could. She had promptly ran to school so she wouldn't be late, glad she'd woken up early. Still wondering about Chanyeol, she knew if something was wrong he would have told her but it didn't stop the horrible possibilities forming in her mind. She shook her head, abandoning all the worries for Chanyeol and doodled in the margin of her book. Eunji wasn't really paying attention and barely heard the teacher when a new student was introduced and instructed to sit in the only empty seat next to Eunji. She blinked and stared at the person. He was of medium height verging on short and wore dark jeans and a hooded sweatshirt in a similar colour. He had the hood pulled over his head and his face was well obscured. Eunji stole glances at him, trying to distinguish his facial features. 


*What did the teacher say his name was?* She tried to remember, narrowing her eyes in thought. *Byukhyun?..Noo* She chuckled to herself at the silliness of that name and kept thinking. She got the uncomfortable feeling of eyes on her and noticed the new student was staring at her in an inquisitive way. She suddenly became very self conscious and quickly brought her arm up, hiding her face behind it. *Why is he staring at me?* She questioned to herself, puzzled. *Is there something on my face?* She screwed up her face in thought. Then she remembered the hast job she done of applying makeup and her eyes widened. *Can he see the mark?* Eunji pulled out her pocket mirror and scrutinised the tired face staring back at her. The mark was very much detectable and had started to flourish a purply-blue colour that was advancing down her cheek. Eunji quickly covered the right side of her face with her hair and shoved the mirror back into her bag. She checked beside her to see if there was still eyes on her and saw the guy's mouth open about to say something when the bell rang. Eunji grabbed her bag and rushed to the door, letting out a sigh of reliefthankful that she was able to avoid conversation. Not looking where she was going, Eunji felt herself collide with something else and sent her books falling from her arms to the ground. She huffed inwardly and bent down to pick them up when she heard the response of the other person involved in the collision. 
"How could you- Do you know who I am?!!", Eunji cursed to herself, of all the people she had to run into of course it was Jiyeon.
Jiyeon let out a witch-like laugh. "Oh, it's you. Why am I not surprised?", She spoke, her voice wearing a tone that although sounded sweet, was petrifying at the same time. 
"Aren't you going to help me with my books, ? Or are you just going to stay on the ground like the dirt you are.", Eunji snarled at Jiyeon, this made Jiyeon momentarily startled but she quickly regained her composure and snapped her fingers, waiting for one of her followers to retrieve her books for her. Eunji lingered on the ground until Jiyeon left, briskly gathering her belongings and sprinting to the bathroom before the tears could come. She burst through the bathroom door and dropped her bag before entering a cubicle and throwing her back against the door just as she felt the moisture build on her cheeks. She wiped away her tears, trying to ignore Jiyeon's cruel words. She stamped her foot on the door in frustration, letting her tears fall freely. She slumped against the door and slid her back down until she was sitting and sobbed silently. *Am I really dirt?* She questioned herself. *Aish, Eunji. Don't let her words get to you, she's just a bully.* But she couldn't help but feel there was some truth to Jiyeon's statements.


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ExoPink__Baekji #1
Jolyne #2
Chapter 10: Don't change to OC
ishikawa #3
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Chapter 10: awww XD okay, I will wait woopoo~
Author-Nim, HWAITING~!