The accident

Sudden Winter

Eunji was happy. Well, she was content. Content with her friends, school, even with her boyfriend. Her life merely satisfied her. She knew although this was more cheerful than others' outlook on life, it could get a lot better. 

Eunji had once been more than content. Ecstatic, elated, euphoric. She loved life and life seemed to love her. A bright smile framed her face every morning. A smile that sent any boy into a fanboying frenzy. A smile that made even the gloomiest day seem better. Her pulchritude was undeniable. She was beautiful both inside and out, her outer features reflecting greatly on her personality. She was loved amoung her classmates, adored and admired by the students and teachers. The guys wanted to date her and the girls wanted to be her. 

Park Chanyeol was literally the male version of Eunji. They were similar in everyway. Not only were they both bright, cheerful, good-looking and earned the nickname "Happy Virus"; they both excelled in almost everything. They made friends easily, involving minimal effort on their behalf. They achieved respectable grades and both enjoyed sport. This made their relationship inevitable. Although Chanyeol had been courting Eunji for a little over two months before she finally accepted him, eveyone knew it would happen. On their first day as an official couple they walked to school, their hands intertwined, and broke many hearts in the process. 

They had been dating for just over 3 months when the accident happened. Eunji's Mother was killed in a car crash. They think the driver of the other car had been driving home from a Christmas party after having too many drinks. Although there was much evidence left behind, the Police were unsuccessful in finding the other driver, who fled right after the crash. Yes, the accident occurred on Christmas Eve. 

Eunji woke to the heart-wrenching news the next morning. She got up like any other morning, wearing her famous smile and began freshening herself up in preparation for the day. After her shower, she quickly pulled on some formal clothes, although they looked more casual against her facial beauty. Her hand reached for her phone to send a message to Chanyeol, to find he had already sent one first. 
To Eunji:

Merry Christmas baby <3 
I'll be over later with your gift. 

From Chanyeol.

Eunji smiled inwardly and quickly typed a reply.

To Chanyeol:

Merry Christmas!!
Neh ~^^

From Eunji.

Eunji then threw her phone on her bed and ran to her door, continuing down the hallway towards the living room. 
"Appa~?" Eunji called, excitement lacing her voice. A light frown began to cultivate on her face when she didn't hear a reply. Her face fell when she reached the living room and saw her Father's red and swollen eyes.
"A-appa?" Eunji asked, her voice weak and squeaky. 
After hearing the news of her Mother's death, 
Eunji stood motionless as all the emotions were stripped from her. Unable to muster any words or actions, the sudden impact of grief got the better of her and she collapsed, rendering herself unconscious. 

When Eunji finally woke from her coma over a week later, she was never the same.


So.... Here's the first chapter. What do you think? ~^^

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ExoPink__Baekji #1
Jolyne #2
Chapter 10: Don't change to OC
ishikawa #3
Chapter 10: NOooo, please dont change :(
tiffani123456 #5
Chapter 10: Don't change to an OC
Limonium #6
Chapter 10: Huhu..don't change it...
Chapter 10: No don't change‌ to oc‌ T.T
Chapter 10: awww XD okay, I will wait woopoo~
Chapter 10: awww XD okay, I will wait woopoo~
Author-Nim, HWAITING~!