Chapter 4

Finding forgotten love through flashback

"Good morning Jae." Sunggyu entered your room with a big smile on his face while holding a medium size box in his hand. His smile disappeared when there was nobody in that room. 

"Jae, where are you?" his eyes wanders around the room but there were no sight of you. He left the box on the floor and knock on the bathroom door to see if you are in there but there were no reply. Then he heard the sound of your room door open. He turns his head to the sound.

"Oh, oppa. When did you came?" you ask him as the nurse pushed your wheelchair towards your bed.

"I came just now when you are not here. Where did you go? I worried about you a lot. I thought that i'm losing you again." He walks towards you. You nearly fall when you tried to stand to get back to your bed. But Sunggyu quickly reached out and help to transfer you back from the wheelchair to your bed.

You sigh before continuing. "Where else can i be except in this hospital. I can't even stand on my own. Just now i was having my first therapy. I thought you already know it since you are the one that approve it as my guardian." You said as you cross your hand on your chest.

"Ahh, that right. I guess i forgot about it. My mistake then. Sorry." He grinned at you like an idiot.

"How can you forget about it. I've been waiting for you so that you can help to overcome my nervousness. Did you know how confused i am when the doctor ask me a lot of weird questions?" You started whining at him.

"I'm really really sorry. I will make up my mistake with this..." He lifted the box on your bed. "Jajang..." He said as he spread his arms.

"What's that? Another gift? I am not falling for that." you divert your head away from him.

His mouth hang open with your respond. "This is your memory, babo." Your gaze quickly went back to him. "If you don't want to know it never mind, i can keep it".

"No no no!" You held back his action from putting back the box on the floor. "I'll forgive you this time. Hurry up and show me what's in there" you started getting impatient.

Sunggyu opened the box and take out some photo album. He show you the pictures of your childhood and explains everything about it. As you go through every pictures, you noticed that almost all of your childhood were taken with male kids. 

"Why i only have pictures with boys? Where is my female friends?" you ask him because of curiosity.

"That time you don't make a lot of female friend because you have a boyish personality that time." he said.


"Hmmm" he just nodded his head.

"Ok then tell me who are these boys. Especially this four boys. Why i always have picture with four of them? Even my picture taken with you can be counted using my fingers." you said as your index finger pointed at a photo of you with four boys.

"They are your best friends. You should remember them quickly. Don't ask me where are they now because i really don't know. The boy wearing cap standing next to you is Jang Dongwoo. You and him can't be together."

"Why?" you interrupted.

"Because both of you will laugh non-stop. It's driving me crazy whenever you and him are together. Ah, that's right. I've seen him last time when he want to send meal to you. But he was in a rush to go somewhere, that's why he entrust me to send the meal to you." Sunggyu explains.

"Wait, wait, that meal. I remember that you said you buy it at a stall near the hospital."

Then something hit his brain. "Actually, urmm i lied to you but that is because he ask me to keep  it secret. He want you to remember him naturally."

"Okay". You said but your mind wonders why he want it that way?

Sunggyu then pointed his finger at another boy. "This is Myungsoo. He is very funny but when going outside he like acted cool. I tell you a secret huh, this guy actually has a crush on you." your eyes widen upon hearing that.

"Me?" you ask pointing to yourself. "He's cute. How did you know that he likes me?"

"He told me that. But being a protective oppa, i disallow him from confessing his feeling to you." Sunggyu confidently admit.

"Ah, oppa why? If you didn't stop him, i must be already been his girl." You said pouting.

"You still young that time, that's why i disallow it. Now back to the photo. The guy wearing blue shirt is Nam Woohyun. He is the reason a lot of female noona get close to you."

"Eh, why me?"

"Those noona are using you to get close with him. I don't know how you can be so stupid that time. You didn't even noticed that you are being used by them." Sunggyu explains.

"I'm not stupid."

"Yeah, you are not stupid but straight. And you always call him Namu."

"Namu? Namu tree?"

"Yup, that namu."

"Why did i call him that?"

"I don't know. Maybe because of his greasiness" Sunggyu try to guess.

"What about you huh? What is your nickname? What did i call you?"

"About that, you have to figure it out yourself. And i wish that you will never ever remember that." Sunggyu said to you.

"Uh huh, it must be something that is not too nice. I'll try to remember it." you smile wickedly at him.

"Enough with that. I don't even want to think about that. Ever... Lets continue this." Sunggyu said while pointing repeatedly at the photo. "This little cute guy is Lee Sungjong. You cherish him a lot. You take care of him like your own little brother. You do love him a lot more than you love me."

"Someone got jealous". You grins at him playfully.

"I'm just saying that we should love the people that spend the most time with us more"

"Ok, accept that as oppa do jealous with this guy." you smile widely while pointing on Lee Sungjong face. "I'm going to find him after i get out from this place or maybe oppa can help me find him. Huh, purlease." you said while making cute face.

"See.. You still want to find him first even during the time you lost your memory about him and everything. This Sungjong is really something." Sunggyu started babbling.

"Aahhh, oppa purlease...", more cute attempt.

Sunggyu sigh. "Arasso, arasso, i'll find him for you. Happy?" he said with annoyed expression.

"Yes, very happy. Thank you oppa." You immediately hug his waist since he was standing and you are on your bed.

Sunggyu shocked then immediately soften upon your sudden action. He admit it, after long time being away from you with sudden lost connection, he missed you a lot. The way you talk, the way you sulk, the way you love to be pampered and more. He continue caressing your hair and stay in that position for a while. "Go get rest, I'll come back again tomorrow okay. Now, sleep." He said while tucking you in your bed and put back all the pictures inside the box.

The next day, Sunggyu come a bit late to visit you. The moment he stepped into your room, you were already fast asleep. But your sleeping face expression making him worried. Your face look unhappy. You were sweating a lot. Sweats fall from your forehead to your side making your hair wet a bit. He try touching your forehead but your temperature is normal. Feeling uneasy, he decided to shake you to wake up.

"Jae, hey wake up." he shakes you gently.

You opens your eyes slowly, awake from sleep. Then gazed into Sunggyu eyes. "Oppa. I had a dream..." You said that with trembling voice.


it's been more than two month that i have not updating. my friends keep urging me to update and now i get the time to update.

i have my own reason for not updating, you may continue reading if you want to know it. or just ignore it.

firstly, at the end of february, i got my exam result. then for the whole one month i use apply for universities and scholarships. then, waiting the result and then go for interview. plus i'm still working part time at that time.

On april, the place where i work part time had no enough worker. finding new worker is hard because no one applying that i have to work overtime and had no enough time to rest. then my body rebelling me *i really don't know how to say this*. i was sick. everytime when i eat, i feel like vomittng it back and i got headache after eating until i got scared to eat. nowadays i only eat once a day. i skip a lot of meal.

but since tomorrow is my last day working, now i am able to update again. but i still need to rest a lot so that my body will go normal again. sorry to make you all wait for my update.

i love you all, sincerely.



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CrissyLovee #2
Chapter 5: New reader and I'm excited for the next update(:
Chapter 4: This is SO interesting!!!! Please update soon!!!!! ^_^