Chapter 3

Finding forgotten love through flashback

You gain your consciousness the next morning. You open your eyelid slowly, trying to adjust with the bright sunlight that poured in through the window. You massage your temple with your finger to soothe your throbbing head. You yawn a bit. Seeing Sunggyu sleeping on his arm next to you. You shook him a few times to wake him up and he stirred from his sleep.

"Jae, you are awake. How are you feeling? Are you okay?" he look at you concernly with his small eyes.

"I'm fine. Water" you tried to talk as your throat feeling dry.

Sunggyu get up from his seat and pour you a glass of water. He help you to sit up and handed you the glass. You gulp down the water feeling the coolness flowing in your throat.

"You know what, you scared me like hell. You were laughing joyly then suddenly get a headache and faint off. I already lose you once and i don't want to lose you anymore." he said at you concernly.

"Oppa, i'm just fainting. See now i'm still breathing" you sigh at him. "I get a weird dream yesterday." you continued.

Hearing that, Sunggyu eyes lighten up a bit. "Maybe that is a flashback, do you remember anything about me?"

"No, it is not you but other guy. He is kind of cute to me. He said that he will only cook for me on special day. He wants me to call him oppa but i am not used to it. Do you know him and how come i can call you oppa easily?" you tell him.

"How am i suppose to know him when i just found you. I don't even know where you live all this while. The oppa part , i think because we have strong bond."

"What kind of bond? Didn't you said to me that we are not sibling."

"That is true. We are not sibling. But we've living together for longer time."

You raised one of your eyebrow. "You and me, living together? Are you kidding me?"

"Yeah, we kind of... Arghh, it's hard to talk with a girl that lost her memory. Nevermind, i'll explain to you later."

You pursed your lips and said "Just forget whatever i've said just now, maybe i'm just dreaming."

Sunggyu just nodded and the room fill with silent. 

You stared outside the window wondering when will you get you memories back, curious how your memories will be and why you can't differentiate between dreams and flashback. Even now, your life have turn topsy-turvy. Like Sunggyu said, we should start from beginning.

"Sunggyu oppa, why don't you tell me now about how we met. Maybe i can try to remember something". you said, breaking the silence.

"No, i already told you, i will explain everything to you later. Hmm"

"But why? Just tell me now. I don't want to wait. Moreover, you just keep silent. It makes the atmosphere in this room become more awkward. You said that we've been friends for a long time but you treat me like you just know me. Hurry up, tell me now." You shake his arm slowly since you still tired from yesterday.

"Aish, this girl. You are sick and yet can still nag a lot. Not that i don't want to tell you quickly but i need to bring evidence with me. Like picture, journal, school magazine and etcetera. It would be hard to tell you that this person has big belly, mustache, protruding teeth and big eyes while the other person has trojan-like hair style, connected eyebrow, dimple on his or her left cheek and bla bla bla. Then where did they live, what that place look like and when did that happen because i don't want to mixed up everything giving you headache and i am not confident to tell you everything in chronological order.. I don't want to waste time describing things to you so i better bring everything useful here and show it to you. Okay, just wait." Sunggyu refusing by giving out his complete reason.

"You are the one who talks a lot and you are telling me that i am nagging. Why don't you bring the evidence then? We've seen each other for nearly two week. I only want to know the basic information about me and you. Not more than that." You lowered your head and mumble slowly. Nearly in the verge of tears. Not because of Sunggyu nag but because of you were totally in the dark.

Sunggyu sigh in defeat. "Fine, i'll tell you anything you want to know as long as it is about basic thing okay. Don't cry. I hate seeing the person i cherish the most cry. Come on, ask me anything."

"I'm not crying, i am sleepy and i yawn a lot." you try to defend yourself and fake a yawn.

"Pshh, lame excuses." Sunggyu smiled at your action. "If you are sleepy then go to sleep. I'm going home." Sunggyu pretend to stand up from the chair he was seating.

You quickly grab the end of his shirt and pull him to sit back on the chair. "Don't go home. I'll ask you question."

"Hmmm..." you tap your chin while thinking what question should be ask.

"Hurry up, before i change my mind." Sunggyu butted in.

"How do we met? And how we can become friend?" You ask him as you pull the blanket and covered your body more as the room temperature start dropping.

"We met when you were 8 years old. I still remember when first i see you. You were wearing a sky blue coloured dress with braided pigtail hairstyle. That time, i started to adore you. How you amuse me with your cute laugh and bubbly personality. It makes me want to keep that smile on your face forever." Sunggyu smile when remembering you during childhood times.

You blushed at his statement. "So you must be my new neighbour that time, am i right? Just like in most stories i read on asianfanfics."

"No, we are not neighbour. Wait, what is that asianfanfics."

"It is a website where i read online stories. I was so bored last time so one of the nurse that taking care of me suggest me to read it from there since there are wi-fi connection here. So i simply read it on my cellphone." You explain to him in detail.

"Oh, okay. Continue to the story then. Like i said before we were living together. After your dad passed away, my parent help to support your family because our parents are good friends. When you were 8 years old, that time i was 10 years old, my parents had to move to the States for their business. So, they left me to be taken care by your mother. And i live under the same roof with you for about six years then i got a letter from them telling me that they will pick me up to live with them in States. It was hard for me to leave both of you because your mother is like my mother and you are like my little sister. And because my parents wants me to learn business so that i can take over their company so i went living with them. We still contacting each other after i moved to States but after a year, you never answer my phone call and never reply the letter i send to you and your mother."

"How did you find me now?" You interrupted.

"Two months ago, i came back here. The first place i went to is your house. But there were nothing there. Not even your home site. Except one of our favourite hang out place in the woods near your house which i will tell you further later about that place. So i pay some people to search on you and here is where all the clues bring me. I was excited to see you. Only god nows how happy i am when i know your whereabout. But unfortunately, you lost all your memory due to the surgery. I missed you so much. And it broke my heart when you can't remember me" Sunggyu said sadly and mumble at the last sentence. 

"I'm sorry, i make you feel brokenhearted." You sincerely apologise to him.

"Nah, it is not your fault. Fate want it to be that way." He ruffled your hair. "Now, get some rest. You might still be tired from yesterday incident, huh. So sleep now. I will be going home now." Sunggyu leaned to give you a kiss on your forehead but you flinced. "Don't be afraid, when we was living together, every night i will kiss your forehead before you went to sleep." With that, you allow him to kiss your forehead.

You watch his back as he walked  to the door. "Goodbye oppa."

Sunggyu turn his body towards you and wave a goodbye to you. "Ah, before i forget, don't wait for me for this whole week because i will busy with the business i will be taking care here plus i just moved into a new house so i better do some clean up. I will bring all the evidence in the next visit. Sleep well." He smile at you for the last time and get out from your ward.


so thats it. sorry for late update...enjoy ^_^ and don't forget to comment. Jalga..

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CrissyLovee #2
Chapter 5: New reader and I'm excited for the next update(:
Chapter 4: This is SO interesting!!!! Please update soon!!!!! ^_^