[47] We need to talk...

Change Me


We Need To Talk...

Minji's POV

Earlier this morning before class starts, Choi Yura dragged me somewhere at the back of the school warning me not to say anything unnecessary. I felt so humiliated when she told me, it was me who Jongin thought who had done those things to her yesterday at the comfortroom. She said it will be useless even if I tell-tale everything, because he won't believe me anyways. I was so pissed off and hurt all at the same time. Yesterday, I had decided that I'd confess to Jongin what really happened and that crazy girl is just faking it. But after what that crazy had told me made me think otherwise. 

"Is this karma?" I sighed sliding the door open, not expecting to see him─who I wanted to see every now and then, but not until my image was ruined all-in-all. It was still too early before lunch finishes and it's so rare to see him alone in the classroom. I felt my face heated up from embarrassment but it soon faded when Yura's words kept ringing inside my head since earlier this morning. My heart was beating so fast when I noticed that he's looking back at me. Oblivious of what to do next.

I just sighed.


Author's POV

You're in the cafeteria together with Luhan. Jongin told you he needs to do something that's why he left the two of you alone for a moment. You don't want to interrogate him what is that something he was talking about, because you trusted him and you believe that Jongin will tell you whatever that is when the right time comes. Although you can feel something is off because his expression is giving it off somehow.

Your mind was flying, with the situation about Kai's date with Yura. It crosses your mind the scene you had witnessed earlier this morning when out of all days, you had decided to walk around the school since you came in too early. And you didn't expect to see Yura and Minji having a serious conversation there─coincidence? very much.

You're not able to hear whatever that is they were talking about. By the way you see how Minji's expressions gives off the feeling that she's totally pissed-off from whatever Yura had told her, tells you it wasn't Minji who's in control of the situation. And by the looks of it, it doesn't look like Yura is the one being bullied unlike what you've heard from Jongin's story, rather it's the other way around. This finally gave you the idea that probably your intuition was right. But you have no way to prove that Minji is in the category of being a victim here, because as far as being a bully is concerned, Minji is one of them.



"W- what?" you snapped out of your reverie. You're unaware that you were that lost in your own thoughts until Luhan called out your name. "What's wrong?" You asked.

"What do you mean what's wrong? There's nothing wrong Hyunjae... unless you staring blankly and getting lost in your own little word is what you meant by 'wrong' then there's really something wrong," he chuckled, "...mind sharing me your little fantasies?" he scoffed setting aside his tray so he could lean his arms on top of the table as he stared back at you. A hint of pink tint around your cheeks became evident after recalling the intimate scene you and Jongin had yesterday. And Luhan didn't missed out the chance to tease you after he noticed how you became silent, your expression shifted from being surprise to smiling creepily, and those actions were enough for him to understand that something really good must have happened. It's just that, what 'actually happened' is beyond Luhan's own conception.

"By the way, I've heard that 'that girl' had her way to get Jongin agree to have a date with her." Luhan straightened out. Luhan had refused to call Yura by her name and just sticked to calling her as 'that girl' instead. You nodded sighing. 

"I hope you're not letting 'that girl' affect you that much,"

I shook my head eagerly looking at him. "I don't... but I don't know what else she could do and that's what's bothering me, I don't feel good about this date thingy... Jongin is just too kind-hearted that sometimes he can't say no. But somehow, I have a feeling that someone, I don't know who... whether it's Yura or Minji, but I know it's either one of them, is hiding something behind this thing that had happened..." I sighed putting my hands on top of the table as I play with my own fingers.

"I feel the same way," Luhan admitted.

You peered at the other side of the cafeteria where Yura was hanging around with a number of students whom you're not sure if they are really friends with her or not. You saw how she flirted with the guys, with the way she kept brushing her knees with the guy sitting right next to her, hitting the other guy's arm flirtatiously, you shivered at the thought of the possibility that she'd do the exact same thing with Jongin on the said date. The ridiculous thought drove you mad and the next thing you did shocked you as well.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Everyone turned their attention towards you and you felt like slapping her right there and then after you noticed how she rolled her eyes and shake her head slightly in disapprovement.

"I guess I'll have to leave you guys now," She said as she stood up, "...looks like the girlfriend of my fiance needs a talk..." she added earning an obnoxious laugh from the others. You glared at them but it wasn't enough to shut them up. You felt belittled and embarrassed, somehow regretting what you did. Tears where threatening to fall, but was halted when you felt Luhan's arms draped around your shoulders, glaring at the other students who were laughing at you seconds ago, now cowering and trying their best to avoid Luhan's gaze.

"Do you wanna talk or what?" She hissed and turned his heels around leading herself on the way out.

You started moving your feet not before you'd thrown a hateful gaze towards the group as you followed her suit. Luhan still clinging on your waist as he went with you.

"Are you sure about this?" Luhan whispered as they walk behind Yura. You nodded and glanced at Luhan for a moment sending him a look as if saying 'I'm pretty sure...'

In all honesty, your heart was beating so fast. You feel nauseated with this impulsive confrontation. But as Jongin's girlfriend. You can't just stay still and sit like you're watching a movie, waiting for the commercial to finish before you could continue watching again your favorite movie, Yura was the commercial and your love story was the movie itself. Sometimes you'll just have to make your own way for you not suffer with this kind of obstacles. And confronting her is one of it.


Your POV

"So what do you wanna talk about?" she turned around right after he stopped walking.

Yura brought us at the back of the school, where students were unlikely to visit this part of the school. So I guess it's fine to talk here, than in any places where we could be easily seen and heard by unwanted bystanders.

I glanced at Luhan as if saying 'I wanna do this alone. Everything's going to be fine. ', in which he understood right away. He patted my head as he smiled at me, as if reassuring me that 'You can do this, I'll just be right here' and then I smiled back.

I heard Yura scoffed as soon as Luhan was out of sight. 

"You already have Jongin but you're still hanging out with him? I wonder why Jongin doesn't feel the least bit worried about his relationship with you. Now I'm starting to doubt whethere he's really 'gay' or not. Or maybe you had planned this all along, so you could with Jongin and with that Luhan guy both at the same time." She sarcastically stated as she added, "I guess you're a one little as well..."

My hands balled into fist right after she had spoken those words. Anger had filled up my patience and I just felt the sudden urge to just smack this girl's face so badly. But, I held it in. I had to. I need to do this calmly, or nothing good will come out of this.

"Take that back," I muttered sternly.

She smirked at me crossing her arms, "What? Did I hit the bell?"

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, as I tried to calm my nerves, "I'll go straight to the point. Because I may not know what I could do to you if I had to stay here much any longer," I stated vehemently as I looked at her straight into her eyes, "I don't know what you're actually planning, but I don't agree with your idea of having a date with him"

Her face scowled in disbelief, "I don't need your opinion. Jongin had agreed and the date is going to happen whether you like it or not."

I would be lying if I said, I didn't feel disappointed when I heard Jongin said he had agreed to have a date with her. It's not that I was doubting our relationship, I don't, not in a million years. It's just, Jongin is that kind of guy, and I'm not hating it. Actually, I love how kind-hearted he could be sometimes. But in those sometimes, there are situations like this occurs and it's really troublesome. 

"I-- I'll make him change his mind." I felt stupid when I heard myself stutter, and I can see in Yura's eyes that he's dancing her in celebration that her words made an impact on me.

"He won't change his mind. Because for the years I had known him, I had learned that weak people is his weakness. He's too kind to reject someone who has been bullied, just because that someone is madly inlove with him. And in his eyes now, I'm not just some clingy-girl anymore, but rather, someone who's seeking for his attention and is willing to get hurt as long as I can show my feelings for him."

"You're not making any sense."

"Of course it makes sense. Do you think I had to go so far as to hurt myself just to get his attention? I don't even get it why he doesn't feel attracted to me. What do you have that I don't?" My eyes grew wider after I processed what she had admitted unconciously. I saw her panicked a bit, but shrug it off the next second. She must have been shocked herself after hearing what she had said.

"What? So does that mean Minji has got nothing to do with it?" My eyebrows furrowed in the middle.

"Huh!" she sneered, "...that deserves to be blamed. And aren't you happy? she did you wrong too, don't tell me you already had forgiven her after what she did to you? you can't be serious right? I know you're screaming happily that Jongin is resenting her now. You should be thankful."

"Don't be ridiculous." I scowled at her. "Jongin is doing this because he is truly concerned for you. He feels sorry for you because you're hurt because of him. His sympathy for you is genuine and I won't let him get hurt, just because of your own selfishness. And about Minji, true! I might not have forgiven her still, but that doesn't mean I have to take revenge on her just because she did me wrong. I don't blame her for hating me, because I got the person she had always dreamt to have, unfortunately it didn't worked out... and somehow right now, I respect her for not going so far as to do this ridiculous things you had done yourself, just to prove how much she likes Jongin."

It made me cringe when I realized that, Jongin is about to suffer a thing that I hated the most, and I had tried to avoid to happen to me, even before I met him. This is what I meant when selfish people tried their best to fool other people to get whatever they want. Not caring whether they'll hurt that particular person or the people around him or her.

She scoffed at me as she muttered shamelessly, "He deserves to get hurt for nonchalantly rejecting me."

"That's no good reason," I uttered as I half shouted from rage, "you're crazy!"

"I guess I really am," she said sarcastically as she twirled her fingers on her locks.

For one last time I tried my hardest to keep myself calm, and at least tried to persuade her to stop acting stupid, it's the only way I could help Jongin in this troublesome situation. I know Jongin is holding himself back to argue with this girl because she's a daughter of an important business client of their company, "No one deserves to be treated like this," I muttered under my breath as I added, "...especially Jongin. Just because you're rejected by him, doesn't mean you have to take it on him. I believe the engagement were called-off because his parents disagree on it, and your parents did it the wrong way too, trying to fool his parents for signing the paper. And I heard Jongin had explained it to you properly why he didn't want to pursue you, didn't he? So I see nothing wrong in there as to why you have to take it on him, or to anyone for this matter to suffer all these. It's not like he did something bad at you right? You can't make someone to like you forcefully. And don't you have a number of suitors already? Isn't that enough proof for you to tell, that there's nothing wrong with you. It just so happens that Jongin doesn't feel the same way as you do. Watching or making the people you love suffer can't be considered as true love..." I softly whispered the latter part. Looks like I hit right on the spot, when I saw how Yura had stiffened in her position, eyes getting watery and hands clutching at her skirt. Had I spoken too much? Now somehow I felt bad, doubting myself whether I had chosen the right words or not. 

The anger within me had subsided a little, and all that I was feeling right now is pity towards the girl standing in front of me. When I thought I had everything under control now I mumbled, "So could you please--" but even before I could finish my plea, I saw her brought her hands in mid-air. Damn reflexes my eyes automatically shut waiting for the big impact to came in contact, but, there was nothing. When I slowly fluttered my eyes open, I saw her eyes wide open, mouth hanging as if she wanted to say something, but can't produce any words. I whipped my head to see where she's looking at, and I saw him staring back at Yura, one hand grabbing her wrist which had landed right at my face if he was seconds too late.

I didn't know I was that scared, when I felt tears rolled down my cheeks, or maybe yet, it's not from fear but rather from relief, that at the very least I was able to keep myself calm althroughout the heated conversation, but failing on the part where I was fine. I even told Luhan earlier that everything is going to be just fine and I'll try to keep myself calm so as not to make matters worst than they already are. I wiped my tears away with the heel of my palm as I mumbled something to the person standing right beside me.

"I'm sorry..."

[A/N] I can't believe I finished this today. I was supposedly sleeping by now since I still had to wake up early today. But look! I'm updating this ! lol... uwaaahhh~ Excuses if you find many typos and grammatical errors... Typed this in a hurry... >_<

Can anyone guess who that person is?ㅋㅋㅋ


I won't say much anymore, I'm sleepy and tired.

See you guys on the next update.


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[150330] THIS STORY IS UNDER MAJOR REVISION...please bear with me! Currently finished Ch.6


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Chapter 67: OMG!! You're really Amazing! This story is soo beutiful, i really love it! It soo sweet, and you make me love kim jongin moreee omg >_<
Chapter 67: oh god, how i love this story~!!! thanks for this beautiful story and like really, really, really thanks because of hunhan XDDD
I love you and thanks again for this amazing story and the amazing ending :)
good job, author-nim ^^
Chapter 67: Kyaaaaaa~ done reading this story! ^^
DAEBAK! I really like it. :)
eunshiia #4
Chapter 67: It's done! Omg!!!
Thank you so much for this beautiful ending author-nim!
Although i'm kinda late in reading, still, I really reall love it.
I'm happy to be a part of this story. And i loved everything all throughout.
You're great author-nim!
snowz28 #5
Chapter 66: Omg this ended TT
Anyway it was a beautiful journey so happy to see it getting updated ^^
Fantastic story and great fluff :3
And gosh why is jongin such a sweetie pie like I can't take it ):
And too bad luhan doesn't get a chapter with sehun ): but nahh I don't like gay stuffs too cause sehun is straight :D he must be hahahah ^^
Great job author :)
snowz28 #6
Chapter 66: Omg it's gonna end?! ):
Please extend till they get older and then married etc...
Omg jongin loves hyunjae so much it's endless omgoodness so much fluff
Oh and yes there's a twist there (: the one week twist. Hehe I see that lol
But anyway I'm glad things didnt turn out ugly although its kinda weird how the parents only need their son for a week and then he can come back to Korea for the rest of his life... That's abit absurd... Or maybe it's just me haha
eunshiia #7
Chapter 66: Omo! I laughed so hard at the part where jongin only has to go for a week. And they have been all worried about it. Lolol.
So....Jongin and Hyunjae had a scene, what should i say? Ugh. Maybe, more of these in the future author-nim? Lol, kidding xD
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 65: whoa whoa whoa ty lol. i love this couple they're so cute. i think having him around would be nice but i also agree with the whole reunion when they're older though so either way is okay... as long as they are together in the end. because they deserve it. ahh a sequel would be fun even if it's only a few chapters of like a few years of their lives..
snowz28 #9
Chapter 65: Hey author it's me again haha
OMG omg it's supposed to be pure love hahahhaa
Anyway IMO, I think jongin should go, stayin back for a girl may be all romantic but the truth needs some sacrifice
Reunite them when they're older ;D make a sequel hehehhee