We Never Know [Sequel Part 1]

"We Never Know"
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No one's POV:


"Gege, can you please stop that? I'm getting dizzy, relax okay?" Tao complained

"How can I relax? Kei's in the emergency room", Lay said in a high tone, walking back and fourth

"Ok fine", Tao pouted as he looked Lay's worried face

"Hyung!" Sehun called while running towards Lay, with EXO following him

"Where's my sister?" Chanyeol asked, also worried

"She's still in the emergency room", Lay answered, sweats are forming in his face

"Congrats, you're going to be a father", Kris smiled and patted Lay's head

"Gomawo hyung but I'm worried, the doctor said Kei is having a hard time giving birth since it's her first baby", Lay explained

"Don't worry, Kei is strong", Suho said proudly

Lay just nodded but he's still nervous

It's my fault, I shouldn't have...

Lay's thoughts was disturbed when they heard a baby cried.

"Is that your son hyung?" Sehun asked excitedly

"Son? We think it's girl", someone said from Sehun's back

Sehun turned around and a big smile plastered on his face.

"Ani, it's a boy", Sehun fight back

"Girl", Rihan started the glaring competition

"Boy", Sehun insisted

"Hey! Both of you cut it off. How can you fight in just a simple reason?" Jiwon slightly laughed, went beside Luhan

"Acting like kids, I can't believe you're getting married next month Sehun", Luhan teased

"Aishhh..." Sehun pouted, everyone laughed with his cuteness

The emergency door opened then the doctor came out. Lay immediately approached the doctor.

"How's Kei doc?" Lay asked, nervous

"She's fine, she's sleeping right now. She have to rest, you can talk to her tomorrow", the doctor informed

Lay let out a big sigh with everyone else.

"How's the baby?" Chanyeol asked excitedly

"He's in the incubator, congratulations", the doctor smiled

"His? Hyung, a baby boy", Sehun announced happily

"I told ya, it's a boy", Sehun murmured

"Yeah, yeah", Rihan rolled her eyes

"Then, I'll go now", the doctor said and walked away

"Congratulations", everyone greeted Lay

"So... it's already 11 pm. We still can't visit Kei and the baby so how about going home and take a rest?" Suho suggested

"Yeah, leader is right. Let's just come back tomorrow", D.O agreed

"How about Lay?" Kai asked

"He'll some with us, in our dorm. It's been a while since Lay sleep with us", Kris chuckled

"Yeah, that's right. What do you think Lay?" Baekhyun cling in Lay's shoulders

"Ok fine. I'll go with you", Lay said

EXO dropped Rihan and Jiwon in their dorm then headed to theirs. They are tired whole day so headed to their rooms and knock out.


Lay sat in his bed and looked out the window. The sun is already up

"What time is it?" Lay immediately ran out of the room

"Why are you in a rush hyung?" Sehun asked while eating his oatmeal

"Hospital, we have to go to the hospital", Lay informed

Sehun's eyes widen.

"Yeah, I forgot. I'll wake the others, you get ready hyung", Sehun ran to the other members rooms to inform them.

Lay went to the bathroom first and do his thing.

I'm too excited last night that I forgot it this morning. I think the others are also tired so overslept. The time passes really fast, I can't believe I'm a father now. By the way is Kei awake right now? I miss her already

Big smile plastered in Lay's face as he hurriedly took a bath.

Lay still have some of his clothes in his old drawer, thanks to his forgetful side.

Everyone in the dorm are in a hurry, ran there, ran here.

"Leader hyung, where's my laces?" Tao shouted from his room

"In your drawer", Suho shouted back and took another bite of his pancake

"Beakhyun hyung, where's my MacBook?" Kai leaned in his door

"I think it's in your bed, just look for it there", Baekhyun answered, busy tying his laces

Lay just laugh while watching his co-members rushing around the dorm.

I miss this.


Lay's POV:


After a few minutes, we are ready to go. We went outside the room, Tao and Sehun ran towards the front seat. Pushing each other for the only vacant seat.

"Here we go again", Kris mumbled and chuckled while opening the vans door.

We all hopped inside the van and headed to the hospital. Suho hyung is the one driving since he's the leader.

We headed to Kei's room after we asked her room number.

I'm excited to see her again.

I turned the door knob and take a peek.

A.I.A's members are there, talking with Kei.

I fully opened the door, they all looked at my direction. Kei smiled when she saw me entering with the other EXO members in my back.

Yuri stood up and offered me the chair beside Kei's bed.

I smiled as a 'thanks you' and take a seat.

I reached fir her hand and lightly massage it.

"How's my baby?" I smiled

"Baby?" Kei pouted

"Yeah, the last time I checked you like it when I call you that. Ahh... you are shy because they hears it?" I teased

"Ani, it's because we already have a baby so stop calling me that already", Kei explained 

"Then, I have two baby", I gave her a smile

Everyone was like 'awe, sweet'

"Okay, okay now. Stop that sweetness before ants came", Chanyeol interrupted

"Uhmm.... Where's the baby, can we see him?" Xiumin asked excitedly

"The nnurse is comin--.." Jiwon was cut off when the door opened

"The baby is here", The nurse said with a smile as she entered the room

Suho closed the door while the girls approached the nurse. Arguing who should hold the baby first.

I looked at Kei, she's enjoying the scene but for me it's annoying

I stood up and went towards the nurse.

"Can I hold my son?" 


Kei's POV:


"Can I hold my son?" Lay asked

Everyone was shocked except the nurse who is smiling at him now.

Is she flirting with my husband?

"Lay, you sure? Have you already held one?" Rihan asked worriedly

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll handle everything I won't hurt my son you know", Lay smiled 

"Then, here's your son sir", the nurse gave the baby to Lay

She slowly transferred the baby to Lay's arms.

Lay smiled as he placed his hand in the baby's small cheeks, almost covering it

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ilabya39 #1
Chapter 50: awesome fic dude!!!!
Chapter 57: I really like the sequels! ^o^ :))
hanjiwon_kpop #4
Thanks guys.... :)... I'm still making the sequel.. sorry for making you wait :( ...
baekhanjjang #5
Chapter 55: great story :D
Chapter 54: Sequel please *give you baekhyun's puppy eyes* wah! Hunnie love rihan????!!!
hanjiwon_kpop #8
I know there were many chapters but each chapters are not that long. :)... Hi readers. Editing the typos :)
Chapter 52: wow! your story is amazing eventhough theres so many typo there but i like this story ^^ lay is so romantic ♥ i love this story. author-nim jjang! ^^