Chapter 29

"We Never Know"
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Kei's POV:


After 30 minutes of walking, finding the green flag.

"I'm tired, let's rest for a while", I requested

"Ok", he sat in a big root of tree

"Gomawo", I sat beside him

"Kei", he called

"Huh?" I faced him

"I think----lost", he said 


"I think we're lost", he repeated

I know... What? Wow, jinjja? Is this my fault?

He stood up and bowed

"Mianhae, it's all my fault. I dragged you here",

"Ani, it's my fault. I pointed this way, I know we're lost but I still followed you", 

"Then, let's go back",

"Ok", I stood up

"Wait", he stop me from walking


"I don't know the way back, I forgot. You know the way right? How about pointing it?" 

What? You forgetful man, we're dead. I don't know either

"Molla, I just followed you here, right?" I crossed my arm in my level

Beat scratched the back of his neck.

"Then, let's just wait here. This Island is not that big, I'm sure they'll notice that we are missing",

"I hope so",

"I'm sorry, I know you want that price", 

"It's okay, that's only one day vacation", I managed to gave him a smile

I want that price but I don't want to make him guilty. 

Then it's silent. We can hear the birds singing.

Is that a rabbit?

I stood up and went towards it.

"Hello rabbit", I said as I lift it up and swung it like a baby

"You like rabbits?" Beat went towards me

"Deh, they are beautiful", 

"Yeah, you are beautiful", Beat studied my face 

"Uhmmm.... You also like them?" I put back the rabbit to the ground

He slowly nodded



"Please marry me",

"I already told you that I can't, right? I love someone else, how many times do I have to tell you that?" I said with an irritated face

Beat stunned.

"I mean, I can't marry you", I said in a calm way

"I can't understand, why can't you leave that guy and leave with me then?" he said with a confused face

"Cause I don't have feelings for you, for me that's a good reason", I answered

"Then I'll teach you, I'll teach you how to love me. Why can't you love me Kei?" he said in a teary eyes

"Mianhae, please..." he turned around 

"Let's stop this conversation. I'll walked around and find the way back, please stay here", he walked away

Why can't you understand me Beat?



Where are you Beat? It's scary sitting here alone. And I'm also freezing, my skin is so expose and I forgot to bring a jacket, of course I didn't expect this to happen.'Trap in the forest'. And insects are everywhere, mosquitoes are having their feast. Aishhh...

My thoughts are disturbed when I saw leaves moving. Yeah, because of my curiosity  I went near it and check.

My eyes widen when I saw snake . I shouted at the top of my lungs as I ran away. I continued running, thinking that it's following me and if I stop it might catch and bite me.


Beat's POV:


I'm on my way back to where I left Kei, I put marks on the trees as a sign that we went this way.

I heard Kei screamed.

I hurriedly ran to the area, but Kei was not there.

"Kei", I shouted and started searching for her

"Kei, where are you?" I shouted again

I saw footsteps and followed it.

"Kei", I called 

"I'm here", I heard Kei's voice coming form my left side 

"Where are you?" I followed her voice

"I'm here,I can't walk",

I saw Kei sitting beside a tree.

I ran towards her.

"I think I twisted my ankle", she said while holding it

"I told you to stay there and wait for me, didn't I?" my brows furrowed

"Mianhae, there was a snake and I'm afraid then.." I cut her off

I sat in a Japanese style and get her foot.

"Forget it, gwenchanayo?"

She didn't answer and stared in my eyes.

"Let me massage it", I was about to begin when she

"Aniyo, I can handle it. Gomawo", she get her foot and massage it 

I stood up and it's silent again.

After 5 minutes of silent I decided to break it.

"Does it still hurts?"

"A little but I can walk now", she gave me a smile

"Then let's continue walking",

"Ok", she slowly stood up and tried to walk

I went near her to assist her, incase she fell

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ilabya39 #1
Chapter 50: awesome fic dude!!!!
Chapter 57: I really like the sequels! ^o^ :))
hanjiwon_kpop #4
Thanks guys.... :)... I'm still making the sequel.. sorry for making you wait :( ...
baekhanjjang #5
Chapter 55: great story :D
Chapter 54: Sequel please *give you baekhyun's puppy eyes* wah! Hunnie love rihan????!!!
hanjiwon_kpop #8
I know there were many chapters but each chapters are not that long. :)... Hi readers. Editing the typos :)
Chapter 52: wow! your story is amazing eventhough theres so many typo there but i like this story ^^ lay is so romantic ♥ i love this story. author-nim jjang! ^^