Chapter 7
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"3!" The chef yelled in anger. 

"OK. OK. OK. I put it there. Calm down. Geesh." Mrs.Hong made her entrance just on time. She made her way to the countertop, "I was in a hurry. Why are you so grumpy over such a small matter? You will age faster if you get angry, you know?" She took the tray from his hand, made her way to the sink while teasing him.

Jiyeon sighed in relief now that Mrs.Hong was there.

The chef kept quiet and went back to work, and so did the maids. After everyone had cleared out of the kitchen, Mrs.Hong walked over and dragged Jiyeon with her into her office. She shut the door and closed the blinds.

"Do you know-" Jiyeon asked but was interrupted.

"How many people have you talked to?" Mrs.Hong said arruptly as she sat down on her chair behind the her pilled up desk. 

"Junhyung, Mimi, you, the chef, and the maid." Jiyeon murmured as she counted, "5." She replied.

"I just found out about what they meant by identity." Mrs.Hong reached over across the desk and took her laptop. Just by looking, Jiyeon already knew that it was no ordinary laptop. There was a HeavenlyMatch logo on it and it was pure white with a hint of sky blue around the logo. 

Jiyeon sat down on the chair across from Mrs.Hong's desk and wait as Mrs.Hong searched for something on the laptop. Jiyeon's mind was filled with unanswered questions, assumptions, facts and myths that she had heard now and then. Lost in her thoughts, Jiyeon didn't noticed that Mrs.Hong had came up to her with her laptop.

"Here. I think you might want to hear it from them yourself." Mrs.Hong handed her the laptop and Jiyeon put them on her lap and waited. Mrs.Hong had called the Above.

After a short while, the phone call was transfered to the minister. Jiyeon gave a little bow at the laptop as the image of minister appeared and slowly expanded. The halogram was projected right in front of her. 

"Hello Jiyeon." The minister's deep voice somewhat stirred up the hidden fear in Jiyeon. She started shaking. She didn't answer and just nodded. "We had currently informed about your situation, and I'm afraid that you will have to stay there until we find a solution for this." After a long pause, the minister continued.

Jiyeon looked down. She could at least predict that this would happen. No one had ever travel to the living world to be trapped here like her. She felt like crying but the anxiety within her refused to let her cry. She still didn't say anything. She just looked down and started playing with her fingers while listening to the minister.

"As you may already realized, your power will start to fade away and will eventually disappear because the living world is too weak to support and feed you the amount of energy you need. Your status of power in Hema corresponds to the amount of time you have until your energy completely runs out." He continued. Jiyeon was a high ranking guardian back home so she had a quiet good amount of energy and power so she knew she would last pretty long, at least longer than the average guardians.


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ToppBee #1
Chapter 8: Please update!! I really like your story.
salya_chan #2
Chapter 7: Are you not updating this story anymore?? This story was pretty amazing, I like the storyline, it's sounds a bit fantasy but yeah,,I love it.please update soon ^_^ I want to read it until the can do it.fighting!! ^_^
KPOP_survivor #3
haha lol the maid think junhyung is crazy love this fic please update soon thanks=^^= daebak
Omo, i womder what'll happen. Update soon!
Shinnie #5
aw it seems like a thousand years waiting for ur update
And reading it is just like having found pecious treasure
Just worth my waiting
Don't want to make u feel pressure
But I'll wait for ur update just like u make time and put ur all in this story.u encourage urself n i also do the same to u n myself. Aja! Aja! Aja ^^
amankpopholic #6
please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KPOP_survivor #7
please update soon love this fic brilliant=^^= daebak
Plmokn #8
update soon
update soon author-nim.... >o<
Shinnie #10
wow! Your update so fast and long enough
Imma happy to see your update in mh subsciption
This chapter is very interesting
Wonder wat Jiyeon will do when she knows her power loses gradually and when Junhyung finds out her
Aw! Looking forward to your update ^^