Chapter 6
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A/N: First of all guys, thank you and sorry.

Sorry that I wasn't able to update as often as I had promised. >.

And thank you that you guys left such encouraging comments that drive me to continue writing this fic.

School is starting and I feel like this fic is really complex and complicated.

BUT no worries. I will make sure that I will not give up on this fic!!! Aja!!!! Aja!!!

Thanks guys! Love you allllll!!! 

Hope you guys like where this fic is going :) Be happy!!! :P



"I am telling you. I'm not going back. And there's no way I will accept her into the family." Junhyung's voice echoed from his room to the hallway and every maid stood still, startled.

"How dare you! If you don't go back to school, don't even think about going back home." A man yelled from the room. The door swung open and a middle-aged man stomped out of the room. His face was red with anger. His fists were clenched tight. The maid hurried back with their work as soon as the man walked out.

Jiyeon bowed the man as he walked by, assuming that he's the master of the house. She walked cautiously toward Junhyung's room and looked inside. He was sitting on the bed, blood dripping from his hand to the wooden floor. 

Panicked a little, Jiyeon quickly placed the tray full of food on the table next to the bed and ran toward Junhyung. "Oh my gosh, Are you okay? How did you-" She asked as she took a look at his wound. She stopped asking as she realized what had created the wound on Junhyung's hand. "You know if you break a mirror you will have seven years of bad luck?" Jiyeon said quietly as she walked to take the first aid kit.

Junhyung chuckled at her comment; "I broke the mirror so it wouldn't seem like I have had bad luck all my life." He sat still as Jiyeon carefully dress his wound. She couldn't help but noticed how many scars he has on his hand. Some are tiny; some are pretty hard not to notice. 

"You're lucky that you are able to go to school. I would love to be able to go to school." Jiyeon broke the silence. 

"What is so fun about school?" Junhyung looked at her, slightly shocked. "Wait, so you have never attend school?" He said while tracing his finger along the dressed wound.

"Never." Jiyeon said quietly as she cleaned up the blood.

"Now that's strange." Junhyung stood up and walked around the room, "You said that you have custom made contact lenses but your parents can't afford to get you into a school?" He stopped at the table and grabbed his breakfast.

"Parents, eh?" She murmured bitterly. "Well, that is a touchy subject. I don't want to talk about it." Jiyeon turned away after that clever escape line.

Junhyung studied her expression for a while before asking,

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ToppBee #1
Chapter 8: Please update!! I really like your story.
salya_chan #2
Chapter 7: Are you not updating this story anymore?? This story was pretty amazing, I like the storyline, it's sounds a bit fantasy but yeah,,I love it.please update soon ^_^ I want to read it until the can do it.fighting!! ^_^
KPOP_survivor #3
haha lol the maid think junhyung is crazy love this fic please update soon thanks=^^= daebak
Omo, i womder what'll happen. Update soon!
Shinnie #5
aw it seems like a thousand years waiting for ur update
And reading it is just like having found pecious treasure
Just worth my waiting
Don't want to make u feel pressure
But I'll wait for ur update just like u make time and put ur all in this story.u encourage urself n i also do the same to u n myself. Aja! Aja! Aja ^^
amankpopholic #6
please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KPOP_survivor #7
please update soon love this fic brilliant=^^= daebak
Plmokn #8
update soon
update soon author-nim.... >o<
Shinnie #10
wow! Your update so fast and long enough
Imma happy to see your update in mh subsciption
This chapter is very interesting
Wonder wat Jiyeon will do when she knows her power loses gradually and when Junhyung finds out her
Aw! Looking forward to your update ^^