Chapter 3
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A/N: First of all, sorry guise! >< I've been struggling to find a mood for the story and find inspiration, but thanks guise, because of your support I finally found my inspiration. ^^ Hope you like it. :P and Happy New Year!!!



10:15 P.M

Junhyung read his watch and sighed. I won't be able to talk to her today. He thought as he put on his leather jacket. He was all prepared for the fight tonight but somehow he still felt a bit uneased. 

~So beautiful my girl, oh, oh , girl~

His phone rang. Doojoon called. Junhyung picked up the phone. "Yobeoseyo."

"Hey, you ready?" Doojoon said with Yoseob yelling on the background. "I was thinking about grabbing a drink before going there. What do you think?"

"A drink? I'm not really in the mood but fine." Junhyung grabbed his leather gloves on the counter and walked out the door. "Come pick me up then."

"Where are you going?" Junhyung's dad called as he passed the study room.

"I want to grab some drinks with my friends." Junhyung sighed as he slightly slowed down.

"Oh, those ty friends of your?" His dad said with his low, sarcastic voice.

Junhyung sighed. "They are not ty. At least they care about me. Not like you." Junghyung said under his heavily taken breath. "I will get going now." He informed with a bow before running away.

By the time Junhyung got to the gate, his friends were already there. Hyunseung drove his brand new black Jeep as the others drinking beer. Beers were never really Junhyun's thing. He usually goes with wine and something stronger. But if that was all they got, he's fine with it.

"Yo, hurry up man." Doojoon gestured him to hop up. 

They drove around the area a few times and decided not to go in a bar. They found the bar was too crowded and it was not good for a fighting night. Junhyung and others were chilling on the back while Hyunseung and Kikwang drove around. Every once in a while, Junhyung would read his watch, anciously thinking about Jiyeon and how she would be waiting for him. 

"Why do you keep on looking at your watch?" The other members were starting to get annoyed.

Junhyung ignored them and took a sip out his beer. His eyes wandered around the night sky, there were a lot of stars and nice weather. He started thinking about his family, his dad, his life, which he had always been trying to ignore to think about. After his mom's death everything was never the same. His dad became more stubborn and careless about  his family. Junhyung had also became extrememly stubborn and rebellious. He was out of control until he started to talk to Jiyeon, an online friend, that brought him out from the darkness. Thinking about Jiyeon brought a smile to his face. He sighed as he rested his head on the window, feeling the fresh air. He knew that Jiyeon would be really mad if she knew that he was going to fight tonight. He promised her not to.

Time passed. The chill and relaxing time was finally came to an end. They arrived at the old storehouse at exact 11. They heard baseball bats clinking to each other from inside so they decided to take some of their brand new baseball bats that were bought for fighting.

The member hopped off the Jeep from the window and dragged their baseball bats behind them, letting it hit against the dirt floor. Junhyung was first and the others walked behind him and created an arrow shape. They entered the storehouse and the first thing they saw was L.Joe and the rest of Teen Top, dressed in red and black. They seemed to have their own uniform. As soon as they saw Junhyung approaching, they stood up and swung the bats onto their shoulders. Junhyung looked around and saw G-Dragon sitting on top of a pile of gasoline containers with his fellow Big Bang members. They were empty handed. 

Junhyung smirked as he saw the sight of G-Dragon. The only source of light in the room was from the moon light through the open parts from the ceiling. Junhyung stopped, the moonlight shone exactly at his smirking face.

"Welcome, welcome." G-Dragon announced with his loud voice. Junhyung and the others turned to look. "Don't worry, I won't interfere. I just want to watch you guys fight." G-Dragon smirked.

"Don't you think it's better if you join us as well?" Junhyung glared at G-Dragon and ask calmly.wi

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ToppBee #1
Chapter 8: Please update!! I really like your story.
salya_chan #2
Chapter 7: Are you not updating this story anymore?? This story was pretty amazing, I like the storyline, it's sounds a bit fantasy but yeah,,I love it.please update soon ^_^ I want to read it until the can do it.fighting!! ^_^
KPOP_survivor #3
haha lol the maid think junhyung is crazy love this fic please update soon thanks=^^= daebak
Omo, i womder what'll happen. Update soon!
Shinnie #5
aw it seems like a thousand years waiting for ur update
And reading it is just like having found pecious treasure
Just worth my waiting
Don't want to make u feel pressure
But I'll wait for ur update just like u make time and put ur all in this story.u encourage urself n i also do the same to u n myself. Aja! Aja! Aja ^^
amankpopholic #6
please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KPOP_survivor #7
please update soon love this fic brilliant=^^= daebak
Plmokn #8
update soon
update soon author-nim.... >o<
Shinnie #10
wow! Your update so fast and long enough
Imma happy to see your update in mh subsciption
This chapter is very interesting
Wonder wat Jiyeon will do when she knows her power loses gradually and when Junhyung finds out her
Aw! Looking forward to your update ^^