Chapter 8- The Aliens Meet again!

Counter promises


CHAPTER 8- The Aliens meet again!

3 years after their break-up TOP finally decided to come back in Korea.

“*sigh*  I can’t believed after many years Im back. I missed them so much.” TOP said to himself while in the taxi.
They finally stopped in front of the Choi’s house.
TOP saw the gate is open so he just enter.But before he enters the living room, suddenly a woman runs towards him holding a broom.
“How did you get in to our house without ringing the doorbell or just knocking? *gasp* I knew it youre a thief!” the woman is about to hit TOP with her broom but TOP holds the broom to stop her.
“Umma please stop!!!! Dont you recognize me?! I’m your son, Seung-hyun!” TOP shouts.
Her Mom holds TOP’s face and look closer, “OMO! It is really you! Oh seung-hyun I miss you so much....”her Mom hugs him. TOP just gives her Mom a ‘whats-wrong-with-you’ face.
“Oh sorry about that because the last time I saw you, your kinda chubby and besides I didn’t wore my eyeglass today .Anyways how did you get inside? ” her Mom asked.
“Ummm….because the gate is open?” TOP said and lay on the couch.
“Oh maybe Hye Yoon forgot to close the gate again!....So how are you? Why did you decided to visit us here?” her Mom asks him wearing her eyeglass.
“While living in America I learned to lived all by myself and I’m not here just to visit, I decided to live here now and never go back there.” TOP said.
Her Mom was astonished. “Really?!! I-Im glad you said that Seung-hyun! I’ll cook your favorite food.” Her Mom got excited and went to the kitchen. While preparing her Mom told TOP about his friend, Ji Yong who became popular singer in Korea.
“Oh I already know about him. Umma,  Im going somewhere but I’ll be back soon okay? Bye!” TOP shouts as he went outside.
“But…Seung-hyun come back here! YAH!” her Mom shouts back trying to stop him,
TOP went to the YG building to see GD but the guards stops him.
“Oi! Im Ji Yo----I mean,Im G-Dragon’s friend. I need to talk to him!” said TOP.
“*chuckles* Did you know that many fans, media, and stalkers already used that line and pretends to be Mr. GD’s friend?! But sorry we can’t let you in sir!” guard said  stopping him.
TOP is arguing with the guards but good thing GD is there that can still recognize TOP so he told the guards that TOP is really his friend.
“Hyung!!! I can’t believe that the man standing in front of me used to be a little chubby kid before. So whats up?” GD greets him with a smile.
TOP just smirks at him. “Congrats! Finally you did something great for yourself! Anyways I’m here to ask for your help…”
then TOP suddenly become serious.
“I’ve done a research and I found out that Bom is also in the same entertainment with you. So I’m just thinking if you can help me.”
“You know Bom-noona? Well I didn’t know that 2ne1 is popular in America, to think they just debut last year. But don’t tell me you’re one of Noona’s fanboys!” GD said astonished.
“Aishh~! Im not just like a fanboy or a stalker… believed it or not Im Park Bom’s  ex-boyfriend! And I promised myself to find her so I can prove to her that I’ve changed and Im willing to do everything just to make her accept me again! Please believe me Ji!” TOP exclaim.
“*slow claps* Wow Hyung! That is so romantic and so dramatic! But don’t worry I believed in you.” GD said still can’t believe that TOP can do all those things for a girl.
“Thanks. But is she here?”TOP asked.
“Sorry TOP but Bom-noona isn’t here. They’re in *concert place in Seoul* because it’s their first ever concert, celebrating their  first year success in K-pop industry. But you can still talk to her in the concert,… If you’re lucky.”GD gets a VIP ticket from his pocket and hand it to TOP.
“Sorry TOP I can’t go with you Im still busy writing lyrics for my next album, you know! Anyways, Do your best and just contact me if you need anything. Bye!” GD stands and taps his shoulder.

When TOP enters the concert event, everyone is singing with 2ne1 and screaming their names!
“Im glad that your dreams came true” TOP said to himself while looking at Bom. He tried waving and shouting but it seems like Bom don’t notice him. So he tried the backstage but there are too many bodyguards and staffs.
TOP got pissed so he just text GD and decided to meet in a restaurant.
“Hey Hyung over here!” GD shouts while waving.
“Why did you decided to meet here? You know it’s kinda expensive here! TOP says  as he sat in front of GD.
“Because recently Dara-noona just told me that they always go here. Trust me, after their concert they will be here.”Gd said and smirks at TOP.

(After the concert, meanwhile at the backstage)

“Goodjob everyone! Congrats to us!” CL said as she claps.
All of the staffs even 2ne1 members applaud for the successful and job well done concert.
“Let’s go now to our favorite restaurant! Ah Go Go Go!” Dara says with excitement.
When they arrived in their favorite restaurant, Bom’s still inside of the car but she already saw TOP with GD. Bom lean closer to the window to see if it’s really TOP.
“*gasp* OMO! It is TOP! What should I do? Should I greet him and ask him why he’s here then act like it was nothing?” Bom asks herself.
“Well, Sorry but no! I already promised to myself to make him regret and prove he’s wrong” Bom sighs and open the  car door.They all look happy when enters the restaurant except for Bom pretending busy to her phone.

“Oh they’re here! Told ya!...Now let’s go and good luck Hyung!” Gd pushes TOP just to make him move.
As they get closer, Bom is getting nervous and still don’t know what to do.
“Oh Oppa you’re here too!...Ummm who is he?” Minzy asked.
“He’s my friend, Choi-Seung-hyun but you can call him TOP.” Gd puts his arm around to TOP.
“H-Hi??*bows* Errr~…Bom, Don’t you remember me?!” TOP asked.
“Oh that deep y voice! I can’t believe I heard it again!” Bom said to herself.
Bom just smiles innocently but deep inside she’s feeling nervous.
“Ummm…Who are you again?” Bom asks with her smile.
“What?! I know it’s been 3 years since we met but how come you don’t remember? Im TOP!!” TOP explained.
2ne1 members is staring at Bom waiting for her response and that makes Bom pressured.
“Well…Im sorry if I don’t remember you. Why don’t you just tell me if you’re one of my fanboys? I won’t ignore you! But its nice to meet you” Bom smirks.
TOP shakes his head then removes GD’s arm and walks out.
“Sorry about that anyways Congratulations to all of you. See ya!” GD bows and follows TOP.
“Woah! I think he’s pissed.”Dara said.
“In all your fanboys, so far he’s the most handsome…” Minzy said to Bom.
“…yeah but weird.” CL added

“Aigoo~!!! Let’s stop this and Im hungry! YAH! Waiter where’s our food?” the waiter approaches Bom and said
“Ummm…Maam but you haven’t ordered yet?”  Then the girls burst out laughing.

TOP’s P.O.V:
I don’t know why she need to embarrassed  me infront of her friends! And I can’t just tell them that Im Bom’s ex-boyfriend , I’m sure they’ll freak out!
And Im NOT A FANBOY! Well I may act like fanboy but Im not like them!
You’ve changed a lot but I know your feelings for me are still there.
This is harder than I thought but Im not giving up! Promise is a Promise.
(TOP received a text from her Umma)
Choi Seung-hyun Where are you?!!!! Please come home or else….
Aisshh!~! This is not Umma! You can’t fool me anymore Noona! Im not a little kid anymore! *sigh!*


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Chapter 10: Update the story pls authornim ^^
Chapter 6: what the?? Oh! Come on.Please update
Chapter 6: what the?? Oh! Come on.Please updatr
BommieLuv #4
Chapter 6: please update why did u do this to us ? please please dont do this to us please >.< i hope this is just a dream please update
Chapter 5: Oh no! TOP is really mean.
mellybonky #6
Chapter 5: Wonderful story.. Keep update!!!!
BommieLuv #7
Chapter 5: please update >.< i love this fic
meanbelon #8
Chapter 5: keep update.dont make us wait..hehehe.
Chapter 4: I hope their relationship last long. Please update.