Chapter 4- So Far,so....err,....not that good? [part2]

Counter promises


Until one day TOP got bored to their relationship, his efforts and sweetness eventually fade and whenever they talk they always end up arguing.

Bom wore her prettiest dress and put make-up because it’s their 10th monthsary , they usually go out and date to celebrate their monthsary. This day is very special for the both of them but since morning her TOP didn’t call or even text her.

“Hello TOP?!  Where are you? It’s our special day, we have a date remember?!”

“Huh? Special? Why? “ TOP forgot their monthsary.

“It’s our 10th monthsary today! It’s getting late now…wait, Don’t tell me you forgot?”

“O-Ofcourse not! It’s just I’m busy with my friends. Were here in a club to celebrate Ralph’s birthday! You know I can’t miss this.“ TOP said.

“Fine! We will celebrate Ralph’s birthday and our monthsary at the same time. Tell me, where are you? I’m going there.” Bom said while sitting outside of the house.

“NO! ….I mean ,you can’t because its boy’s night out. No girls allowed get it?” After TOP said that alibi exactly Bom heard a girl’s voice calling her TOP.

“really?! Then who’s that?” Bom smells something fishy.

“Err,It’s just the waitress, just don’t mind that it’s nothing. Anyway Happy Monthsary Bommie! I’m going to hang-up now my friends are waiting for me. Bye!” TOP hanged-up but Bom really wants to go where Top is, so she went to Natalie’s room that laying in her bed ‘coz she have a fever.

“Unnie! ummm… excuse me, but can I ask you something? Where does Ralph’s party held? I mean do you know where he is?” Bom ask as she enters the room.

“*cough* Ralph said they are in (Insert name of a place). why did you ask? Wait, you said it’s your 10th monthsary today right? Where’s TOP I thought you guys…*cough* have a date?”

“That’s the reason why I asked you unnie. TOP said he’s with Ralph, they’re celebrating Ralph’s birthday .Then I said Im going there to celebrate Ralph’s birthday and our monthsary at the same time since he said that he can’t miss it. But TOP refuse to tell me the name of the club, he said its boys night out!” said Bom .

“No it’s not! Actually, Ralph want me to be their but I said I can’t ‘coz I have a fever. You should really go and find out what TOP is up to!”

Even though she has a fever she’s still there to help. Bom thanked her and immediately went outside to call for a taxi.

When Bom finally arrived in the club, she felt nervous as she entered inside. She saw Ralph with their friends so she approaches them.

“Hey Ralph! TOP said he’s here then where he is?” Bom asked but no one answer her, Instead of waiting for their response Bom turned around and saw TOP kissing someone in the dance floor.

Her eyes widden and felt her heart crushed into pieces. The two stops kissing when TOP saw Bom.

“Bom?! What are you doing he---“ Before Top finish his sentence Bom slap his face.

“You’re unbelievable! How could you do this to me???!! Im so stupid to believe that this relationship would still work! And I’m so sick and tired of your game TOP!!!”Bom shouted.

“Well, you’re not the only one who’s tired if this stupid relationship! Im sorry but Bom you’re being pathetic and obsess to your dream! You don’t have time for me! Now, can you blame me if I seek for other’s attention?”

“FINE! Since we’re both tired of this relationship…..WE.ARE.OVER! But FYI, I don’t regret loving you; my feelings, sweetness and efforts are true! I hope you’re happy!”

Everyone is staring at them and the girl who flirt Top was shocked. Bom walked out crying while TOP is speechless, he felt bad for being a useless boyfriend to Bom. He wants to follow Bom , but it’s like his whole body freeze .

When Bom got outside of the club, she was surprised that it’s raining .But she didn’t mind the rain, she run as fast as she can until her shoes broke. Bom stopped running and throws her shoes. She keeps on running until she got home.

Natalie is in the living room watching K-drama, she’s about to cry when suddenly the door opened and Bom get inside wet and shivering.

“Aigoo~!! Bommie-ah you scared me!” Natalie was shocked but when she saw it was only Bom she felt relief.

“I know your curious and worried to me but pls. don’t ask anything. Just let me rest eonnie, I need some time alone. I-I’m really sorry.” Bom looks so sad and depressed.

Natalie really wants to comfort her but since Bom wants some time alone she just nodded and gave a towel to Bom.

After taking a bath,Bom sat near the window staring outside.

“Is this the end? Am I no longer in his heart? All I want is to make our relationship work!” Bom said to herself. Her eyes formed tears as she remembers what TOP said to her that made her hurt and upset.



So this is it! next chapter is Bom's Promise! :)) stay tuned.

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Chapter 10: Update the story pls authornim ^^
Chapter 6: what the?? Oh! Come on.Please update
Chapter 6: what the?? Oh! Come on.Please updatr
BommieLuv #4
Chapter 6: please update why did u do this to us ? please please dont do this to us please >.< i hope this is just a dream please update
Chapter 5: Oh no! TOP is really mean.
mellybonky #6
Chapter 5: Wonderful story.. Keep update!!!!
BommieLuv #7
Chapter 5: please update >.< i love this fic
meanbelon #8
Chapter 5: keep update.dont make us wait..hehehe.
Chapter 4: I hope their relationship last long. Please update.