


Chapter 4 : Fire


Jay was walking down the hall. He headed for the elevators and slipped into it before the doors closed. He pushed the fifth floor button and waited till he reach to his place. The elevator bell was heard as the doors were slowly opened, Jay stepped out and walked to his work room. ‘It’s just half of the day and I have felt really tired because of my cold brother.’ He sighed and pushed the door opened.

“Yo Senior Kim?” Changmin greeted his leader from his seat with his smile.

“Yo Changmin..” Jay said as pushed the door close, stepping inside their room.

“Hey, what happen with your arm?” He said when he saw the bandage around Jay’s left arm.

“It’s nothing, just little accident.” Jay looked at his comrade who was getting up from her seat. “Where are you going?”

“I need to meet Captain Go, he want me to do something. I’m leaving Senior Kim!” Changmin said and walked out, leaving his leader alone in their room.


Jay was stepping into his table and sitting on the chair. He took a pen and started to write something on the paper. His head was thinking about who was the spy of their agents while his hand was playing the pen with his fingers. Then he accidentally fell his pen on the floor. Jay bent down to reach his pen, gropping every object under the table. Then his hand reached a torn piece of paper instead of his pen. He wanted to know what it was, so he brought it up and took a look on it. He was reading carefully at the numbers and letters that written on the paper.

“What is this? It’s like a code.” Jay said. It’s written DecChrist-D0098AE7 .

“But, what code?” Jay was thinking hard about it, he was so curious. He looked at the paper in his hand, feeling like he ever saw this kind of paper before. Then, he remembered something.




Changmin was looking at Donghae who was writing something on his note. “Hey, I like your note. It has a unique paper. Where did you buy it?” He asked to Donghae who was sitting next to him. Hearing it, Jay glanced at them and looked at Donghae’s note. It had a light brown paper with a dragon symbol in the corner.

“My note? I got it from China ambassador. He gave it to me as a gift when I worked as his bodyguard. He said it was only produced in China and limited adition. It’s good right?” Donghae said.

“You’re so lucky..”Changmin said as he looked his note.


End of Flashback


“It’s the paper from Donghae’s note. So...” Jay tried to remember anything else. He had ever seen Donghae was coming out from The Information System Center. It’s a room of database center which no one could not get in easily without a licence.

“Could it be?” Jay was startled at sudden. He got up from his seat and rushed to his computer with the paper in his hand. He opened the NII database program till it showed the order to insert a password.

“The person who could access all the data is the one who know the password and they are just some of our agents. Let see, it is the password or not.” Jay typed all the codes written to the password tab then pushed the enter button of the keyboard. Then the system said it’s the wrong password and he just had two chances left.

“I believe it must be the password.” He said as he looked at every code in his hand.

“DecChrist-D0098AE7.” He spelled it, putting his hand on the chin. His head was thinking to break that code. “It must have a meaning.”

“DecChrist... Dec.. December Christmas” Jay typed again, but wrong password again. It’s only one chance left.

“Number... Number... Number... “ Jay muttered. It lasted for a ten minutes when he thought about the right password before decided to type again.

“How about this?” He said, typing the numbers 1225-40098157 on the password. He closed his eyes, expecting the fortune was on his side right now. Then he pushed enter. The green light on the screen was seen as he read that the password accepted. Jay widened his eyes in surprised. ‘So my thought was right? He was the culprit. The person who leaked our plans. Is it really you, Donghae?’ Jay said in his mind, clenching his fist that hold the paper. ‘You’re a traitor.’




Someone was walkiing in the meeting room of the secret organization. He was bringing a folder in his hand, then stopped his feet in front of the desk of their main leader.

"Are you waiting for me?" He asked to the man who sat before him.

"Yes, I'm waiting you." The man in his chair said. He turned around on his seat to face his spy. "I hope you bring me a good news."

"Yeah.. I got what you want." He put the folder in his hand onto the desk.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Just look, it's the profile of the person you are looking for." His spy answered.

The leader opened the folder and took the documents out of it. He read and looked at the photo from the profile. "So, he is Youngmin's son?"

He smiled, "Yes. He is Jay Kim, my leader in this case."

"His eyes reminds me of his father." He formed a smirk. "You did a great job. Anything else?"

"I had gotten all the data you need in this disk. " He handed him a disk.

His leader took the disk, "You had done everything I want. And about your pay, I won't forget it. This is just a half." He wrote down a check and gave it to his spy. "For the rest, I'll transfer it soon."

"Thanks.. You can call me again if you need everything." He folded the check and saved it under his jacket.

"Sure. My best spy, Lee Donghae. You really help me a lot."

He gave a smile. "I have to go back now.. Don't forget for the rest of my money." He bowed and headed to leave the room.

"Yeah, sure."

Lee Dongjoo was watching Donghae leaving. Then when his spy got out of his room and closed the door, he took out his phone and dialed someone numbers.

"I want you to do something." He said to his henchman in the other line.

"What do you want, Sir?"

"Lee Donghae has given me all I want. His existence is not needed anymore. Beside that, I don't want to take a risk when someone know that he is related with us. Just get rid of him.."

"Yes, Sir."

He hung up his phone and put it on his desk. He stared at Jay's photo again. "My money is getting near..." He said as an evil smirk plastered on his face.

“You look really happy. Is there anything I need to know?” Someone asked him from the door frame, making Lee Dongjoo startled.

“You are surprising me, Kim Seonggu.” The leader said.

His guest leaned off the door and walked closer to his partner's desk. He looked at the documents on his desk and took Jay’s profile, reading it carefully.

“I guessed this is the one we are looking for.” Seounggu said as he took a glance at his partner.

“You’re right.”

“Finally, I’ll meet my nephew again. It’s been a long time.” He said.




Siwon was walking into his team room, but he saw no one. “Why is there no one here?” he asked to himself. Then a few seconds later, the door was pushed open. Siwon turned his head to see Changmin.

“Hi Senior Choi?” He greeted Siwon.

“Changmin, where are the others?” Siwon asked.

He just shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe they’re busy with their own assignment.” He said and walked towards the water dispenser, filling his glass with the hot water. “I heard you and Senior Kim were having patrol together. How was it? Did the injury in Senior Kim’s arm was caused by your patrol incident?” The youngest member asked.

“Hn.” Siwon took a seat. “We nearly get one of the secret organization’s gang, but he could escape because of their henchmen interupted us.” He explained.

“If I was there, I should have hepled you guys.”

“Really? Even, our leader could not protect himself. What make you think you will be a great help?”

“Hey... Don’t say that! You just don’t know my true ability. Beside that, I adore my leader, Senior Kim. He is way better than you.. I still don’t understand.. You two are brothers, but you have very different personalities.”

“Whatever...” He took a newspaper on the table and started reading it, ignoring his friend.




Donghae was paying off for his coffee and took it in his hand. He was stepping out from the coffee shop, walking to his car direction. But, someone blocked his way.

"Jay Kim? What are you doing here?" Donghae asked his friend who was standing before him.

"Why did you do this?" Jay asked him in serious tone.

"What are you talking about?"

"Being a spy of our enemy, it is your job, right? I know that you're the spy and I know what you’ve done. So, stop playing stupid."

He sneered, "I really don't know about what are you talking about, Jay." He was about to walk pass but Jay grabbed his arm, stopping him in place. He looked into Jay’s fierce eyes.

"So, would you explain to me about what you’re doing in security center, about the failure of our plan, and the code that written in your paper?" Jay asked.

He jerked up his arm from Jay's grip. "If you’re suspicious me, then what proof you can show to me? Do you ever see me doing that huh?!"

Jay dug in his pocket and took out a torn piece of paper, showing it to his comrade. Donghae widened his eyes in surprised, but he didn’t want to say a word to answer.

“This is yours right?” Jay raised his hand that hold a paper and showed it in Donghae’s face.

“It’s not enough proof. Someone else could just use my paper note.”

“But I'm sure, it’s your hand writing! Yes.. Maybe I don’t have enough evidence about your betrayal right now. But, I will get it soon.”

“Do it then!” He said, then rushed to get in his car.

"Donghae, stop! I've not finished talking with you." Jay called him.

He ignored his leader’s calling and continued to open his car door and get in the car. Just a few seconds after he closed the door and ignited the engine,


The loud sound was heard when Donghae's car exploded. Jay stopped running, falling to the ground because of the explosion impact. His eyes grew wide to see the big fire was burning the car along with its owner.

"Donghae!! No....!!!" Jay screamed. He froze, watching this incident in horror as many people were coming to look about what was happening.



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Chapter 7: Wooow... I amazed with this story..
Love Love Love it!!!
brighterdaysahead #2
Chapter 7: This fic has a wonderful ending, fantastic story line, and a great choice of characters who really fit their roles. My only suggestion is that you proof read and edit your story before posting it. I can spot many typos and grammatical errors, but over all you did an amazing job writing this. I'm in love with all your TRAX stories. <3
brighterdaysahead #3
Chapter 4: you killed Donghae :(

but seriously though, I love the twists in the plot. This fanfic is fantastic
brighterdaysahead #4
Chapter 3: Siwon and Jay look so handsome in the picture at the bottom of the chapter <3

I love this story so much. Jay, Siwon, and Changmin: three of my biases all in one fanfic. The plot is really exciting :D *clicks to read next chapter*
Chapter 2: Am I the only one comment here? :D
I think this is a pretty nice story featuring SMTown awesome boys.
Keep updating!
Chapter 1: I just found this story and I wanna know what's the next.
I'll wait for the next chapter :)