Shadow of an Angel


Request - express the need or desire for or ask or inquire a person to do something. A formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority


Mary517 on 7-13-2010 15:24:23 says:

Anyhoo..random question...*deleted some text* care to write a taecyoon one for me? I came up with this weird idea when i was requesting a one shot...but then i thought..hmm.. i wonder if my plot is too lengthy for a one shot! Then i thought..i wonder if czak will write it! hahah*


Mary517  on 7-13-2010 15:27:28 says:

here's the plot...if its too odd then just forget about it...haha*

Taec is somewhat like a life guide? (guardian angel?) ....i dunno...he basically assigned to Yoona to guide her down the right path. she's has a somewhat troubled life and doesn't believe in anything good. She discovers she has the ability to save people's lives but everytime she uses this power a little part of her dies. She must now choose whether or not she wants to be selfish or sacrifice herself for the sake of others. Taec teaches her that there is good in the world and that its okay to care about others. She starts saving people's lives, but in the process she's dying inside. Taec falls for her during this time and tries to convinced her to stop using her powers and be selfish for once (because he's being selfish and wants her to live). In the end she dies saving HIM!



















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Rvcrave #1
Amazing story
Wanhyun02 #2
Good story
Great <3
good job!! :)
this is one amazing story...and sad, you made me cry a bit when Taecyon was so sad for Luna. but I loved reading the story, even with a sad ending. and I loved the music.
I also like the background ;D hehe I think we all know why
Btw I love the Poster ;) whoever did it did a GREAT job
What's the song name in chapter 1?