
My Sunshine

Am I going the right way? Why is this taking so long? I realized I had been walking for nearly half an hour but when I checked Google Maps it said getting to Woollim High was just a ten-minute walk.

“Great, I’m lost. I knew I shouldn’t have left home,” I stomped around angrily until I saw what seemed to be a river. Running towards it, I stopped near the edge and looked at my reflection. I’m still here. I never thought that I would be around for this long. Everyone said it would get better but... I never seem to be able to catch a break. I sighed, picking up a pebble and throwing it into the water. The stupid stone didn’t even skip. I sat there, cross-legged until I saw something shadowing over me.

“You look like you’re contemplating jumping in there,” the male voice jokingly said.

You have no idea.

I ignored the voice, not even bothering to look up at the person who was talking to me. Maybe if I ignored him for long enough, he would just go away. “Hello? Is anybody in there?” he stepped in front of me so that all I could see were his legs. I stayed quiet for a few seconds until I recognized that wasn’t going anywhere.  “You’re obstructing my view,” I said curtly. “She speaks!” He said while clapping his hands. “Now will you look at me?”

“Why?” I asked, now staring down at my legs. What the hell was this guy after? “I just wanted to see if your face matched your pretty voice,” I could practically smell the grease coming off of this guy. “Go away. I don’t like you and I’m not interested in whatever you have to say.” This guy was really annoying me. Didn’t he have somewhere else to be? “Aww, come on,” he whined, “I was just trying to make you laugh!” I rolled my eyes but he didn’t see. “Fat chance of that happening, don’t you have anything better to do than to bother me? I clearly do not want to talk to you. I was just sitting here, minding my own business when you came up out of nowhere all of the sudden and you didn’t even have the decency to—“ I felt his finger pressed against my lips. “PFFFFFT!” I pushed him away and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, “what the hell do you think you’re doing? UGH!” I demanded, getting up from where I was sitting. I was about to ask him what his problem was but then again, I didn’t even want to know what this sicko was trying to do to me. I was about to storm off when he grabbed my wrist. I hate it when people touch me. “Let go of me right now,” I growled, “I don’t want you touching me. Let’s just go our separate ways, okay?” I couldn’t even face him as I was saying this.

“Suddenly you’ve become quite the talker,” he let go of my hand. “Sorry, it was just a reflex... I don’t want to make you feel awkward. I hope you don’t misunderstand my intentions.” I couldn’t tell if he was being sincere or not. I’m not what you call a ‘people person’, so I can’t read someone very easily. “I just… I saw your uniform as I was walking to school.” I slowly brought my head up. Yup, we’re wearing the same thing. “So,” he continued, “I was thinking: why is this girl all the way out here? You’re not even following the road, and it kind of looks like you’re lost. Are you?” I finally straightened myself up and got a real good look at his face. He was pretty good-looking. Not someone I would go for, but I could tell he was probably popular with girls. “Yeah...” I started, “I’m completely lost.” He immediately smiled. “See? I’m not that bad to look at, right?” he nudged my arm in a playful manner but I flinched, causing his smile to weaken a bit. “So, err... I mean… I haven’t seen you before. The polite thing to do would be to walk you to school, right? Pretty girls like you shouldn’t be hanging about by themselves.” I started dusting off my school pants. “It’s daytime. I’m pretty sure no one would try anything during the day,” I rolled my eyes. “B-but, still,” he was clearly surprised by my cold tone. I guess he thought we could end up being friends. Too bad I’m not interested in making friends. I’d break the news to him after he took me to school. “Lead the way,” I pointed off into a general direction. “That’s not the right way,” he shook his head, motioning the opposite way, “that’s the right way. You sure are lucky I got here in time, who knows what would have become of you if I had never shown up.” He sounded cocky and it annoyed me. If he wasn’t helping me get to school I would have walked away by now.

The walk there was pretty silent. Whenever he would try to start a conversation I would shoot him down and it would be awkward. Soon enough we both got used to the quiet. After about fifteen minutes of walking I saw the gates to the school. It looked wealthy. I didn’t belong here, but now I know why I was sent. My aunt probably thought that going to an upper-class school would magically make all of my problems disappear. Back home I went to a shotty-looking public school run by gangs, but they were never an issue. If only she knew it wasn’t that easy for me to change who I was and how I felt about life.  “Thanks. I can go on my own from here,” I nodded to him. “Wait—are you sure? You’re new. I’m guessing you don’t have any friends, why don’t you hang out with me? I’m a nice guy. My name is Woohyun, by the way.” I slightly shook my head. “I don’t need friends. Thanks for bring
ing me here, Woohyun.”

I left him looking completely stunned in place as I walked ahead of him and past the school gates.

OKAY, SECOND CHAPTER UP. I kind of have an idea of where I'm going with this. Here you met Woohyun. He seems nice doesn't he? ^___^ I know you're probably iffy about Hana right now, she seems like a .. Don't worry thought, her story will soon be revealed. I'm having fun writing these chapters. I think I'm gonna introduce the boys one by one, no wait... Hmm.. I don't know. Next chapter a few of them will be introduced.  I HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING THIS <3 If you have any comments feel free to leave them.


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please update!<br />
Myungsoo #3
Updated~ And hehehe, we'll see ^^
junhuidu #4
Romance... Only if it's appropriate.
pinkypn #5
i want to know her past and y she committed suicide
mysteriousaura209 #6
sleep over at woohyuns house!!!!!XD
theproudpenguin #7
Whoa, that was fast lol You're welcome :3<br />
I like Hana's character, she's cool~<br />
Write it the way you want to write ^^