Skipping Stones

My Sunshine

Once I made sure that my backpack hadn’t been messed with, I left the building. I was so determined to find it that I lost track of the time. School ended at 2:45, but it was already 3:30. By now the rest of my classmates were probably at home doing homework, or at the mall with their friends. That’s when I remembered I had no where to go. The incident from this morning still hurt me, and I was afraid that the second I stepped back in that house things would take a turn for the worse. It was safer to avoid conflict all together, that’s why I decided to take a walk: a long one. I had no idea where my destination was, but getting some exercise wouldn’t hurt.

I let my mind wander; thinking of the past and of everything that has led up to the present day. I was aware of my mistakes and they continued to haunt me. It seemed like they followed me to this new city and were waiting for the right time to reveal themselves to the people around me. It scared me and I wanted to end it all, but knew better. Even though auntie had been harsh, she was right.

I’m a selfish girl.

Though I had intended to walk around aimlessly, I ended up walking back down the road leading to my home. 

10 more minutes and I should be back.

As hard as I tried moving forward, I couldn’t. I stopped and squatted down in front of a familiar lake, gathering a bunch of pebbles in my hands. Maybe instead of going home I could spend the rest of the day improving my stone-skipping skills. That wouldn’t be a complete waste of time, right?

I tried to position myself in an odd angle, just so that they would skip more fluidly, but instead of jumping across the water, the rocks I threw ended up plunking in the lake.

I started to get frustrated and chucked all of the remaining pebbles that were in my hand into the water.

“Your technique is all wrong,” a strong voice said behind me. I turned and saw Woohyun standing there, hands in his pockets. He always showed up at the worst moments.

“Are you following me?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

“Why would I follow you of all people? Plus, you’re the one hanging around in my neighborhood. I should be the one asking you if you’re following me. But, I won’t because I have manners.”

I groaned audibly and threw a tiny rock at his chest. “If you know so much about it then why don’t you show me how it’s done?”

Woohyun confidently pushed me aside and squinted his eyes while aiming the stone towards the body of water. “Watch and learn.” I noticed he took on a strange stance while doing this; he kind of stuck his out a bit and bent his knees.

 He reminded me of a duck.

“Don’t choke,” I said, secretly hoping he would fail.

“I won’t. It’s all in the wrist. Shut up and watch.” He finally let go of the pebble, flicking his wrist and shooting it out into the water. It bounded across the lake, jumping up at least 7 times.

“Show off…” I mumbled, grabbing a rock of my own. I tried imitating him, down to his weird pose, but I still failed. “Whatever. This is stupid anyway.” I angrily kicked out at nothing in particular and huffed.

Woohyun just chuckled. “You’ll get it eventually, keep practicing.” He kneeled on the ground and started to move around awkwardly, looking for something. “Just… get a round one. Flat. Those work the best.”

I got on my knees and started to search with him. Soon enough, we both had our hands full with perfect, tiny stones.

“These are good,” he said after checking the rocks I had collected. “Now, for your strategy. If you don’t have a good strategy, you will not be successful. Look, just follow me.” He proceeded to get in his goofy stance, legs bent, out.

“I don’t really think I should do that. You look like an idiot,” I told him.

“I look stupid, but it works. Just try it, no one’s around.”

I grumpily imitated him, and even put on my ‘game face’. “Better?”

“Much better. Now flick your wrist. Don’t try for distance, just attempt to hit it as quickly and as straight as you can.”

I did as he told, but failed again.

“No no no no no no,” he said annoyingly. “Like this,” he stood in front of me and got into his weird stance again, pointing to his . “ has to be out, and your shoulders have to be straight.”

“Ugh, just stop. This is frustrating, forget about it.” I pouted and sat myself down harshly.

“You’re such a baby,” he teased, sitting down next to me. “If you quit now, how do you expect to get better?”

“I don’t expect myself to get better ‘cause I already know I’m not good at anything.”

“Don’t say that, I’m sure you’re good at something.”

“No. I have no special skills. I’m not even mediocre at anything. My grades, my social life, my intelligence, how I look… everything.”

“You just moved here and you already have the hottest guy in the city as a friend, so there’s your social life,” he stated.

“Are you always this way or do you grease yourself up whenever you meet me? The over-confidence is annoying, it comes off as narcissistic,” I laid myself out on the floor, tired of him.

“It was a joke, come on. Laugh. I’ve never seen you laugh.”

“Maybe once you start being funny I might laugh.”

He mouthed ‘ouch’ and pretended to be hurt by my comment.

“Don’t act cute. You can’t pull it off.” I put my arms behind my head and looked up at the sky, but I could still see him out of the corner of my eye.

“I guess I’ll just leave then, since you seem to hate me so much,” he said jokingly, getting up and dusting himself off.
“See ya.”

“I’m really leaving,” he warned, walking farther and farther away from me.


He turned away from me and continued walking.

I closed my eyes and waited for him to come back.


After what seemed like forever, I opened my eyes, angry that he had left for so long. When I searched for him, I saw no one, only large trees and other shrubbery.

I wasn’t expecting him to actually leave me, and the feeling of loneliness hit me. I solemnly got up and started to pace by myself, dragging my feet as I went. It was supposed to be a joke; maybe I took it too far.

Once I reached the main road, I noticed a figure crouching on the floor.

I kicked him. “Get up, Woohyun.”


“Were you waiting for me?” I asked, smirking. So he didn’t leave.

“Kind of.” I helped pull him up, and we walked together for a while. Having him around wasn’t that bad especially when he acted like an idiot, which was pretty amusing.

“So are you going back to your house tonight?” He asked, breaking the silence.

“No. I don’t know… I don’t want to.”

“You can stay with me,” he offered. Even though I knew he was trying to be helpful, anything that came out of his mouth sounded dirty.

“No, it’s alright. I’ll find some other place.”

“Hana, where could you possibly go? You have zero friends other than me… No offense.”

“I’ll find somewhere,” I said curtly, quickening my pace, trying not to look at him. I knew that if I saw his face I’d probably agree. As much as I didn’t want any friends, deep down I knew that Woohyun and I were probably already at that stage.

“No,” he suddenly grabbed my wrist. “Either you go home, or you stay with me. I consider you my friend… even though you verbally abuse me.” He mumbled the last part of the sentence.

After a long pause, I spoke.



^_______^ Updated twice for you guys. Maybe this longer chapter will make you forget about my hiatus? Hope you guys like it. Comment? It makes my day.

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please update!<br />
Myungsoo #3
Updated~ And hehehe, we'll see ^^
junhuidu #4
Romance... Only if it's appropriate.
pinkypn #5
i want to know her past and y she committed suicide
mysteriousaura209 #6
sleep over at woohyuns house!!!!!XD
theproudpenguin #7
Whoa, that was fast lol You're welcome :3<br />
I like Hana's character, she's cool~<br />
Write it the way you want to write ^^