
My Sunshine

“Wait here, got it?” Woohyun called out as he neared the front door. He turned back a couple of times to warn me to stay still.

I nodded and stood there silently, playing with a strand of hair that had fallen out of my bun. I saw that he had already entered the house and closed the door behind him, but it looked like someone was already inside, since all of the lights were on. Were his parents home? I don’t think they would approve of me staying the night.


I must have waited outside for at least 5 minutes when I heard a lot of noise coming from the house. Curious, I disobeyed his order and sneaked on to the porch to listen in on the conversation that was taking place indoors.

Their voices were muffled, but I heard Woohyun and what seemed to be twenty other people arguing in the living room. I couldn’t understand what anyone was trying to say, but I did distinctly hear my name being thrown around.

I faintly heard someone shush the other voices, and then silence filled the room. I didn’t know if they all just stopped talking or if they were whispering to create less noise. Mad because I couldn’t eavesdrop anymore, I sat myself down on a step.

I soon grew tired of waiting for Woohyun and opted to take a look around his property instead of sitting there idly. The house itself looked like it was very large, but the amount of land that surrounded it was impressive. The air seemed cleaner and everything looked more beautiful. I had the sudden urge to run through the unkempt grass but caught myself.


It was 9PM.

I decided to knock on the front door. He had been in there long enough. Maybe he forgot about me or was hoping if he ignored me for long enough I’d disappear.

No one opened the door.

“Damn it,” I said, getting impatient. I knocked another three times.

The door swung open to reveal Woohyun out of his uniform and in more comfortable clothing. Maybe he did forget about me.

“Are you going to let me in or were you expecting me to leave?” I asked bitterly.

“Sorry,” he looked at the floor. “I was just taking care of some things.” He ushered me in through the door.

“Your parents let me stay? Cool. I should thank them.”

“Ahh,” he smiled sheepishly, “about that… They aren’t in town.”

 Before I could object, he stopped me, “But I’m not planning on seducing you. Well, not tonight at least.” He winked at me.

 “Wow. That was completely disgusting—“I was cut off mid-lecture by an uproar in the living room.  Someone was laughing violently.

I turned to Woohyun with a look that I’d like to call my ‘What the f-ck is going on’ face and he panicked, running to the source of the laughter.

This is not happening right now.

I followed him while keeping my distance and my jaw dropped when I stepped into the living room.

“Huh?” was all I could say. I was speechless; completely speechless.

Literally rolling on the floor, clutching his stomach, was a boy. He had flaming red hair and was gasping for air, clearly laughing too hard.

Surrounding him were five boys. The same five boys that I had met earlier this morning; the same five boys that I had seen around school before, interacting with some, merely watching the others.

It was the weirdest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

They were trying to get him to calm down, but the damage was done. We made eye contact, and he immediately stopped laughing.

“What are—what’s—what?” I blurted out, still confused by the scene playing out in front of me.

“They’re, uh… See, I was going to tell you this at a better time but I guess now that it’s out in the open… Umm…” Woohyun was trying to find the best words to explain, but ended up fumbling with his sentence.

“I guess you could call this a sleepover.”




kind of a transition chapter. I'm trying to get the ball rolling here, so I had to include this maybe-sort-of-stupid-chapter.

I love you guys <3

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please update!<br />
Myungsoo #3
Updated~ And hehehe, we'll see ^^
junhuidu #4
Romance... Only if it's appropriate.
pinkypn #5
i want to know her past and y she committed suicide
mysteriousaura209 #6
sleep over at woohyuns house!!!!!XD
theproudpenguin #7
Whoa, that was fast lol You're welcome :3<br />
I like Hana's character, she's cool~<br />
Write it the way you want to write ^^