A Brand New Day

My Sunshine


“… No.”

“Pretty please?”

“I said no.”

“Do this for yourself, Hana.. If you don’t go to school what are they going to think of you? What are they going to think of me? I’m your guardian now, so I think—“

I shot up from my bed. “Fine, I’ll go,” I croaked, rubbing my eyes.

“That’s the spirit! Now go get dressed, I’ll make your breakfast.”

“Okay, auntie.” I listened to the sound of my bedroom door closing and my aunt’s heels clicking down the stairs. Who wears heels indoors anyway? I shrugged this off and plopped down in front of my vanity, taking a close look at my face in the mirror. I had severe bags under my eyes and faint scars on my cheek. If my aunt was going to force me to go to class today I might as well try to appear as normal as possible. Taking some concealer in my right hand, I started to spread the cream around my dark circles and over my scars. This did an okay job of covering everything up. I look normal.


“HANA!” she shrieked from the kitchen. “One second,” I said so quietly she probably didn’t even hear. This looks pretty cute. It’s too bad I won’t be wearing it often, I thought, carefully putting on my new school uniform and adjusting my tie. I threw my hair into a messy bun and headed to the kitchen.

“You look nice,” my aunt smiled gently as she pushed a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me.

No I don’t. You’re just saying that to make me smile.

“Thanks.” I didn’t even try to form a smile. In fact, I don’t even remember the last time I smiled.

She was silent for a bit and just watched me as I stuffed the food into my mouth. “Please..” she begged. “Please, Hana.. Don’t do anything stupid.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed, “I won’t. Don’t worry about me.” The plate in front of me was empty, so I got up and slung my light backpack over my shoulder.

“Try to meet some nice people.. Don’t keep to yourself. This is your chance to become a new person. Nobody here knows anything about you.. You can be whoever you want to be,” her words were encouraging but I’ve heard all of it before.

“I’ll be back, see ya.” I waved and left the house, not knowing that today would be the most important day of my life.. The day I met them.


You're gonna meet some of the boys in the next chapter. I wasn't really sure how I was gonna go about it, so I decided to have a short-ish introductory (kind of) chapter, then actually get into the story in the second. Next chapter's going to be significantly longer. I hope this wasn't too boring for those of you that are reading. This is my first story so I'm kind of dskafrqkjfrja,fjda nervous I don't want to disappoint anyone. Comments would be lovely. <3

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please update!<br />
Myungsoo #3
Updated~ And hehehe, we'll see ^^
junhuidu #4
Romance... Only if it's appropriate.
pinkypn #5
i want to know her past and y she committed suicide
mysteriousaura209 #6
sleep over at woohyuns house!!!!!XD
theproudpenguin #7
Whoa, that was fast lol You're welcome :3<br />
I like Hana's character, she's cool~<br />
Write it the way you want to write ^^