
The temporary teacher

Onew POV

On the way to school,

‘Oh my goodness, WHY is the bus so crowded today? I don’t remember it being THIS squeezy’ I mumbled to myself as I felt someone bump into me, for the. 6thtime in 10minutes? SERIOUSLY, why aren’t there more buses when everyone knows that this is the peak period.

Suddenly there was this guy, who seemed, or rather, FELT rather lean but muscular pushing me and squeezing at a particular stop and alighted. Before I could see who it was, he had already left the bus stop and ran off to, his school I supposed?

Aish, I was so tempted to say something rude to him as he was squeezing past me, but being the gracious citizen I was, and having the good upbringing from my parents and school, I decided against it as it would have been rather embarrassing, and rude of me to do it.

‘I am a teacher, I’m a teacher, I’m a teacher’ I chanted, trying to remind myself that I can no longer act like the juvenile kid I enjoy being. Hehe. Oops I didn’t say that.

Finally the bus reached my stop for what seemed like 2hours, when it had only been a 45mins ride. Well, try standing all the way and having to be squeezed and touched by all the random people around me. I mean, I wouldn’t mind if they were all hot babes and dudes, but… Okay, we shall not go into that shall we? Haha.

Looking at my watch, I was really glad that I was still early, despite waking up half an hour later than I intended. Well, I rushed out in like at most 15mins (which includes washing up, changing etc. Don’t worry I sprayed cologne- genuinely nice one cause I seriously hate those people who spam their perfumes/colognes and you know what the best part is? It doesn’t smell nice. I remember one of my teachers smelled like that, and I swore NEVER to do that) HAHA LOL.

Okay enough digressing.


Walking into the office, as I was about to give my teacher, Mrs Park a call, this old man suddenly approached me.

‘Ah, you must be Onew-sshi. Welcome back, our dear old boy’

‘Umm may I know who you are?’

‘Aish chinja, how could you have forgotten me already?! I taught you maths before!’ laughed the old man in front of him.

‘Neh’ I replied absent-mindedly as I was still trying to remember who the old man was. Did he really teach me math before? If yes I would definitely have remembered him. Not wanting to sound nasty, but I didn’t want to mingle with this dubious old man who claimed to be my ex-teacher when, despite my awesome STM (short term memory), I pride myself in my long term memory. And I remember most of my teachers anyway.

‘Seonsaengnim, I’m so sorry but I need to go find Mrs Park. She is waiting for me’

‘Hahaha. Onew-sshi, im here to bring you to her! She’s waiting for you in the principal’s office!’ laughed the old man.

Feeling embarrassed, I replied,’ neh, kamsahamida. Please lead the way then’.


In the Principal’s office,

‘Mr Jung, Onew-sshi should be here anytime soon. He was always the student who was late, but I doubt he would be, at least not on the first day.’

‘No worries. I have faith in our ex-student, especially such a promising one. How was he like in your class?’

‘Haha he was always the clumsy and dense one though, breaking beakers, and test-tubes. And always playing around with the chemicals too! However I always didn’t have the heart to scold him cause he looked sooooo adorable’ reminisced Mrs Park fondly.

Overhearing the conversation as I was approaching the principal’s office with the old man whom I still could not recall, I quickly forgot about and blushed with the embarrassment I was feeling because of what my teacher was saying.

Entering the room, I bowed at the two seniors in front of me before taking a seat beside Mrs Park as directed by Mr Jung, our principal.

‘Onew-sshi, we were just talking about you’ began Mrs Park, and immediately I blushed.

‘Yes, your teacher was telling me what a good student you were, although you had your naughty moments as well. But I mean, all students do, don’t they?’

‘Neh’ I replied, not knowing what else to say as I was dying of embarrassment already.

‘Okay, back to the topic, I’m very sure you know why you’re here today. The only reason I was willing to let you take over Mrs Park’s classes while she is away for labour is because I have heard many good remarks of you from many of your teachers, including Mr Lee behind. (I glanced backwards at the old man in slight disbelief, as he smiled widely at me. WHO EXACTLY IS HE?) Hence, I felt confident to entrust her students in your hands for the next 2-3 months that Mrs Park will be away.

‘2, 2-3 months?’ I sputtered as I didn’t know it would such a long period.

‘Yes, 2-3 months. As another teacher is resigning, and in such short notice we won’t able to find another permanent teacher, we decided to let you take over the classes, one by one when Mrs Park is returning. She will be away for at most 3-4weeks, so after that you will take over other classes. I hope you are alright with the arrangement, are you?’

Feeling somewhat at a loss, I guess I just did what most people would have, ‘ yes, I guess so. I’ll be waiting for university to begin with, so I guess this surprise is a blessing in disguise.’

‘Okay! After the 3months are over, if we still need a teacher, we will be asking you if you are willing to extend. But that is a matter to be pursued later on. So for now, could you just briefly look through this contract, and when you’re ready, you can sign at this line.’

Looking at the contract, I felt rather dizzy, as I was still trying to absorb everything. Briefly scanning through and seeing Mrs Park smile widely at me, I took the pen and signed on it.

‘Thank you very much then! And I welcome you as part of our family here!’ Mr Jung raised his right hand to me for a handshake, which I promptly offered mine.

Okay, so, I’m definitely stuck here for the next three months. Let's hope it'll be an enjoyable one. *GULPS.





Okay, I AM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE. I cant promise to update soon coz i really really have lotsa work, which is why i tried my best to update today coz i reached home slightly earlier. Will try to update more regularly, but mostly will be weekends because I am crazily busy.


So anyone curious about anything/anyone in the plot? I know the progress is kinda slow, but i think that makes it somewhat interesting as well? haha. I'm trying some stuff while writing so i hope it works. HAHAHA.

Anyway, coz im not from korea, and honestly im not too familiar with the education system in korea, thats why in terms of timings and stuff it may be different from what is really like there. so my apologies if there seems some discrepancies btw this story and the real world. HAHA.


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haha hilarious!
pinkaddict #2
love it!! i want more
Liauria #3
Please!!!!! Upload more,it's very interesting
Ahaha! I love the opening scene! That happened to me this morning! Great way to introduce the story.
parkran_sung #5
Good chap :D Update soon!!! I'll try my best to update as well
Love this story and chap. The orientation programme remind me of my recent orientation. I was the station master but the game that my junior play were not as crazy as your. But anyway, keep up the good work and update soon.
Jonew90 #7
@shiejin05 thanks! i like him alot toooooo! hahaha xD thanks i will keep going! <br />
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@Parkran_sung haha yea will try my best to update soon! Dont worry it'll be alright you can do it! let's work hard together! you keep it up too! xD
parkran_sung #8
Finally it's out XD Jk<br />
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Try your best to make the most out of your time and Update soon!!! :P I'm a bit of a problem with my current fic too T^T Anyways, keep it up