
The temporary teacher

Onew POV

Ring!!!! Went the alarm...

‘Just another 5 minutes…’ I said, as I threw my heavy hand and slammed it on my alarm clock.

30 minutes later…

“Oh my god, why didn’t the alarm ring?!?!?! I can’t be late for work the first day right?! Oh my god oh my god!”

Rushing to the toilet, I quickly took the toothbrush, applied some toothpaste and brushed my teeth. Splashing some water onto my face after that, I ran back into my room, pulled on my clothes, grabbed my bag and ran out of my house without even wearing my shoes properly.

Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Lee Jinki, 19 years old this year, and I had just graduated from high school. While waiting for my application to college, I was actually looking for a part-time job. On one of the occasions when I returned to my high school to visit my teachers, one of my teachers asked if I had anything on.



‘Hi Jinki, welcome back!’

‘Seonsaengnim, how have you been? When’s the baby coming?’ I asked excitedly as my favourite Chemistry teacher was pregnant.

‘Ah.. the little one is coming really soon!’ she replied, rubbing her tummy fondly

‘Speaking of which, are you currently doing anything, while waiting for your applications to college?’

‘Hmm no actually. I was thinking of finding some a job soon though, cause my mum’s been nagging at me non-stop although it’s only been 2 weeks since I’ve graduated.’

‘Oh good! Can you do me a favour? As you can see, I am going to go into labour soon. And based on my experience, the temporary teachers that the school engages when we teachers are away aren’t usually good. So I was thinking… if you could help take over me for the next few weeks! You’ve always been one of my best chemistry students right?! Come on, it won’t be difficult! And take it as doing me a favour?” ended my teacher chirpily, and smiled widely at me.

‘Oh well.. Okay then. Since you’ve asked me, I can possibly say no right, seonsaengnim.’ I blushed while replying.

‘KAMSAHAMIDA!’ She reached forward to give me a hug, when I accidentally bumped into her, and both of us went ‘oops’ before bursting into laughter.

End of Flashback


So yea, that explains where I’m going right now, and why I’ve got to wake up soooooo early in the morning. You know, waking up early was ALWAYS an issue. I was a bright student (sounds so unabashed to be saying that HAHAHA) but ya I was frequently late too. After awhile, my teachers gave up since I was performing well academically.

Today’s my first day, so basically, there shouldn’t be much work I guess? I mean, my teacher isn’t going on her maternity leave till the end of the week, so I have, say, 5 days to get used to everything before I’m left alone?

Wish me luck.



Okay, I'm not too sure how that was, so like i said would greatly appreciate if comments can be given. :) My apologies for such a short chapter though, coz i personally dun like reading short ones too! will improve the next time, hopefully updating tomorrow, if im not shagged out by school already. cheers!

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haha hilarious!
pinkaddict #2
love it!! i want more
Liauria #3
Please!!!!! Upload more,it's very interesting
Ahaha! I love the opening scene! That happened to me this morning! Great way to introduce the story.
parkran_sung #5
Good chap :D Update soon!!! I'll try my best to update as well
Love this story and chap. The orientation programme remind me of my recent orientation. I was the station master but the game that my junior play were not as crazy as your. But anyway, keep up the good work and update soon.
Jonew90 #7
@shiejin05 thanks! i like him alot toooooo! hahaha xD thanks i will keep going! <br />
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@Parkran_sung haha yea will try my best to update soon! Dont worry it'll be alright you can do it! let's work hard together! you keep it up too! xD
parkran_sung #8
Finally it's out XD Jk<br />
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Try your best to make the most out of your time and Update soon!!! :P I'm a bit of a problem with my current fic too T^T Anyways, keep it up