Murphy's Law

The temporary teacher

3rd Person POV

The rest of the first day was pretty much uneventful, more of just going around the school, getting to know the more important people that Onew would need to know/look for when he needed assistance. Just before he left, he remembered the weird ahjussi, he decided to ask Mrs Park about him.

‘Mrs Park, do you remember the ahjussi this morning?’

‘Neh. What about him?’ replied Mrs Park absently.

‘Who exactly is he? He says that he was once my math teacher but honestly speaking, I have no recollection of him teaching me before.’

‘oh him. You’ll find out more about him’ smiled Mrs Park mysteriously.


‘huh?! But..’ Onew was about to ask more when Mrs Park yawned loudly and said, ‘ neh just be good and listen to me will ya? Haha. Okay, that’s it for today. I’ll see you around on Thursday when the orientation games are over? Tata.’ With that Mrs Park took her bag and left the place.

Feeling dumbfounded and at a loss at why Mrs Park was suddenly so mysterious, yet helpless about it, Onew simply shrugged and started packing his stuff. Slinging his bag over his shoulder when he was done, Onew strolled towards the door, wondering how life will be the next few months. It seems incredible.



Just a few months ago, he was still a student here. Yet, for the next few months, 2-3 months to be exact, he was going to be teacher. More than that, he was going to be the teacher of students who were at most 1-2 years younger than him. Even now, he felt like a student. How was he going to control a whole class of students? What if all of them were like him? HAHAHA. Then, it would be chaos.

Well, Onew wasn’t a bad student. It’s just that he wasn’t the best?

Onew was lazy, sloppy (because of his laziness) and laidback. It’s not that he wanted to be so, just that he really couldn’t bother with a lot things, since he didn’t see the point in them. He was smart, or at least smart enough to do decently well in most of his subjects, EXCEPT MATH COZ HE HATES MATH. But well, that’s another story behind it anyway.

So basically, he was mostly napping in class, if not trying to memorise his song lyrics as he was in part of the school choir and had his own band with some of his friends (although they disbanded after they graduated). Singing and dance was very important to him, and was a very important form of destress to him.

However, it’s not correct to say that Onew was a bad student, because although his attitude in class was, let’s just say, can be improved, he actually works hard when necessary, and gives himself a lot of stress (not that he is really aware of that though). It’s just that he doesn’t see the point of working for others to see so he mostly keeps to himself. People who don’t know him well will just think that he’s a closet mugger, or someone who’s abnormally smart.


The Next Day:

After about 10 cellphone alarms went off, Onew groggily turned the 11thoff, and went back to sleep. 5mins later, Onew woke up with a fright and quickly picked up his phone to see the time. 7.15am.

‘OH MY GOD!!!!!!’ screamed Onew before he rushed through his morning routine again.

In record timing of 10 minutes, Onew ran out of his house and to the bus stop, hoping that he didn’t miss his bus. While running, he was cursing and pleading that the bus wasn’t here yet at the same time.

Once out of his house, he noticed something was wrong. Why was the sky still rather dark? Usually, if it was 7.30, the sun would be high up over his head already. Checking his watch, it said, 6.30am. At this point of time, Onew remembered something. ‘Damn!’ he muttered to himself. To pre-em his oversleeping he had actually set his cellphone’s timing to one hour ahead, so that he would wake up early. He had actually forgotten about it, but well on the bright side, he was going to be on time.

Or at least, that’s what he thought.

After waiting at the bus stop for half an hour, the bus still hasn’t arrived. Unsure if he should be more anxious or pissed, Onew was about to burst when from far he saw the bus coming. Giving a sigh as it was DEFINITELY going to be packed, worse than sardines, Onew braced himself for he was going to do one of the things he dreaded and despised- to squeeze onto the bus shamelessly. Convincing himself that it was for the greater good- to be on time for work, he pushed along with the other students and working adults at the bus stop.

Alas, he failed. There was simply toooooooo many people and they were even more aggressive than Onew. After all, he was quite a mild and gentle person.

Looking at the bus drive away from the bus stop leaving him with those who didn’t manage to get onto the bus as well, Onew was a bunch of nerves already. Although he was frequently late, he didn’t like the feeling of being late, especially since this was work.

Looking at his watch, it was 7.00am. School starts at 8am and the bus rides takes around 30-45minutes. Onew started mumbling to himself, while pondering what alternatives he could take,’ Hmm should I take a cab? But even then the traffic will be horrible and I might reach even later than taking the bus. And, the cab fare will be exorbitant. Nah I’m too broke already. But… Maybe I can share with someone?’

With that thought he started looking around, but it was really quite awkward to approach a stranger nevertheless.

It's as though Murphy's law at its best right now.

‘Oh dear, what should I do?’



Sorry for the really late update! School's been really really hectic, and i've so much work it's really not funny, especially since school term ending in a few more weeks' time.


Like i said, it's going kinda slowly, and so it's only the 2nd day. I've actually started on the next chapter, but i wanted this chap to end off with a cliffhanger, plus a longer next chapter so please bear with me! possibly will have some fast-forwards along the way, but for now it's still going quite slowly! Will update soon i hope!

Also, i would love to hear comments on the direction you would like this story to move towards! coz i had a bit of a writer's block while writing so i would be really grateful if you can give me some comments? haha. i would try to integrate them as much as possible, either soon, or in near future! haha.

Am really grateful to all my subscribers! Especially since i dont really think that this is good, so IM really thankful to all of you for staying with me! The next chapter will have some more interesting happenings (i hope!) hahaha. xD and i really appreciate all the encouragement so far! THANKS THANKS THANKS! xDDD

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haha hilarious!
pinkaddict #2
love it!! i want more
Liauria #3
Please!!!!! Upload more,it's very interesting
Ahaha! I love the opening scene! That happened to me this morning! Great way to introduce the story.
parkran_sung #5
Good chap :D Update soon!!! I'll try my best to update as well
Love this story and chap. The orientation programme remind me of my recent orientation. I was the station master but the game that my junior play were not as crazy as your. But anyway, keep up the good work and update soon.
Jonew90 #7
@shiejin05 thanks! i like him alot toooooo! hahaha xD thanks i will keep going! <br />
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@Parkran_sung haha yea will try my best to update soon! Dont worry it'll be alright you can do it! let's work hard together! you keep it up too! xD
parkran_sung #8
Finally it's out XD Jk<br />
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Try your best to make the most out of your time and Update soon!!! :P I'm a bit of a problem with my current fic too T^T Anyways, keep it up