Your unforgettable love


Sunna, she is a mysterious girl and is difficult to predict. Many things that make us very surprised because we did not think she had it. But the girl is very good and cheerful, so many people are comfortable with her.

so ,

Find out what you can do with yourimagination .



This is my first fanfic ...
I hope you liked my story. :))


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bananamilk001 #1
neh ?? what's the meaning ?? i don't understand ... I'm sorry ...
Im sorry but it seems that you cant notice the difference between she and he
bananamilk001 #3
gamsahabnida ...<br />
I love SHINee too ...
StrawberryG #4
i love SHINee and i love ur story <33
bananamilk001 #5
what's the story?
bananamilk001 #6
tunggu aja crita selanjutnya ..<br />
ok ???
bananamilk001 #7
hehehehe ...<br />
aku pikir dulu la ..<br />
hehehehe ..<br />
thanks buad sarannya ...
puput961025 #8
Masalah besar apa yg di maksud Taemin?<br />
<br />
Aku punya usul...<br />
Gimana kalau nanti Sunna suka sama Onew trus Taemin sebenarnya suka sama Sunna....<br />
Nanti Taemin jadi enggak terlalu akrab lagi sama Onew...<br />
Gimana???<br />
Kalau chingu enggak mau enggak apa" :)<br />
Itukan cuma usul gaje haha