Stage Three: Bargaining

Stages of Reality

    It's been a month already and still she haven't heard a news about him. She continued searching the internet for any news. She started going to the temple and pray. She knew that it's not good to ask God for help just in times of need. But she can't help it. She misses him so much that it hurts. She prays that something will happen and that he will come home.
    She kept on thinking that if she can exchange her life for a chance to be with him. She'll do it. She is not denying that she is really desperate. That she'll do everything just to see him.

    She never gave up trying to contact him. She tried contacting him everyday and does not care if it is still out of coverage. She kept on sending letters to address of the dorm where trainees reside. In her letters contain the same message. "I know that it's hard to be together again but can we still be friends? Please send a reply to this letter". She believes that they can still be friends even after he becomes an idol.

    She kept on being in that situation and it helped her ease a little bit. She tried entertaining some suitors. Most of them never had the chance to go on a second date. But one guy caught his attention, she agreed to keep dating him since he has some qualities similar with her "friend". Of course, she never told him anything.
    She tried to be happy in his company but something always feels not right. Something is missing everytime they go out. She does not want to hurt the guy so she put on a fake smile and pretended to be happy eveytime she's with him. But every relationship that lacks love does not survive long. Apparently, the guy noticed that she was not really happy with him so he has to let her go. She never felt regret or sadness. She felt happy that the guy was honest and kind to let her go.

    Months passed and she decided to study in the university. She chose the school which is quite far from her place. Even while in the university, she never stopped trying to contact him and send letters. Just in case he received even one letter.

    More months passed and a news reached her. Her friend texted her that he came home for a short vacation. She immediately packed her things and went straight to the station.

    Her heart kept beating fast. In three hours, she'll be able to see him at last after a long time. She imagined what he'll look like. Did he get thin? Does he still have that dimple everytime he smile? Did he eat well? Did he get enough sleep? Does he have new friends? Is he happy?

    She believes that her prayers and efforts are paying off. The bus stopped and she quiclky went out. She received a text that he was at their high school for the school festival. She hailed a cab and went to the school. She hurriedly went inside the school building and saw her friends. She knew that somethings's wrong after seeing their expression.

    She felt like the world is crashing on her. He already left before she arrived. They explained that the company called him to go back for an urgent meeting. She can't stop her tears from falling.
    She felt hope draining out from her. She walked going to her house. She went straight to her room and locked herself. She's giving up.

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