Stage One: Denial

Stages of Reality

     She tries to control her emotions and not let her tears fall. But she can't help it. She wiped the tears quickly and took in a sharp breath before she entered the airport. This is the most painful day in her life. Seeing the man she loved for the last 6 years leave is a real hell to her. She can feel her heart break slowly every step he takes toward the entrance of the airplane.

    She wanted to run to him and hug him so tight. She wanted to beg him to just stay beside her. But she have to control herself. This is his dream ever since they were kids. She supported him every step of the way.

    The day when he was accepted to be a trainee at a certain entertainment company was the happiest moment of her life. He was really really happy at that time. But a part of her was worried, he has to be away from home and she doesn't know when he's coming back.

    After many days of contemplating, she arrived at a decision. She knows that she can't be able to handle it well and sure that she's going to regret it in the future, but she has to do it. For his sake.

    Their parting ways was purely emotional. She explained the reason why she has to do it. Her tears kept falling as she talked. The guy hugged her real tight and kissed her forehead. The guy said nothing but his eyes were red and puffy because of crying. His actions meant one thing: he gets it. She knew that he's having a hard time letting go but he understood her reason. With one last kiss on the lips, they parted ways.

    She hid herself behind a wall. She told their friends and family that she's not seeing him off. But secretly, she went to the airport by herself. Her heart totally broke into pieces as he turned around and waved to his family and friends before boarding the plane.


    Her tears kept falling as she stared at their picture together. It was taken at their first anniversary as a couple. She covered to keep herself from crying so hard. It has been a week since he left and there was not a single day that she stopped crying. She feels that everything that happened a week ago was a dream. And she keeps on convincing herself that he was still there and anytime he'll be coming over to pick her up for their weekend dates.

    Everyday she tried calling his phone but the line is always out of coverage. She tried sending letters to that certain address but never a single reply came. She always asked their friends if they heard any news abaout him. And that every single attemp only left her disappointed and hurt. She knew that she looked desperate and crazy in the eyes of others but she doesn't care. She wants to see again. She just miss him so so much.

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