Unwanted Guest

The Fallen Casanova

A/N: Thanks everyone for your support! One of my favorite male celebrities will appear! ^^ I will be having exams for the next two weeks ><;; but I will update as soon as I can xD

@melifua: I will continue writing, thanks! :D
@sue_ada: Thank you ^^ I'm glad you like the beginning
@Shamira: Thanks for the compliment =]
@jlynne: Thanks! And welcome to asianfanfics.com xD
@madz67: Read this chapter to see where Ga Eul went ;P
@SoEul25: Here’s a glimpse of jealous Yi Jeong and I'll try to finish the story ><;;
@sleep_deprived: I’m really honored :]
@lilacgirl28: Thank you for subscribing :P

Chapter 2: Unwanted Guest

I’m going to smile and make you think I’m happy, I’m going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry, I’m going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me – I’m going to smile.

Yi Jeong felt a wave of anger flood his body as he tore the piece of yellow paper from the refrigerator and crumpled it. She saw it, didn’t she? She must have. Why was she still concerned about his hangover? And what? She left? Just like that? Not even bothering to bid farewell personally?

Fine! It’s not like he cared.

The Casanova threw the crumpled paper across the room, where it landed into the trash can. Then, he opened the refrigerator and took out the bottle of cold water. After gulping down a few mouthfuls, he placed it back. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the dishes that Ga Eul had prepared last night as well as Haejangguk. Frowning, he slammed the door shut.

Before he could take another step, a familiar pink apron glided into his peripheral vision.

Damn it! Why were Ga Eul’s traces everywhere?

The next day, the motor roared to life and Yi Jeong took off like a rocket once again. Based on what Jan Di said, Ga Eul had found an apartment near her school. It was a small one though but Ga Eul had told Jan Di that it was sufficient since she was living alone. Moreover, it was one of the cheapest apartments she could find. Jan Di gave Yi Jeong a puzzled look when he asked for the address. Snapping back into reality, he was currently on the way to Ga Eul’s apartment.

The other F4, Jan Di and Jae Kyung had reprimanded him for bringing women back when he knew that Ga Eul was living at his mansion. Ga Eul had to explained that it wasn’t his fault and she felt uncomfortable imposing on him. It was only with this explanation that everyone cooled down and stopped mentioning about it.

The orange Lotus sports car halted, with the engine whirring to a stop when he arrived at his destination. Just as the Casanova was about to get out of his car, a familiar soft enchanting laugh caught his attention. Chu Ga Eul came into view. She was just a stone’s throw away and was gliding along the sidewalk with a man. Yi Jeong gazed at her, studying her every movement then, looked back and forth between the two of them. Who is he?

Darn security! How did it allow a stranger to get near the apartment? He couldn’t tolerate such a lax security at Ga Eul’s new residence.

Yi Jeong immediately took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

“Hello, is this Choi’s Security System Company?”

Fortunately for her, Ga Eul hadn’t seen Yi Jeong for the past few days. She would have felt uneasy if she faced him. Images of that night swirled in her mind. She could still recall vividly when her very heart sank within her that same night. It was unbearable – she felt that she would break if she witnessed it again.

Hence, she told Jan Di that she needed to move out but Jan Di was persistent in finding out the real reason. Although Ga Eul didn’t say why, Jan Di sought Jun Pyo’s help and everything became clear.

Ga Eul heaved a sigh. Truth be told, she had not got over Yi Jeong yet. So, it was not appropriate for her to meet him. Even at this present moment, she was unsure how to face him. Should she smile? Or should she just avoid him at all costs?

Stop it, Ga Eul! She lightly slapped her cheeks. Look on the bright side, time heals all wounds… right?

Okay, this is going nowhere. Evidently, her attempt to be positive has failed. She needed to think of something else. It’s been days since she moved to her new house and she hadn’t have a housewarming party. Jan Di and Jae Kyung had been bugging her for it but she turned their request down, citing her busy schedule as an excuse. She wasn’t in the mood for it. Plus, she didn’t want to create a chance to meet him.

Speaking of which, there was something amiss about her apartment. She remembered clearly that there was definitely no security gates or card access system when she first moved there. But the whole apartment building had been upgraded over the span of a few days. Although she was informed about the upgrade plan, she was certain that fees needed to be paid in order to upgrade all the facilities. Mmm… that’s odd.

Ga Eul shifted her weight back and forth between her feet, feeling somewhat nervous. Why did she agree to attend Jan Di’s apologizing party? Jan Di had been begging her to come because she wanted to formally say sorry to her. She also thought that a party would help to lift up everyone’s spirits, especially amid this chaos any optimism will be embraced. 

“Okay. Now that everyone’s here, let me formally apologize to Ga Eul,” Jan Di announced. “Mianhamnida. My relationship with Jun Pyo has caused you trouble.” She bowed down her head sincerely, pushing down Jun Pyo’s head as well despite his protests.

“No, it’s okay, Jan Di. You don’t have to,” Ga Eul waved her hands frantically to object.

Jan Di smiled. “Kamsahamnida, Ga Eul.”

“Why don’t we make a toast? That everything will turn out better?” Ga Eul suggested, raising her glass as a grin stretched across her face. Jan Di and Jun Pyo, being the nearest to her, did what she said. Jae Kyung enthusiastically raised her glass. Ji Hoo and Woo Bin followed suit. Ga Eul made a casual side glance to Yi Jeong who also raised his glass.


The Casanova kept shooting glances in the country bumpkin’s direction in the hopes of finding an opportunity to speak to her about the previous incident alone. Yet, everything didn’t go as planned. Her two female friends kept her busy, eliminating any chance. A sigh heavily left Yi Jeong at that sight. Looks like there was no possibility of a private chat with Ga Eul today.

“Ga Eul-ssi?” A voice called out. “Ga Eul-ssi!”

Yi Jeong tilted his head reflexively as his eyes fixed upon the new arrival. His eyes widened a fraction as realization hit him. It was the same person who was walking beside Ga Eul that day!

“Siwon-ssi! Why are you here?” Ga Eul asked. Her voice tinged with surprise. Yi Jeong took note of how her eyes sparkled in happiness, how she contradicted herself.

 “Err… I’m here for some family matters,” the man answered, “Why are you here? Do you know that this hotel is expensive?”

“My friend is having a party. Why don’t you join us?”


Why is she so eager to invite him? Isn’t it obvious that this gathering was limited to F4 and their friends only?

Yi Jeong threw him glances that said “This place is off limits for you” although no one noticed it. His annoyance escalated while Ga Eul introduced everyone. When it was his turn to shake hands with the unwanted guest, he smiled but there was a forced look about it. The Casanova ensured that it was a firm handshake.

“So how did you meet this handsome friend of yours?” chirped Jae Kyung as she nudged Ga Eul. Yi Jeong didn’t like how easily this unwanted guest won over most of the females. It wasn’t like he had any charismatic traits like the F4.

“What are you saying unni?” A blush crept up Ga Eul’s cheeks. “Siwon-ssi is my classmate and neighbor!”

“Oh, really? Nothing is going on between you two?”

The Casanova gritted his teeth as he stared daggers at the said person. Damn it! All the cash spent to keep out men like him was wasted. Was it really coincidence that they were classmates and neighbors? And what’s with that crimson shade appearing on Ga Eul’s cheeks?

“Absolutely nothing! Siwon-ssi helped me when I was finding a suitable apartment. That’s all.”

Yi Jeong’s eyes narrowed, his brow furrowed in thought. This guy was way too helpful.

Unexpectedly, his phone rang, shrill and demanding. He flipped it open, his eyes never leaving the dubious couple once.

“Young master, Shinhwa Group has withdrawn all investment in Woo Song Museum. We may face some financial risks. Please return to the office as soon as possible.”

Ssi: A formal way of addressing someone typically older and/or more respected than you. Recently, however, -ssi has begun to be used symmetrically, for two individuals of approximate equal standing
Unni: A friendly way of addressing an older woman near your age if you’re a girl
Woo Song Museum: Korea’s largest private museum and the country's biggest art museum

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Chapter 12: Wow
Chapter 12: Wwhaooo beautiful and happy ending!!!! I love this story!
Chapter 5: UEE, you are a traitor, using Ga Eul like that!!!
Littlesonyeoshin #4
Chapter 12: It was a lovely story <3 I love it ! Although there wasn't really much chapter (I mean like other authors would do it even longer) but I REALLY REALLY ENJOY IT ! Good job author-nim ;))) please make more fanfic about SoEul couple ! I'll always support you :)
applerkang #5
Chapter 12: Love it. Thanks!
bubble_eyes #6
Chapter 12: This is really good!!! Wah~~~ I missed SoEulmate!!! Love the story by the way, thank you for sharing it with us! ^_^v
puppyluvahs #7
Chapter 2: I just started reading this fic, but I wanted to tell you that it is reaaally good! :)
kya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so awesome.^^
samoamia #9
Oh, I forgot to mention; this story TOTALLY should have been featured!!
Why didn't it???!?!?!?!!
hehe, well I gave your story that upvote it deserved!
Thank you for writing so well!
samoamia #10
Chapter 12: OMG!!
I love this story!
I really love all of your stories!!
I've read all of them.
Please continue to write!!
Hwaiting! Author-nim.
Ill continue to support you and your writing!
Ill patiently wait for your update in "Why I hate Taecyeon"