I'm going to meet her now

The Fallen Casanova

A/N: Thanks everyone for supporting this fanfiction until the end! Here’s the final chapter~

@Hyukmin1305: Thank you xD
@masianlove2: I’m glad you liked it. I was so afraid that everyone found it childish.
@jjilovestaemin: Yes, I posted there too :]
@ madz67: Here’s the last chapter and thank you for supporting this fanfiction from the beginning to the end~
@Goddess: Yi Jeong is a little silly, isn’t he? xP
@Marshii: Yes, Yi Jeong should tell her soon ><
@loveisyam: Thank you. I’m really honored ;]
@thachan: Here’s the update and final chapter~
@byhaosman: Thank you for supporting this fanfic ^^
@flyingpig98: I put it on Lovers Unparalleled too. The first chapter is on fanfiction.net =]

Chapter 12: I'm going to meet her now

Two souls and one thought, two hearts and one pulse.

–      Halen

“What’s this?” Yi Jeong’s unblinking eyes flashed with anger as he threw the letter at Ga Eul when she returned home.

Not understanding what he was saying, Ga Eul picked up the letter and read it. Plunged into a churning turmoil of surprise, happiness and sadness, she wanted to be able to separate out the emotions and deal with them separately. She was shocked yet happy that Yi Jeong won the competition. But after what happened the previous night, she wasn’t so sure now. She didn’t know whether she could cope life without him.

“I sent pictures of your ceramic bowl to the pottery competition,” explained Ga Eul. “Looks like you won, isn’t that great?” Tears burned in her eyes but at that moment, only one thought burned in her mind – to encourage Yi Jeong to accept the scholarship. If he accepted it, he would be able to pursue his dream. “Sunbae, you should accept the scholarship.”

Don’t lie. Yi Jeong wanted to say this thought aloud when he saw that her eyes were misted with tears. He knew that she didn’t even mean it. He gritted his teeth and declared his decision. “I’m not leaving.”

“Wae? Because of the kiss we had last night? You think you’re obliged to stay with me so you’re not leaving me alone? Don’t think too highly of yourself.” Ga Eul threw back his words at him. “It didn’t mean anything to me. That kiss we shared was a one-time thing. It was over when the clock struck 12.”

Yi Jeong’s eyes smoldered with rage yet he could also feel the sorrow building up in his throat. Doesn’t she know how it hurts him to hear her say all this? So Yi Jeong, the Casanova, was usually the one who toyed with women. It never occurred to him that he would be toyed by a woman one day. And now, that woman was standing before him.

Yi Jeong stormed off and slammed the door with a loud bang.

The sun shot its intense rays through the window as Ga Eul strained to lift her eyelids.

In the past few days, Yi Jeong and Ga Eul were engaged in another cold war and this time, none of them wanted to back down. Both of them were resolute in their decisions. However, Yi Jeong had accepted the scholarship because he knew that it was a rare opportunity. More importantly, if he returned to Seoul as a renowned potter, he could give Ga Eul happiness. And he could officially take one step further in their relationship.

An alarm clock buzzed loudly, breaking the silence that had formerly enveloped the room. A yawn escaped Ga Eul’s lips as she switched off the annoying alarm clock. When her fingers grazed a furry item, she jolted upright, shocked by the item she was touching.

After rubbing her sleepy eyes, her gaze lowered, shifting to the vision of the furry object. It was a white bunny doll with something like a red scarf around its neck.


The name sprung to mind fully formed, as if it had been hidden only by the flimsiest veil, now sundered by lightning. No one else except Yi Jeong would give a rabbit gift to her.

Ga Eul scrambled over to her nightstand and sat on the edge of her bed. After inspecting the nightstand, disappointment coursed through her. There was no letter, note or post-it from Yi Jeong.

She let out a listless sigh as she picked up the bunny doll. That’s it? He thinks that this gift would pacify her? Another sigh heavily left her as she dropped her hands to her lap. Her fingers fiddled with the red scarf until she felt a ribbon.


She turned the bunny doll around and arched an eyebrow at the sight of a ribbon behind the red scarf. Curious, she untied the ribbon and rolled out the scarf. Her eyes flickered to the message band concealed within the scarf. With trembling fingers, she pulled out the slip of paper. Her eyes were clouded with anxiety. What did Yi Jeong want to tell her?

Ga Eul-yang,

            You’ll be the very first person whom I’ll meet when I return. Wait for me.

Her eyes stung and her vision blurred. She felt burning tears fill her eyes. In spite of all her efforts, a tear fell, dripping onto the white bed sheets.

When I return.

Ga Eul read the three words again, feeling uneasiness grow by the minute inside her, and then—

She scrambled to her feet, clad herself in casual wear and rushed out of the apartment. The words had sunk in her mind slowly yet uneasily. Yi Jeong didn’t tell her that he was leaving today. She clearly remembered that he was leaving a few days later. Only one thought pounded in her brain now.

Go to the airport. Meet sunbae.

The announcement came, as expected: “Will all passengers boarding Flight…”

“Why is Ga Eul not here? Is she late? I better give her a call.” Jan Di took out her cell phone, ready to dial her friend.

F3, Jan Di and Jae Kyung had come to the airport to bid Yi Jeong farewell. The only one missing was Ga Eul and it was Yi Jeong’s doing. He had deceived her about the day he was leaving because he didn’t want her to be sad. Or worse, weep. One look at her tear-stained face and one plea from her not to leave Korea were all it took for him to change his decision. He didn’t want to leave either but he had to.

For their future.

“Jan Di, wait. It’s okay. She can’t make it anyway.” Yi Jeong stopped Jan Di from calling Ga Eul.

The amplified voice making routine announcements took on an appropriate urgency: “Last call for Flight…”

“Looks like I’ve got to go. Goodbye.” Yi Jeong smiled at his friends halfheartedly. His eyes fixed anxiously upon the entrance but he didn’t see her. Although part of him didn’t want to see her, he couldn’t deny the other part that wanted to.

Woo Bin clapped his back, bringing him back to the present moment. “Take care, bro.”

“Remember to call,” reminded Jun Pyo who wrapped a hand around Jan Di’s waist. The faint trace of a smile lightened Jan Di’s face.

Yi Jeong felt a tinge of jealousy. If only Ga Eul-yang was here…

A subtle smile played on Ji Hoo’s lips. “Bon voyage.”

“Have a safe trip!” Jae Kyung waved exuberantly.

Yi Jeong merely gave them a smile each and made his way to the boarding gate. With one last glance at the entrance, he turned his head and boarded the plane. There was no turning back now.

Ga Eul was panting heavily when she arrived at the airport. Beads of perspiration streamed down her face. Anxiety was running up and down her nerves like spots of ants, forcing her whole body to twitch nervously. She wasn’t late, was she? Wiping her sleeve across her face, she swiveled her head around, in search of the one person who was indispensable to her.

She caught sight of her friends and dashed to the group. “W-Where’s sunbae?” Ga Eul enquired in between shallow breaths.

Jan Di’s grim expression provided Ga Eul the answer she didn’t want.

Disbelief filled Ga Eul. It couldn’t be. He would have waited for her. He would.

Her expression said that she didn’t want to know, didn’t want to hear their answer, and everyone could see the denial on Ga Eul’s face.

Jan Di took a hesitant step towards Ga Eul and patted her back, consoling her. Then, everyone gathered around Ga Eul and gave her a tight embrace as she broke into uncontrollable sobs.

She was late. She wasn’t able to tell him. Tell him that she would wait for him. No matter how long he took, she would wait for him. Because she finally realized how important he was to her.

“Would you like any drink, sir?”

“No, thank you.” Yi Jeong declined the air stewardess’ offer and she reluctantly left.

Yi Jeong then reached for his bag and fumbled for his cell phone. He thought that he should give Ga Eul a call, or at least, sent her a text message, saying that he had left Korea. Abruptly, his fingers d a wooden modeling tool. The triangular-headed tool was unfamiliar; it wasn’t his own pottery tool. He pulled it out from his bag for further examination. His eyes widened a fraction when he registered the words carved on it.

Sunbae, hold on to your dream.

Just like how he had stealthily gave her a gift, Ga Eul did the same too. She hoped that he would return to Seoul as a renowned potter. That was the dream she was referring to but she didn’t know that his dream included her.

She was in all his dreams.

It seemed like an interminable length of time for both Yi Jeong and Ga Eul as the four years crept by slowly.

The two people had kept in contact through various means like letters and e-mails, constantly updating each other about their lives, not missing one moment. It felt as if they were never apart, just physically absent but mentally present.

Four years had passed but there was still no news from Yi Jeong that he was coming back. He had told her that some urgent business had cropped up and his return to Seoul had to be postponed. Ga Eul told him that it was okay even though her heart was shattering.

The day she had eagerly waited for vanished just like that because of “some urgent business”.

After replying to Yi Jeong’s e-mail, Ga Eul disappointedly left the staff room and headed to her class. She had been working in the nursery school as a teacher for the past few years and had grown to earn the respect and fondness from the children. Their innocence and enthusiasm never fail to bring a brilliant smile to her face.

Ga Eul tugged at the handle of the door and pushed it open only to find that none of the children were inside. That was weird. She checked her watch to see whether she was early.

“Seonsaengnim.” A young girl tugged at her skirt, capturing Ga Eul’s attention. Ga Eul bent down, wondering what the young girl wanted. The young girl gave her a folded piece of paper and skipped merrily away. Perplexed, Ga Eul opened it.

I’m back.

Can you find me?

Ga Eul clutched the piece of paper, unable to believe what was written on it. She felt some of the heady joy spill over into tears. ached, but these were sweet tears, not the salt tears of pain, and she was smiling.

After applying a one-day leave, she sped off, knowing exactly where he could be.

Ga Eul was under such inexpressible impressions of joy at the prospect of meeting him that she reached the Seoul Grand Park Zoo quicker than humanly possible. Without delay, she darted to the Children’s Zoo.

The world lay drowned in sparkling light and Ga Eul was cheerfully greeted by the jaunty chirpings of birds. She came to a little rising ground, which gave her a full view of him at the distance of about fifty yards. At this moment, she was completely focused on him. Her eyes narrowed to take in his appearance, to ensure that it was him.

It really was him.

“Sunbae, I’m a little late, right?” Her laugh was honey and her smile could bring a hundred thousand blossoms news of spring.

He sauntered towards her and broke into a breathtaking smile of exultation. She could vividly recall that dimpled smile. He held out the violet flower bouquet with photographs of himself attached in it. So Yi Jeong, the Casanova, asked lovingly.

“Ga Eul, will you be my flower forever?”

The corners of quirked up in a grin.

A/N: Here are pictures of the rabbit gift with the message

I also added the after-story, the one about F4 five years later.

Once again, thank you everyone for your support! And I hope that everyone like the ending. Please drop a review xD

Seonsaengnim: Teacher

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Chapter 12: Wow
Chapter 12: Wwhaooo beautiful and happy ending!!!! I love this story!
Chapter 5: UEE, you are a traitor, using Ga Eul like that!!!
Littlesonyeoshin #4
Chapter 12: It was a lovely story <3 I love it ! Although there wasn't really much chapter (I mean like other authors would do it even longer) but I REALLY REALLY ENJOY IT ! Good job author-nim ;))) please make more fanfic about SoEul couple ! I'll always support you :)
applerkang #5
Chapter 12: Love it. Thanks!
bubble_eyes #6
Chapter 12: This is really good!!! Wah~~~ I missed SoEulmate!!! Love the story by the way, thank you for sharing it with us! ^_^v
puppyluvahs #7
Chapter 2: I just started reading this fic, but I wanted to tell you that it is reaaally good! :)
kya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so awesome.^^
samoamia #9
Oh, I forgot to mention; this story TOTALLY should have been featured!!
Why didn't it???!?!?!?!!
hehe, well I gave your story that upvote it deserved!
Thank you for writing so well!
samoamia #10
Chapter 12: OMG!!
I love this story!
I really love all of your stories!!
I've read all of them.
Please continue to write!!
Hwaiting! Author-nim.
Ill continue to support you and your writing!
Ill patiently wait for your update in "Why I hate Taecyeon"