
A girl boygroup?

I was included into the makane line along with Youngmin, Kwangmin and Minwoo. I don't understand it but in the car all the makanes sit in a cramped space in the back while the 3 hyungs sit in the front with a lot of space. So you can probably understand that I'm pretty squished. 

Once we got to the dorm we found out there was only 4 rooms so we had to put 2 in 3 rooms and 3 in another. It was decided that Kwangmin, Youngmin and I would share a room. I honesstly hated the idea of sharing a room with 2 boys I never knew but at least one of them are nice. 


After the manager left there was an awkward silence around us, that was of course broken by Minwoo who started rambling on about stupid subjects. Soon enough we all started laughing and joining in to all his antics. We would run around screaming the lyrics to boyfriend just for the fun of it. A guy named Youngmin and I were dancing really badly to that song which made it even more funny. 

I noticed a guy who looked exactly like Youngmin sitting down in the corner of the room except he had dark brown hair. He was alone and not losing his mind like the rest of us so I figured he was a quiet one. 

I went beside him and quietly sat beside him. I looked at him, he honestly had nothing special about him. I heard he was really good at rapping and dancing plus he has a twin so I guess that's why he's in. He's not good looking. Maybe talent wise. 

"Hey." He quietly says. He had a voice. I don't know why but it drew me in. Almost like a spell..

"What?" I reply. 

"What's wrong with you?" He says gestering to my face. 

I felt my face and noticed that I was drooling. My face turned really red as I whiped my drool with my shirt. I started to chase him around the practice room which ended up with me running into a mirror. I don't know how it happened but it did. 

Kwangmin looked at me then smirked and walked out the practice room.

I put my stuff away into the drawers they provided. I made sure nobody was looking when I taped my 'lady-stuff' to the top of my shirt drawer. I noticed that everyone was already in the kitchen eating. I sighed. Why didn't they bother to call me?

I was about to leave the room when I got a text from my mom, the joy... 


I called the wig comany and they said you can't sleep with it on or else all your hair is going to fall off. 

We both know your dad would probably slice me... 

SO. Don't sleep with it on. 


My eyes bludged out of my head when I read the text. Minwoo so happened to walk by and see my eyes about to fall out of my head when he yelled loudly which made all of the hyungs walk to us. 

Kwangmin saw the both of us and smirked. "Watching ? At least do that in our room." He said mocking me. 

"ANIYA!" I yell at him. 

He shrugged and walked away, not interseted in why Minwoo was yelling. Once all the commotion calmed down we went to eat dinner. I couldn't believe what my mom said. My hair might fall off!! My phone in my pocket felt 5 billion times heavier than what it should feel like. 

Once we all decided to go to sleep we all had to lie down on our beds. I had the luck of having the top bunk on a 3 person bunk bed. Maybe this wouldn't be so hard. Taking off my wig and putting it on..  I was still very confused to what I should do so I decided to ask my mom. 


Are you stupid? It's not like you're sharing a room with any of them. 


I started freaking out and having spasms on my bed because that was just it. I'm sharing a room with, no not one. But 2 of them. 

Mom. I'm sharing a room with boys!

What if they see me!?!


It didn't take awhile for my mom to reply back. I'm guessing it's because she was that shocked. 

Whoa. Well then. 

That was a plot twist. 

Please. Please. Please.

Don't do anything inappropriate. 

I will slice you. 


It's simple. Wake up 10 minutes before them, put your wig on when you're in your bed. Next go to the washroom to make sure it looks normal. 

My pabo son..daughter.boy.son. SON. 


I sighed. I guess she was really happy that I'm now a son. Just like how she wanted. I wonder if what I'm doing is normal.. 

I woke up 10 minutes eariler than everyone else then put on my wig..little did I know it was backwards.. 

I walked to the washroom to make sure that my wig was proper. Once I got there I didn't bother to close the door. Who would be awake at 5:50 in the morning, nobody. I ripped off my wig and let my hair fall to it's normal length. The dorm was quiet until I heard something fall, I wasn't the one who dropped it. I looked to see ...

DONE. I hope you liked it (: Who want's to be first comment? >___< I hope you guys subscribe and comment ;)

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Flamer_shawol05 #1
Chapter 13: Update please !!!!!!
Blackjack27 #2
Chapter 13: I love the story so far please update!!! :)
Chapter 13: I love this chapter!! Ahhh..so interesting! Best story ever!!
kimmii #4
Chapter 13: hhhahaha oooooohhhhhhh... >_<
The confession shouldn't be this earlyyyy. ahha badsfnashdfjashdcvuiedbvcuiasdbvudb this is freaking me ouuutttt
update update update :D

(ofc i'll only kiss my fiancee err?)
Chapter 10: Haha. Kwangmin is so cute. Pokemon convention huh? Haha :D
Yiie~ tomorrow, she's going to be kwangmin's fiance again. Keke <3
Omo :)
Chapter 8: Omoya!! Update soon!
Gosh, I'm crazy for this story. I just love it.
Chapter 7: Oh my gosh~
I just love kwangmin.. Keke. :)
Poor her. :(
Good thing kwangmin rescued her.
Uwaa~ who's that creepy stalker??
Chapter 6: NEW READER!!!!
oh my gosh!!
what will happen next?! Update soon!!
I wanna know more! :D
Aigoo~~~ i love the part with minwoonie^^ keke.
my biases~ KwangWoo <3 <3 <3
I'll be waiting~
Chapter 1: love Boyfriend:)