Chapter 10 - School Clubs

Poisonous Love

“How was your lunch?” A voice asked as Muzik got seated behind her desk. She looked up to see the man in question take an easy seat next to her before smiling.
“It was fine.” She mentioned confused before looking away.
“Were those your sisters that were sitting with you?” He asked as she looked over again, hesitantly nodding as he smiled.

“Were those your brothers?” She retorted back causing him to chuckle.

“Ah, you could say that I guess.” He answered as he nodded and went back to unloading her bag until she felt a stare. She looked up to see the same girls from earlier just glaring at her.

“What?!” She hissed as they gasped annoyed before forcefully looking away.

“Don’t let them get to you.” Daesung mentioned as Muzik rolled her eyes.

“You’re starting to sound like my sister.” Muzik mumbled as he smiled.

“Those 3 like to make it hard on anyone they see as a threat.” He added ignoring her previous comment.

“Not much of a threat unless I need to be.” She answered glaring at the back of their heads.

“Don’t worry about them, alright?” Daesung asked almost sounding caring as Muzik looked over to see him brush something out of her bangs. She couldn’t help but blush till she quickly looked away.


“So what happened when I left?” Hana asked as they got prepared for their next subject.

“Nothing much.” Aria answered as Hana nodded sitting down before they both turned at the sound of giggling.

“And there he is.” Hana announced as Aria looked over through her bangs to see him walk in and sit down, momentarily looking up to make eye contact with her. She blushed as he smirked before she looked away from him.

“Geez, such a flirt.” Hana hissed annoyed while Aria slipped on her panda beanie.

“Omo, that is so cute!” Hana chirped pointing to it as Aria smiled, adjusting her glasses.

“Thanks, my sister got it for me.” She explained as Hana smiled up to it.


“So are you planning on joining an afterschool club?” Woohyun asked Celeste who looked over interested.

“We can still sign up?” she asked as he nodded.

“Today is the annual Club sign up day.” He answered as she smiled and nodded.

“What are you signed up for?” Celeste asked over while Woohyun smiled.

“Baseball club.” He answered as she clapped.
“Do they have a track team here?” She asked as he nodded confused to her over excited expression.
“Yah.” He answered as her eyes grew larger.

“Thank god, I love running.” She answered as he nodded stating the obvious that was written all over her face.

“What about your sisters?” he then asked as she rested her chin on her palm before looking up in wonder.

“Do you have a reading club?” She asked embarrassed as he leaned back before shaking his head.

“A book club, yes.” He answered as she chuckled.

“My youngest sister Aria will join that for sure.” She pointed out as he nodded.

“And then there is Muzik.” She whispered looking out the window.

“Just a guess, but would she happen to be into singing or music?” Woohyun asked over sheepishly causing her eyes to shoot open and over to him.

“She is.” She answered as he smiled, pointing to his temple, acting like a genius when it was her name that made it obvious.


The bell announcing the end of school rang as each teacher reminded their students about signing up for them.

“Are you going to sign up for one?” That same voice asked Muzik as she packed her bag, keeping her eyes on the girls.

“Huh?” she asked looking over causing him to chuckle.

“Clubs, are you going to join one?” he asked as she sighed shrugging.

“Not sure if any are right for me.” She mentioned pulling the bag over her shoulder before walking out, he quickly followed ignoring the girls squealing at him.

“Hey!” He called after her as she looked over shocked to see him still following her.

“Can I help you?” she asked confused continuing to walk away from him and down the stairs.

“You sing?” he asked suddenly as she froze on the stairs and turned to him.

“Why?” she asked narrowing her eyes as he smiled.

“I’m in the choir, well that’s what everyone calls us.” He explained as he looked away hesitantly.

“Um, I don’t know.” She whined hesitantly as he smiled, patting her shoulder.

“Come try out, it’ll be fun.” He pointed out smiling at her once more before walking away, leaving her standing in the stairwell.

“Oh there you are.” Celeste said coming around the stairwell to see Muzik standing there alone.

“I was looking for you, come on let’s go check out these clubs.” Celeste mentioned grabbing her sisters arm before dragging her down the stairs. They soon found Aria before heading out into the yard that was now decorated to look like some craft fair, tons of booths that all represented a club.

“See anything you guys like?” Celeste asked as they looked from left to right before Aria stopped.

“Figures.” Muzik muttered seeing that she had stopped in front of the Book Club.

“Hurry, sign up.” Celeste urged as Aria hesitantly walked over and signed up, collecting the needed forms before walking over to meet her sisters. Celeste noticed that indeed they had a track club, more like a track team and dragged her sisters over before they noticed the man sitting behind the table.

“Oh, it’s one of them.” Muzik whispered catching his attention as he looked over.

“Hi ladies.” He spoke with too much suave causing Muzik to roll her eyes and look away.

“Can I sign up?” celeste asked suddenly sounding intimidated causing Jiyong to smile and nod, handing her the clipboard.

Jiyong stared at the girl signing her name in front of him, trying hard to ignore the delicious smell coming off of her, his saliva swelling up in his throat, fangs threatening to bare themselves.

“Here.” She mentioned as he shook his head, quickly smiling at her, taking it from her. He handed her the schedule and needed forms before watching her walk away. He sat back in his seat, crossing his legs before smirking at her disappearing form.

“So what are you going to join?” Aria asked over to Muzik who was aimlessly looking around the area.

“Huh?” She asked over after Celeste nudged her ribs.

“Clubs, which one?” Celeste whined as Muzik shrugged looking back over, suddenly feeling that eerie feeling she quickly looked over to see those same eyes almost baring into her soul. Drama Club? He continued to stare at her before she heard her name being called.

“MUZIK!” A voice shouted as she was shaken from her trance and over to Daesung waving his hands at her excitedly.

“Oh god.” Muzik muttered looking around.

“I think he’s calling you.” Celeste spoke confused as Muzik growled up at her.

“Shhh, don’t look, don’t make eye contact.” Muzik whined before hearing a chuckle behind her.

“Oh, don’t be like that now.” Daesung’s voice whined as she hesitantly turned towards him with a nervous chuckle.

That’s how Muzik ended up joining the Choir, that and because Celeste basically spouted that Muzik had an amazing voice. Just to get rid of her annoyance she went and joined the Boxing Club too.

“Boxing? Really?” Celeste asked annoyed as they walked home from school, Muzik was at least satisfied the school had some sort of club she was into.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” A blood curdling scream interrupted them.


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Chapter 47: Ermegerd this story is amazing. Please update soon! <3 :D
Jess25 #2
Chapter 47: Update please
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 47: Nice to read your story again! Is she sick?
Thekatsmeow #4
Chapter 46: Loved the updates!!
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 44: I really like your story! Can't wait to see what what the girls find out!
Chapter 40: I'm really enjoying this story and can't wait to read more!!!!
Chapter 40: please make more celeste and jiyong moment
don't forget to credit my shop or I'll have to blacklist you
sunset812 #9
Chapter 40: Stupid boys.*sniff* I hope their balls rot and fall off.
sunset812 #10
Chapter 39: Yay! Fireworks! in more ways than one, if you know what I mean* wiggles eyebrows *