The magnitude of a TOUCH

The Magnitude of a Touch




Sungmin was busy styling his hair while Kyuhyun was checking his things for unanswered homework or important notes. He put everything back on the kid's bag after making sure that everything's fine. He zipped the bag close and turned to Sungmin who seems to be having a hard time with his hair. The kid looked at him through the mirror pouting. "What's wrong this time Sungminnie?" he asked a bit concerned seeing the weariness on the kid's face. "I want my hair to look really good today since you're coming to school to meet my friends" Kyuhyun smiles, walks toward the boy and stops beside him. He stared at the kid's face through the mirror making the kid blush cutely. "Kyuhyunnie hyung stop looking at Sungminnie like that" the kid puffed his cheeks and looked away.  "You look really good today Sungminnie so there's no need to put so much effort in styling up" he smiled and winked at the kid. "Go down now before your mom goes here and drag you downstairs" Sungmin nodded and ran to get his backpack. Smoothening his uniform, Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun before giggling. "I’ll meet you up in the school's playground Kyuhyun hyung! Don’t forget or else ill really feel bad and I’m not going to talk to you ever!" Kyuhyun nodded and watched as the boy waved before running downstairs. His teeth clenched and a sudden sadness roused inside him. He could feel that something's going to happen today and it’s not a good thing base on how his palms are sweating. He followed Sungmin downstairs making sure that he's invisible to the kid. He could sense the happiness radiating from the kid's lithe body and a smile slowly curved his lips, as he knew he's the reason of Sungmin's happiness. He hopes that this day passes with Sungmin still smiling like that.

He went back upstairs just to see Heechul sitting on Sungmin's bed. He glared at the death angel that answered him with a smirk. "What are you doing here Heechul hyung?" he asked annoyingly. Heechul smiled, running his hand on the soft pink bed. Kyuhyun's pumpkin surely loved pink and Heechul looked around the happy room with a smile. His arrogant dongsaeng is lucky for having such a nice kid. "I'm repeating my question, what are you doing here hyung?" the younger's dark eyes were cloudy and dangerous. "Hey calm down, I just want to spend the day with you since i got no work today" Heechul grinned as Kyuhyun continue to eye him suspiciously. "Just stop interfering with me Heechul" Kyuhyun growled fiercely making Heechul put up a slight pout. "Don’t you feel something weird today Kyuhyun?" the death angel asked in a serious tone. "If you'll ask me, i can say that something's bad is going to happen today" Kyuhyun shot him a glare before checking the time. "Whatever it is, ill be on guard, i wont let anything bad happen to Sungmin" Heechul stared pass him and sighed. "This one's inevitable Kyuhyun" the pretty angel stared at his dongsaeng's blank face. "No matter how hard you try, you can’t escape nor stop this one from happening"


Kyuhyun didn’t move, he's trembling inside and Heechul can sense it from afar. "Stop it hyung, you cant scare me with those things" Heechul gave a throaty laugh and in a minute he's in front of Kyuhyun. "You put yourself into this Kyuhyun and once it happen i want to be there to watch you fall" Kyuhyun looked away and stepped back. "I need to look for him, i need to find him hyung, I need to protect him"

Meanwhile at Sungmin's school

It was snack time and Sungmin was sitting beside his best friend Ryeowook while taking tiny bites of his strawberry jam sandwich. The two friends were happily talking about some children stuff when a bunch of nasty looking kids came up to them. Cho Seunghyun or famously known as TOP snatched away the sandwich from Sungmin's hold and took a big bite on it. Kwon Jiyong, the group's leader smirked as he too took a bite on the sandwich. "This really taste good fat bunny, I envy you for having such a nice Umma" Jiyong grinned and threw the remaining sandwich on Sungmin's table. "Leave me alone Jiyong!" the bunny kid said after giving each of them a glare. "Oooooh I’m scared and it'll scarier once you start saying Kyuhyunnie hyung will be here and kicking our asses" TOP mockingly added making his group throw a laughing fit on the two friends. "Yes! Kyuhyunnie hyung will come and he'll really kick your asses!" Sungmin was clutching on his pants a little too tightly and he could see that Ryeowook's on the verge of crying. Jiyong shook his head thrice as he took the seat opposite Sungmin. "How many times do we have to tell you Sungmin, your Kyuhyunnie hyung doesn’t exist" The younger kid bit back his lips to stop a sob from escaping. He's not going to cry in front of these bullies. Kyuhyun hyung will come today as he promised. "I'm going to prove you wrong! He promised to come today and he never broke his promises!" Jiyong shrugged and looked around in time to see Yesung, the weird guy who acts like Sungmin's bodyguard coming toward them. He looked back at Sungmin and smiled. "We'll see later bunny, we'll wait on the playground and we expect your Kyuhyunnie hyung to be there as you promised" he went off after saying those words and bumping on Yesung. The two glared on each other before letting go and walking on their separate ways.

Kyuhyun had seen everything and the amused look on Heechul don’t help him a bit. "I didn’t know the kid really trusted you that much Kyuhyunnie" Heechul turned to him and smiled. "What I want to know is what you'll do" the younger ignored him as he watched Yesung hugged his Sungminnie. He looked away as jealousy burns his heart. He was supposed to be the one hugging and comforting Sungmin but he can’t even move a finger nor say a word. "Help me Heechul hyung, help me help him,” he muttered lowly gaining a slight nod from the other angel.

After two hours, at the school's playground

Little Sungminnie was sitting alone on Kyuhyun's favorite park bench. He was hoping that Kyuhyunnie would come before Jiyong and his gang arrives to pester his life again. He looked around the park before sighing down. Kyuhyunnie's already late and he could feel the worry hit his young heart. What if Kyuhyun hyung doesn’t show up? He was pulled put of his deep thinking when he felt a sudden pain on his head. He looked up to see Jiyong's grinning face above him. "Hey there bunny baby" TOP sat beside him and stared at his red face. "So where Kyuhyunnie hyung? Still at your bunny world?" Seungri, the youngest asked in a mocking tone. Sungmin ignored them and waited for his Kyuhyun hyung to come and save him. He was surprised when a forceful slap on the arm hit him. He looked at Jiyong with pained eyes. "I'm talking to you so listen up!" Sungmin kept his trance and once again looked at his feet, ignoring Jiyong but when another slap reached his other arm, a sound of pain escaped his lips. "Stop ignoring me!" Jiyong was about to hit him again when suddenly, "Stop right there! You ugly bully!" Sungmin looked at the pretty hyung who had pushed Jiyong away from him. He was amaze on how pretty and handsome this hyung that he momentarily forgot about his aching arm. "Who are you?" Jiyong shouted at the still smirking hyung. Heechul shrugged and kicked TOP from sitting beside Sungmin and sat there instead. "I am Sungmin's guardian angel and your worst nightmare" Jiyong cringed but raised his head. He's not afraid of this ugly pest hyung! "I'm not done with you Sungmin, ill get back remember that,” he said his last words before running away.

"Thanks for helping me" Sungmin looked at his shaking hands and whimpered. Kyuhyunnie hyung doesn’t come; he lied at him and broke his promise. Maybe Kyuhyun hyung is really just a part of his childish fantasies.

"Stop thinking negatives thoughts pumpkin, I am Kyuhyun's cousin and he sent me here to stay with you while he's finishing something" Heechul smiles and messes the kid's hair. "I'm you Heechul hyung, Kim Heechul hyung" the kid looked at him with eyes b with tears. "I hate him, he doesn’t came Chullie hyung, he's so unfair"

Sungmin sobbed hard. Jiyong was right, Kyuhyun hyung doesn’t exist and maybe Heechul hyung doesn’t exist as well. He must be dreaming now. He wants to wake up and run to his Umma for comfort. Everyone hates Sungminnie, only Umma and Appa love him. "Chullie hyung, please let me wake up now, please bring me back to Umma and Appa" Heechul shook his head and handed Sungmin a pink hanky. "Kyuhyun told me you love so pink so here this one's for you" Sungmin took it and held it on his hands. "Kyuhyunnie really loves Sungmin so don’t lose hope on him, he might be rude or scary sometimes but he's your angel and he'll always be beside you"

Sungmin nodded and watched as Heechul hyung said his goodbye, leaving him alone. He sniffed hard and dried her yes. He wants to be home now and rest. He jumped off the bench and wears his school bag after making sure that his uniform is clean enough for his freak of a mother not to worry. He was about to take a step when he heard a call, a voice calling his name. He glanced on his back and saw Kyuhyun hyung panting while running towards him. He blinked back as tears once again surface his eyes. He didn’t wait for Kyuhyun hyung and star walking home. He's still mad and he doesn’t know when he'll be fine again.

"Yah Sungminnie! Wait up!" Kyuhyun caught up on Sungmin and blocked his way. He knelt on the ground and breathed deeply. "I'm so so so sorry, please don’t be me Sungminnie, please look at me" Kyuhyun begged hard but Sungmin just looked pass him. He sighed and slouched defeated. This is no good. Sungminnie hates him now. "I trusted you,” the kid muttered as tears broke down his eyes again. "You promised me you'll come but you didn’t" he bit his lips to fight back the sob and shouted. "I HATE YOU!" the kid ran away toward the street and Kyuhyun stood up as he noticed the coming truck. He ran as fast as he can to catch up with Sungmin but before he could even try to shout something blinded him.

It was a bright light. He tried to reach up, to stop Sungminnie, protect him from getting hurt but he couldn’t. He was about to give up when felt something, a soft heartwarming feeling. A touch. Had he touched Sungmin? He blinked as a sudden impact hit him. He tried to grab more of the warmth but he was being pulled to somewhere. He out trying to call for Sungmin and hearing Sungmin's call.

"Kyuhyunnie hyung..."


A/N: yeah this is just the start of the real story so get ready J





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rizzorin #1
Chapter 4: what just happened?~ update soon~ eheheh~
Nekoah #2
Chapter 4: aw man T.Tsungmin. Ugh i cant wait so awesome
xiangyun98 #3
Chapter 4: Ah!! He got hit by the truck???!!???!?
xiangyun98 #4
Chapter 3: Wah!! I hope kyu show up... If not min will be sad.. :((((
Nekoah #5
aw kyuhyun what are you gonna do? I really like this ashjtmd