Always In love, Innocent Pain

The Magnitude of a Touch


Kyuhyun watches as eight years old Sungmin goes back and forth his bed and the bathroom. He was holding a pink comb and wearing a weary smile.  The troubled look on Sungmin’s face was a bit cute for him, but he’s also worried on why the kid’s acting that way. He was just standing on one corner watching how Sungmin and he’s sure that there’s a smile plastered on his lips. He was simply fanboying on the cute kid’s puffed cheeks and pouted lips. Sungmin stops just some good inches away from him. Sungmin had been putting a lot of distance between them and it all started that day on the park when he acted a bit harshly jumping off the bench when the boy showed up in front of him. “Kyuhyun hyung” the cute kid calls for him and he bends down to face the kid. “What’s wrong Sungminnie?” he asked worriedly as the kid sniffed and his hold on the comb tightened.

“Some bully called me fat, they told me I look like a pig, they say I have an ugly hair, I have a girly lips and that I am gay” sniffing more, the kid looked at him with sad eyes. “I tried fixing my hair but I love how blonde and long it is, I asked Mommy to buy me manly clothes but I miss wearing my pink ones and I started eating little but my tummy always aches that I had no choice but to eat again” Kyuhyun sighed as he watches a lone tear escape the kid’s teary eyes. He wants to walk to him, hug him and make him believe that there’s nothing wrong with him. Little Sungminnie is perfect just the way he is. “But Kyuhyun hyung that is not the worst thing they’ve told me, they said I’m crazy and I should just stay home cause… cause they said my Kyuhyunnie hyung is not real” Kyuhyun could feel the intensity of sadness in Sungmin’s words by the way his knuckles turn white and on how hard he’s trying to stop himself from crying.

Kyuhyun stands straight and walks toward the little boy. He stops just in front of him and kneels down so he can face him. “Kyuhyun hyung I’m not crazy right? You’re real and they’re just jealous cause they doesn’t have you” the kid squirms, lets go of the comb and covers his now crying face. Kyuhyun swallows an invisible lump as he feels something breaking inside of him.  The need so as the want to envelop the kid in a warm hug scrambles in the inner part of him. It was undeniably strong that his smile falters and he felt like crying. “Please tell Sungminnie that you’re real” the kid was now bare looking at him with those bloodshot crying eyes. “Please show up tomorrow and tell they that they are all wrong for saying those stuffs”

He nodded and smiled. “They are all wrong Sungminnie cause you’re not fat but cuddly for me, your hair is perfect and it smells like strawberry, pink is cute on you, your lips is beautiful and you’re not gay, you just love Kyuhyunnie hyung so much and they are jealous that you don’t love them” the kid smiled and slowly wiped his face with that back of his hands. “Kyuhyun hyung is real and Kyuhyun hyung loves Sungminnie so much” he chuckles as he stares on the kid’s tear stained face. “Wash up, go to bed and we’ll meet at school tomorrow” he stands and fixes the kid’s bed, grabbing Mr. Bunny and placing it in the middle. “Mr. Bunny missed Sungminnie and he wanted a big hug now before going to sleep”. Sungmin smiles and runs to the bathroom to wash his face. After some minutes he returned and wiped his face with his bunny printed towel. He jumps on the bed and hugs Mr. Bunny. “Thanks Kyuhyun hyung” he said before slipping under the pink blanket.  He yawned, closed his eyes but suddenly shot back up as he remembered something. “I forgot to pray” he giggled and bowed his head down.

“Dear Daddy Jesus, I’ve been very sad today because some of my classmates bullied me but thanks to Kyuhyun hyung that I am happy now, he’s really nice Daddy Jesus and he even promised to meet my classmates tomorrow, I’m so lucky to have him Daddy” Sungmin smiled and glanced at him before continuing. “Daddy Jesus please take care of my loving parents, my cute friends and also those bullies, please always watch over my Kyuhyun hyung and keep him safe, I’m so thankful you gave him to me, he’s your best gift Daddy” Kyuhyun smiled upon hearing those words. “I love you Daddy Jesus and I also love Kyuhyun hyung, thanks and goodnight”.

Kyuhyun smiles as Sungmin goes back under his blanket and stares at him. “Goodnight Kyuhyun hyung, Saranghae” smiling, he closes his eyes and dives in his own world of dreams and fantasies. The angel silently pulls a chair beside the sleeping kid’s bed and settles on it. He was on deep thought the moment his backside touches the chair. The kid loves him and now he’s way too dependent on him. Kyuhyun doesn’t deserve any of those since he couldn’t feel how those emotion works. He wants to wipe the kid’s tears, hug him until no air is present on his chubby body, protect him at any cost and he’s willing to break any laws for him, but is that love? He really doesn’t know. He shifted on his sit as he felt another presence much similar to his behind him.

“You’re not serious about meeting his friends right?” Kyuhyun looked behind him and saw Heechul holding Sungmin’s pink comb. “We both know that it’s not the right thing to do, it’s against the law and loving Sungmin is a sin to our kind but hell do I know right? I’m just a diva angel concerned about my fellow angel and his pumpkin kid” the two meet up eye to eye, battling an intense unknown war. “The kid’s eight and you’re what? A thousand years old? He’s a human and you’re an angel. He deserves someone better Kyuhyun and you of all should know that” Kyuhyun shakes his head and turns back on watching Sungmin. “He’s mine hyung and I’m the better guy for him”

Kyuhyun raised a hand to fix Sungmin’s kicked blanket. He was always a messy sleeper. He stared at his own hand as it stops a few inches away from the sleeping kid’s lips. He wants to feel the softness of those plump lips but he couldn’t not at this moment so he pulls back. “Have you ever wondered how that’ll be like hyung? Touch? Your skin against him and the feeling of having that warmth on you, I’ve always wanted that hyung, I’ve been dying just thinking about it”

Heechul smiled, putting the comb on Sungmin’s pink table. “More than you’ll ever know, so much more Kyuhyun” he crossed his diva arms and pursed his lips. “Just remember that the more you try to be with him, the more he’ll slip away from you Kyuhyun and that’s all because of our nature, that’s how things works out between us and them, stop messing with the equilibrium and fight back the feeling” uttering those words he disappeared into the darkness leaving Kyuhyun on his confused state.

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rizzorin #1
Chapter 4: what just happened?~ update soon~ eheheh~
Nekoah #2
Chapter 4: aw man T.Tsungmin. Ugh i cant wait so awesome
xiangyun98 #3
Chapter 4: Ah!! He got hit by the truck???!!???!?
xiangyun98 #4
Chapter 3: Wah!! I hope kyu show up... If not min will be sad.. :((((
Nekoah #5
aw kyuhyun what are you gonna do? I really like this ashjtmd