Chapter 14

99 Days

When you open your eyes from your sleep, you find your phone buzzing continuously, urging you to take it and see whoever’s calling.  You reach out to pick up the call and speak to it.


“Aeri! Aeri! Whatever you do, don’t look into his eyes or let him touch you! Ae—“


“What?” You stare at the screen and find your phone switched off.

“Luhan, that fool of a Semi,”

You freeze as you hear a man’s voice, listening to his approaching footsteps. 

“Hi, I’m Tao,”

You see his hand stretch towards you, hovering in front of you, waiting for you to take it.

‘Don’t let him touch you!’ Luhan’s cry rings in your ears and you keep your head down, folding your arms.

“I’m Aeri,”

Tao, as he introduced himself, chuckles, and withdraws his hand.  “I’m not going to use what Luhan’s afraid of, so you can at least look at me.  We Voids don’t lie,”

You look up then and find yourself backing away on your bed as your eyes fall upon his face.  He’s the same as Luhan, but he was in an all-black suit.  He had dusty hazel hair and his eyes were the strongest feature that contributed to the vibe he’s giving off.  He had a smirk you didn’t like on his face and his hands were locked behind his back. 

“Voids? Is that what you are?” You ask him.

“Yes, we’re Voids,” He confirms nodding.  “We, well, you can say that we’re the side that goes against the Eternities and interfere with the Interval’s works.  I, as a single being, am a Rest.  There are special kinds of Rests, like me, that specially interfere with the Semi’s works.  Thus the fact that I’m here, standing in your room,”

“Ah,” You nod.  “Interesting names you put on yourself,” You smile.  “Why, though?”

“Why?” His smirk turns into a grin you certainly liked less.  “Because what they do is against the law.  Especially when they grant humans a longer period of life,”

“Like me,” You sigh at his nod.  “I know it isn’t fair, and it goes against the law, but I have 3 months left and bam, I’m going, okay?”

“I don’t think you do,” Tao steps closer and somehow, the necklace Luhan gave you floats midair and falls on his palm, still hung on your neck, your faces too close to your liking. The necklace hums quietly and suddenly, the loops disappear and the hole increases in size.  “Now you have a month,” He smiles, then brings his forefinger onto your forehead after dropping your necklace.  “Good night, Aeri,”

Crap.  You really shouldn’t have let him touch you.

A loud pang of pain hits your head and you’re forced into unconsciousness, feeling as if you’ve started falling into somewhere that had no end.



Your eyes flutter open and you meet Luhan’s eyes, his features drawn in worry. 

“Aeri, dear God, are you okay?”

The encounter last night replayed itself in your head and you sit upright quietly, putting your head in your hand.  “I’m fine,”

“I’m so sorry,” He says. 

“Couldn’t you come and push him away?” You ask him, the realization dawning on you further.

“We can’t be in their presence like they can’t be in ours,” Luhan dejectedly answers, touching your forehead.

The headache that has been pounding your skull ceased, as if washed out by warm water, replaced by a comfortable, calm feeling.

“Thank you,” You smile at him and see him bite his lip without a reply.

“I can’t get these back for you, I’m sorry,” Luhan takes the necklace in his hand and runs a thumb over it.

“That’s okay,” You shake your head.  “This itself is wrong.  I just have to do things quickly now,”

Luhan meets your eyes and you know that he’s reading your mind for your plans.  The sorry etched on his face grows deeper and you wonder if he was going to cry in front of you.

“I’m sorry Sooyeon,” He mentions your grandmother’s name as he runs a hand through his hair.  “And I’m sorry, Aeri,”

 He squeezes your hand and locks his eyes with you for a moment before he dissolves into thin air, disappearing from your room.

“I told you, it’s okay,” You swing your legs off of your bed and brace yourself for the day.

30 days left.

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yohooo #1
Chapter 22: Waw,,just...i'm crying right now T.T!!! Ur story is so beautiful...crying a river.....
Chapter 22: Lemme cryy huhuhu
Chapter 22: gosh... so she really died.... felt so sad for kai and lay though...
Chapter 22: Im actually happy that it ended this way lmao.
I kinda needed a story that doesnt have a happy ending for once :3
Chapter 21: I cried.. The Pacific Seeeaaa~!!!!!! ㅠAㅠ
Oh god!
Chapter 22: Beautiful ♡
Chapter 22: Real awesome piece of writing. A big thumbs up for the author !❤️❤️
Chapter 22: this is so awesome . u really did a great job author-nim . such a rare story and daebak of course . keep it up . can't wait for your new story .
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 22: Awwwww....:(((( anyways great stooory!!! Done reading it <33333
LalaMarila8 #10
Chapter 22: Omg im in tears right now!!!
Omg this story is great!!!
Omg cry me a river!!