
Makeup, Fashion, and Love? Oh My!


"Alright Hyukkie, I'm almost done. You just need a little blush honey," I say, applying a light pink blush to his face. He stays silent, but I know he heard me since he learned to not move while we were applying makeup. "Perfect! You're ready to get dressed." He grins, looking at himself in the mirror to see how I made his skin look flawless. He gives me a big hug before moving onto the station for getting dressed.
I make my way over the masses of crazy ladies getting the guys ready for the show. I squeeze my way through many people before I get to Leo's little changing room. Each of the members got their own rooms to change in, making organizing their mass of clothes easier.
"Sookie," Leo greets nonchalantly with a lopsided smile. I give him a huge grin in return, already going through his wardrobe looking for the outfit I had in mind for today. I decided to use my favorite outfit of there's, especially for Ken. It was the red and white ensemble, being bold and passionate colors when combined. 
"Are you nervous my little lion?" I ask, shifting through his many outfits. I hear him plop down on the couch while my back is turned and I roll my eyes, smiling slightly.
"Of course. No matter how many times I do this, I'll probably always be nervous since I want our fans to be proud of us and enjoy the performance." I nod my head, remembering him and N discussing this before one time. I finally find his fire red outfit and hold it out on its hangers. I hang them up separately and motion for him to stand up, which he does obediently.
"Well, I'll always be proud of you guys and enjoy the show even though I have to watch on the TV," I say, lifting his shirt off of him. He raises his arms above his head and bends his knees, allowing the shirt to leave his torso. His abs never fail to amaze me and make me blush. And he knows it.
"Since I'm so nervous, will you give me a hug?" he asks, a smirk on his face. My right eye twitches as I'm turned around, getting the shirt off of his hanger. He doesn't wait for me to respond as he wraps his long, strong arms around my belly, lifting me up and spinning me around once.
"Leo-oppa!" I yelp, giggling like a little schoolgirl. If there's one thing I love for people to do, it's to spin me around when they're hugging me. He sets me down and sways our bodies back and forth, pressing against me. I feel my face turn red as I feel his flat stomach and hard chest press against my back. "O-oppa, you need to get dressed. The show is starting soon," I squeak out in a sheepish voice.
"Alright Sookie," he says calmly. He kisses my cheek and releases me, holding his arms up for me to put his shirt on. I roll my eyes playfully and take his shirt off the hanger, shifting it around his body so he can get through the thin material. 
"Alrighty Leo, pants off," I command, reaching for his jeans. He immediately backs away, dodging my hands. 
"SookYi, you know I prefer to do this part by myself," he says, his cheeks burning red even through the makeup. 
"And you know that this is my job." Although I got flustered when taking off his shirt, I felt more in control when taking off his pants. That sounds weird right? Yeah, whatever. Anyway, it's better for me since he gets a lot more flustered and I feel back in control of my emotions. Does that make sense?
He pouts a bit, his nose cringing a bit. "But it makes me uncomfortable."
"Oh, but showing your abs and chest off doesn't? Come on oppa, you're jut showing more leg. If I can do it, so can you," I say, gesturing down to my pale pink jean shorts.
"Of course you can, you're a woman!"
"Oh, so just because I'm a woman that means only I can show of some leg? Leo, just wait until you have . You'll be showing off more than just leg," I preach, ripping his pants off the hanger and tossing it to him. He looks at me with wide eyes as I huff from his private room.
I stomp my way through everyone, seeing the rest of the guys changed and mic-ed, ready to go. They all give me a questioning look while I just ignore them, getting some water and plopping down on the couch, drinking the water angrily and tossing the cup away aggressively.
I was staring at the wall and I notice from my peripheral vision Leo coming out of the changing room as the tech crew gets rushes over to get him a microphone. They get motioned out by security and as they were passing by me, Ken leaned down and hugged me quickly. This brings a small smile to my face as I whisper, "Fighting."
Now it was just me and my teams. None of them bothered to interact with me since I was so young so I just sat by myself for a while.
It was five minutes until the show started and I was just listening to my iPod, bobbing my head to the music until a security guard came in. He looked around the room for a second before his eyes landed on my figure. With a quick wave, he motions me to follow him, which I do obediently. He leads me down a few halls before we reach backstage. I figured one of the guys had a malfunction with their outfits but he kept walking, leading me to the audience. There, he guided me through the groups of crazy fans, shouting for their oppas and their love for them. In the front row, center stage was an empty seat. Once we reached there, he patted my shoulder, telling me to enjoy. 
I blink a couple times before I take my seat. Next to me was an EXO fan and a NU'EST fan. They give me a quick smile before moving on to shouting once again for them to hurry up. I squirm a bit, not used to doing this. Hell, I never went to a concert in the first place. I was completely out of my element.
The show starts, many performers going on, some I knew and others I didn't. I tried to enjoy myself, but it wasn't working too well. That is, until I saw my brother. They were setting up for Face, the chairs now in place. The girl next to me started spazzing out completely, shouting out Ren's name over and over again. I just sit up in my seat, a smile now spreading across my face.
They all walk out from stage left, looking very fierce. I immediately notice Aron and shout out for his name. Normally, he wouldn't respond and look up, but my voice was loud and clear and his head snapped up, his eyes landing directly on me. He smiles slightly, waving his hand a bit. 
The song soon starts, the music blaring all around me. BaekHo starts first, his powerful voice pleasing to my ears. He notices me quickly and he keeps his eyes on me, grinning happily. I nod my head to his singing, smiling as well. Next MinHyuk released his smooth and high voice, his eyes fixated on me. Ren got up, being taller than everyone on the chair as he stared at me with his serious face but gave me a quick head nod acknowledging me. Aron moves to the front, bluntly singing right to me, even reaching his hand out gesturing to me. Then JR came up, rapping with his powerful and quick lyrics.
Their song ends quicker than I would've hoped and they wave bye to the audience, all over the simultaneously waving in my direction making the girl next to me faint. They all chuckle slightly as the same security guard who led me here carried her away, smiling to me.
"Alright, now this is a new group that just debuted! Give it up for VIXX!" the MC exclaims, eliciting loud cheers from mostly me. They walk in from both side, standing in the formation I've seen millions of times but never got tired of.
"Yeah, I wanna win this race
VIXX, haha!
Value in excelsis,
Uh brand new boys in da building!
Show we gunna make it rookies time,
Race is exciting!"
I recite the opening in perfect harmony with Ravi as he comes out to center stage, locking eyes with me and smirking. He moves aside, letting N take the spotlight and I can't help but move my arms the way they do, accentuating V-I-X-X.
Next is dimple buddy, Ken backing him up as they both grin down at me. I mouth the words to the song, not wanting to ruin it but I chant when I'm supposed to. Leo then comes forward, his eyes on my figure the entire time they came out. I don't really pay him no mind, waiting for Hyuk to do his superhero pose which I can't help but giggle at.
The next verse and chorus breeze by and now came time for the bridge with Leo and Ken. I try to keep my eyes on Ken, but Leo's voice pulls my attention right over to him. 
"Nae pume dugeundugeun
Ttwiineun shimjang soril neukkyeo bwah~" he belts out, his eyes fixated on mine. As Ken was singing, he leans down from the stage, his hand out. Fans move to reach out to him but I quickly beat them to it, grasping his hand tightly as he pulls me up, serenading me with Ken singing "Come, fantastic world!"
I turn around to see Ravi hand out a mic for me and we smirk, reciting the rap perfectly, him letting me take the burn part for myself while the rest goes to him. They all move into formation once again and I go to join them but am pulled away, Leo letting his voice ring through the entire stadium as he looks at me.
"I'm you're world, yeah!" He takes ahold of my hand as we dance with the rest of VIXX, my face shining with happiness. 
For pulling this stunt, he got yelled at by Mickey manager. But he also earned my forgiveness and a small kiss on the cheek.


Hello my children! Sorry if this seems rushed and a bit of a filler chapter. I just opened a request page for VIXX scenarios and I've been kinda busy with that. But have no fear! I needed this to be a sort of filler since more will be happening soon. Love? Yes! Drama! But of course! RavixSookYi? Lolwutwhosaidthatnotmecough

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tinado58 #1
Chapter 7: Hi I just found your story! It is so cute and fluffy and not like those other angst stories where the main girl bullied by fans girls. Please update when you can!
HangmannJR16 #2
Chapter 7: Plz update!
Chapter 7: Leo is just pure, plain cheesecorn romantic :">
Chapter 7: Hehehe...I am going to apply to the Lotte world fic. :D
Chapter 7: imagining the boys making a fuss at the aquarium, jumping and panicking like a mad man specially Leo hahaha
Chapter 6: LEOxSOOKYI moments kya~ new reader here
Nichichan #7
Chapter 6: ...Leo's all how do you know about ___ don't even MY EARS HOW DO YOU KNOW well he doesn't say it bc, he's Leo BUT YOU KNOW HE'S THINKING IT!! And aww~~~~ IT'S SO FLUFFAAAY
Chapter 6: Ohohoh relationships are heating up. I hope we get to see more NU'EST soon. BUT SOOKYIxNUEST IS NO. They're just frends. Freeeeends.
Nichichan #9
Chapter 5: AHAHAHAHAHA THOOONGS XDD I just can't it's like YEAH LET'S HELP HER--omg what is that how can you be wearing that I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY INNOCENT BBY and then SookYi's just like calm N, it's normal XDD
amanda_low98 #10
Chapter 5: Oh my God I just love those Sookyi and Leo moments x)