Why Is It Blue?

Makeup, Fashion, and Love? Oh My!



~*~*~Leo's POV~*~*~
Brother. She has a brother. Well now it's not as creepy as her just getting kissed by a guy not related to her. I think?
Ravi spoke up, his eyebrows furrowed, "You guys look nothing alike though."
She giggles a bit and holds onto Aron's hand. "That's because we're not really related. We just call each other brother and sister. Aron has always been caring towards me back in the states. He beat up the kids that would always used to bully me," she says, grinning up at him. It just got creepy to me again.
"Ah, we haven't introduced ourselves, how rude!" N exclaims. I give him a sideways glare but go with it, being polite. "Anyeonghaseyo, we are V-I-X-X VIXX imnida!"
The Nu'est group does their intro and we all introduce ourselves individually. We had found out that they were also a rookie group, newly debuted at the beginning of the year. Aron had suggested sitting down for a minute but Ken reminded us that our manager was waiting. 
We all make our way to the door and i was the last one out until I stop, noticing SookYi hugging onto Aron tightly. My grip on the doorknob tightens as I glare at the close interaction.
"Why don't you catch up with your 'brother' and have him bring you to our dorm, SookYi," I say harshly, slamming the door. I look to the rest of the group and they look at me with wide eyes. I just turn my head downwards and brush past them, ignoring N-hyung's raised hand to stop me.
~*~*~SookYi's POV~*~*~ 
"What's up with the ice prince?" BaekHo asks, looking at me worriedly. My eyes were glued to the door in shock and also sadness. I look over to Aron who just pushes my shoulder gently. 
"I'm sorry Aron, I guess I should be going."
He smiles down at me sadly. "It's no worries, I have your number. I'll call you sometime, alright? We can meet up and grab a bite to eat." I nod my head and wave bye to the rest of Nu'est who all grin and wave back. 
I burst through the door and take off down the short hallways before making my way back out to the amusement park. I turn my head in every direction before I see the exit a little ways off. My feet react quicker than my brain does and soon I'm running as fast as I could, hoping to catch up with my friends. More specifically, Leo.
Quickly, I make my way to the parking lot and then I realize that I had no idea where the car was since Micky parked it. I smack my forehead before scanning the entire parking lot. I remember that we were the first ones here so I look at the closer parking spaces and see the top of Ken's blondish hair about to get into the van. Once again, my feet carry me over to them, dodging in and out of cars until I see Leo's back. 
"LEO!" This gave him a good two seconds to turn around and brace himself for my body being thrown onto his. He turns his body so he lands easily inside of the car. The guys all blink down at me but they soon smile. "Oppa I'm sorry I made you mad. You're my favorite oppa! Waaaaah!" I scream, burying my head into Leo's neck. He recovers from my tackle and wraps his arms tight around my waist, nuzzling his head into my hair.
"Aigo, calm down Sookie, it's alright," he says, giving a light kiss on top of my head.
"I was just... Well it's good to have you back."
He was gunna say something, I just knew it, but I let it go for him since he looked uncomfortable. A strong pair of arms wraps around my waist and I'm pulled into someone's lap. That someone being Ravi.
"I'm glad you came to us SookYi-ah," he says, smiling at me. We were at the same height now so I didn't have to look up to him. 
"Me too Oppa." I give him a light peck on his cheek and make my rounds to all of them, giving them all little kisses. I get to Leo and I decide to peck him on his nose before moving onto my final victim, N. 
"My little sister~" he says, his arms wide for me. I plop down on him, making him groan a bit from the slight pain, before kissing his temple. He forgets his pain and hugs me tight around the shoulders, forcing my face into his neck. I give a breathy laugh before he lets me go, and Micky starts the van so we could go home.
~*~*~Back at the Dorms~*~*~ 
"Let's play truth or dare!" N yells, bursting into my room with the rest of the guys in tow. I see HongBin with an empty glass bottle in his hand and I roll my eyes playfully. I set the book I was reading on my nightstand and sit cross-legged on the ground. They had all formed a small circle and left a spot open next to Ravi and Leo so I take my seat there, stretching my legs out on Leo and lying my head on Ravi's lap.
"Can I start?" Hyuk says, already reaching for the bottle. We don't deny him seeing as he already spun. The bottle rotates quickly before halting to a stop on Leo. "Truth or dare hyung?"
"What made you want to be a singer in the first place?" This was something we all were probably curious about and we all look to Leo expecting an answer. 
"Honestly, my sister inspired me. She plays the piano and whenever she played. I would always sing with her. She always told me how I could easily make it as a singer. Even when my father completely disapproved, she still pushed me and supported me." As he was telling his story, a small smile was on his face. The rest of us couldn't help but smile with him and I lean over to hug him around his waist.
"Aigo, that's so precious!" Ken exclaimed, leaning onto Leo since he was sitting next to him as well. Leo just shoves him off of him but can't help but continue smiling.
"Go ahead hyung, it's your turn," Ravi says.
Leo took the bottle in his hand and spun it lightly. It barely makes a full round before it lands on HongBin. "Truth or dare?"
"Who's your ideal type?"
"Rihanna," he answers almost immediately. We all look at him curiously and Hyuk asks why but HongBin just says he answered one question already. He spins the bottle and it moves round and round before it stops right on N. "Hyuuuuung, truth or dare?"
"Aigo, I'm scared. Ummm, truth!" 
"Aigo, you're all a bunch of babies!" I exclaim, throwing my arms in the air nearly hitting Ravi in the face. The guys all glare at me while I just stick my tongue out at them. 
"Why do you like taking so many selcas?"
"Wow, good question," Ken says, all of us turning our attention to N.
"We'll because I'm so cute!" he exclaims, posing with a little peace sign. Leo leans over Ken and smacks N lightly in the back of his head. We all can't help but laugh at N's face and he just continues to look sassy before spinning the bottle. It slowly lands on-
"Dare since none of you babies will pick it." I myself now get a whack in the head by the always caring Leo. I raise my left leg and hover it over his crotch and his eyes widen, his hands flying to hold onto my foot. "That's what I thought oppa," I say, lying my leg down gently across his lap once again.
"I dare you to... be our translator if we ever go to America!" We all look at him like he's crazy for a moment and he finally explains. "Manager hyung texted me while we were playing earlier that we got a gig to America at the end of this month, August! So I asked him if it would be alright if SookYi translated and he said it was alright if she agreed. So will you?"
My eyes widen and they all grin, looking over at me expectantly. 
"Of course!" I exclaim. They all yell and cheer happily, Ravi leaning down and kissing my cheek tenderly.
N immediately stood up and started doing his little happy dance before sitting his cute booty back down. "Alright, now time for your actual dare!"
"What?! No, not fair oppa. You already gave me a dare," I say, my nose crinkling a bit. N just wagged his finger at me and looked off in thought.
"Ah! I got it. SookYi-ah, you have to drink whatever I give to you!" he exclaims, hopping up and going into the kitchen. The rest of us made small talk until we hear the blender going, causing my eyes to widen in fear.
N comes bounding into the room, holding a glass of a darkish blue liquid that was...bubbling... He runs up behind Ravi, leaning over his shoulder and placing the cup in my hand.
"Hyung, is that... Drinkable?" Leo asked, cowering away from the drink.
"Of course, all of the things I put in it are edible!" he says cheerfully. I just sit up, plug my nose, and down the drink quickly. 
"Um... You alright?" Ravi asks, rubbing my back. I was just sitting still, the cup next to me and my face apathetic. The room was silent for a good five seconds before I scramble up from the floor, running into the bathroom. Their voices call after me but I barely hear them, my head spinning. 
Just as I was shutting the bathroom door, I pass out. 

Hello my lovelies. Just wanted to update for you. I hit writer's block, but I tried for you all~


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tinado58 #1
Chapter 7: Hi I just found your story! It is so cute and fluffy and not like those other angst stories where the main girl bullied by fans girls. Please update when you can!
HangmannJR16 #2
Chapter 7: Plz update!
Chapter 7: Leo is just pure, plain cheesecorn romantic :">
Chapter 7: Hehehe...I am going to apply to the Lotte world fic. :D
Chapter 7: imagining the boys making a fuss at the aquarium, jumping and panicking like a mad man specially Leo hahaha
Chapter 6: LEOxSOOKYI moments kya~ new reader here
Nichichan #7
Chapter 6: ...Leo's all how do you know about ___ don't even MY EARS HOW DO YOU KNOW well he doesn't say it bc, he's Leo BUT YOU KNOW HE'S THINKING IT!! And aww~~~~ IT'S SO FLUFFAAAY
Chapter 6: Ohohoh relationships are heating up. I hope we get to see more NU'EST soon. BUT SOOKYIxNUEST IS NO. They're just frends. Freeeeends.
Nichichan #9
Chapter 5: AHAHAHAHAHA THOOONGS XDD I just can't it's like YEAH LET'S HELP HER--omg what is that how can you be wearing that I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY INNOCENT BBY and then SookYi's just like calm N, it's normal XDD
amanda_low98 #10
Chapter 5: Oh my God I just love those Sookyi and Leo moments x)