Chapter 4: im still lost!

One Last Trip


Alice's vision:


"what the actual ???", i said to myself.  

"why dont you pick up! JC i need you righ now!", i said while holding dongho's phone to my ear.

"we're here!", mananger hyung said.

i didnt notice that their manager is still driving, now im far away from KBS, what will i do?

"yahoo ! im hungry ! i think i can eat a whole chicken!", hoon said.

"still not answering?", said dongho.

"aniyo(no.)" , i said with a sad face and cancelled the call and give back the phone to dongho.

"come let's eat first!", said eli.

"yeah ! let's eat first ! its already late! you might be hungy!", said kevin.

"oh no! thankyou ill just wait you guys here", i said, im so shy, im going to eat with them? no no no! definitely not ! i eat like a pig , i dont want them to see me eating.

"oh come on! its already late ! you should eat something!", said kiseop.

"come on!", said dongho and pulled me outside the van.

"ok, ok", i said and went outside.

"annyeonghaseyo!(hi!)", said manager hyung to the counter.

"annyeong! its been a along time!", said the lady.

"annyeonghaseyo!", said aj and hoon.

"are they the new members?", said by the lady.

"yes, im aj!", said aj and raising his hands.

"im hoon!", said hoon and waving his hands.

"omo! they're handsome. what do you want to eat? 5 whole chicken?ahahha", said the lady.

"we would like to have a 5 whole chicken please and...?", said manager hyung while waiting for my answer.

"ill be eating mash potatoes only, thankyou", i said. mash potatoes? am i insane???? im hungry to death! i can eat a whole chicken!

"mwo?(what?) mash potatoes only?", said kiseop.

"yes", i said shyly.

"omo you're so thin you should eat alot !", said the lady.

"ani(no), its ok!", i said.

"by the way, who is she? the girlfriend of the group?ahahah. a fan?", said the lady.

"no, she's not a fan of ours, she's lost and she's new to korea.", said kevin.

"omo ! its already late your parents might be looking for you", said the lady.

"im living with my friend", i said.

"want to call them?", said the lady and offered me the shop's telephone.

"yes, thankyou", i said, i wish JC would pick up! please Lord please!

UKISS members and manager hyung went to their seats, but dongho is still waiting for me.

"i can take care of myself thankyou!", i said.

"are you sure?", dongho said.

"yes.", i said.

"just call me if you need something and after you called go sit with us", he said and left.


"hello?", said JC.

"JC ! JC! its me ! Alice!", i said.

"my god ! alice ! where are you ? whose phone are you using?", jc said.

"im at a chicken restaurant and i used their phone, i left my phone in your house.", i said.

"where are you? ill pick you up! right now!", he said. 

"wait wait i dont know where i am." i said.

"excuse, ahjumma can you tell me where i am right now?", i said.

and ahjumma told me the name of the restaurant.

"please pick me up as soon as possible ok?", i said to JC.

"ok. just wait for me, dont move an inch ill be there!", said jc and i hang the phone.

omo ! i want to go home right now ! im hungry ! i dont know if i can only eat mashed potatoes

i hanged up the phone and sit beside in their place, not next to them, there are only few people in this place but i think they know UKISS, and they're looking at me, i dont want to make a scandal.

"are you worried that people might think that you are our girlfriend?", said soohyun.

"aniyo(no) its just that i dont want you to be in trouble", i said.

"dont worry, we'll just say that you're manager hyung's niece, piece of cake", said kiseop.

"yeah, so dont worry", said eli.

"here's the food", said the waitress.

"kansamnida!(thankyou)", they said.

"go eat now, are you sure you're only going to eat mashed potatoes?", dongho said.

"nhe(yes), im not hungry", i said. im so hungry!

"ok, eatwell!", said dongho.

while im eating , i saw a familiar car, and Jc went out. omo! i dont want him to see me with them!

"oh! my friend is here! i should go now ! thankyou for everything! please eatwell ! sorry i cant give you anything as a thankyou gift ! thankyou again!!! i hope to see you again!", i said and stand up immedietly and wave my hands.

"take care!", said kiseop and kevin.

"should i help you to go outside?", dongho said and stands up.

"no!!! ill go now! thankyou for your kindness!", i said and run towards JC.


-------------------------------> omo ! JC is Dongho's cousin? and now Alice met Dongho and other Ukiss members. what will happen next? 

please wait for my new chapter! thankyou !

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premiummilk #1
keep on writing such fics!
love_eighteen18 #2
wow , very nice .... keep going ^^^
@kristine: wow ! thankyou ! i appreciate your comment! im so happy thankyou! <3
Kristine_iBored #4
I love U-kiss too. <br />
Your fic is very nice, keep up the good work. ^^