Chapter 2: Star Struck.

One Last Trip

*it's morning again. now i have to get ready because im heading to KBS later, but im with JC. omo so annoying ! if i can just go by myself to KBS i will, but i dont! JC doesnt know that i love kpop, i cant tell him, he will insult me, he hates kpop industry, i dont know why, and i dont care.*

*knock. knock. knock.* "Alice go downstairs and eat with us ok?" JC's mom said.

"yes auntie! ill be right there !", i just said, and washed my face, and still wearing my panjamas.

*i went downstairs and saw them wearing formal attire*

"omo! Alice what are you wearing!", JC said.

"i didnt know that i have to wear formal when eating breakfast. Miyanhe",  i said to everyone in shock and went upstairs to change clothes.

"they are so weird! wearing fomal attire for breakfast?", i just said to myself.

*so after we ate, i took a shower and change my clothes again, now im ready to go to KBS!*


heading to KBS:


"i didnt expect that you know how to drive and you have an awesome car", still amaze with the new JC.

"dont be amazed, you dont know how famous and powerful i am here in korea", Jc said.

"what are you? son of a company owner? hahahahaha" , i said to JC.

"maybe", he said with a strong facial expression.

*and i stop laughing and he looked at me*

"we're already here", Jc said and smile at me.

*we went inside.omo ! it's so awesome ! there are a lot of fans and celebrities!*

"goodmorning sir ! it's been a long time ! i didnt expect that you're coming!", said by the guard.

"goodmorning ahjussi! long time no see ! you're still working in here!", Jc sadi to the guard.

"of course, i dont have any job options and i feel comfortable in here, come in sir", said by the guard and open the door and lead us inside.

"kansamnida(thankyou)", Jc said and we walked inside.

"are you always in here? that guard knows you so well. have you been a guard in here?", teasing JC.  

"i told you dont be amazed, you still dont know me Alice", Jc said.

"omo~ you're scarying me you know, are you going to sell me to some managers and let them me?", i said to JC.

"foolish girl, where are you going now? and you brought a camera, are you a reporter or something?", Jc said.

"ill be taking a tour inside KBS, i dont need you to help me ok? ill just call you when im done", i said to Jc.

"ok. take care of yourself, ill be going outside mom ordered me to go to our shop, so ill be heading first", said Jc and walked away.

"omo ! wait where's the CR?", i said and JC told me the direction.



taking a tour inside KBS building:


"this place is really big.", i said to myself.

"i wish i can see UKISS in here, i just saw their poster outside, but i didnt saw Alexander and Kibum in that poster, and i saw unfamiliar faces, who are they?", i said to myself.


"oh well i still love them, and i want to see them personally !", i said.

so i went to the 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th, and 7th floor. and i cant see anything ! no kpop ! did i just wasted my time in here?im already in the 8th floor! im so tired !!! so i stop by a vendo machine a bought something to drink.

looked at my wallet and inserted my won in the machine. while im drinking i saw someone who is familiar, is that Taemin of Shinee? Shineeng Shinees?? omo ! it's him ! he's so handsome! i guess im at the right floor !

right away i followed him and then Taemin went inside a room, and when i looked at those doors i realized that i was on the right floor ! im now in front of kpop idol's backstage room! all the doors have a star and their names are written in there.

i saw Shinee's, i saw Girls Generation's, i saw Beast's, i saw 2ne1's , i saw Teen top's and everything! omo ! i wish i can see UKISS ! i know UKISS is in here ! i can feel it ! 

im looking for UKISS's room, i've checked every door, and i cant still find it. omo ! UKISS is famous they must be here ! they should be here ! im already out of patience! aaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh !!!!!!  and then i saw some people are looking at me as if im a psycho.

"annyeonghaeseyo! miyanhe! (hi! sorry!)", i said. *omo, this is so embarassing.

then i walked again, and saw a door, the words are familiar, i think this is it !!! im here! im here ! im now in front of UKISS's door! should i knock? should i wait for them to come out? otteoke?(what should i do?) im so excited and confused ! my heart is beating so fast, i think ill be having a heart attack anytime now. am i insane? i havent seen them but im already having a heart attack? what if i saw them right now??? IM GOING TO DIE IMMEDIETLY !

and im in front of their door, touching the star , i can feel it ! and i closed my eyes and imagine them inside... ohhhh... its so warm ! i giggled. 

"yah! YAH !", someone said.

i open my eyes, and saw.... SHIN DONGHO. SHIN DONGHO is in front of me ! 

"what can i do for you? but can you please remove your hands on my face.", said dongho.

immedietly i remove my hands and then i froze. my god, damn he's handsome! i dont know what to do ! my heart beats so fast.

"dongho who's that?", someone behind dongho asked.

"i dont know. anyone knows her?", said dongho and looked at his back.

they immedietly stands up and came closer to me.

"annyeonghaeseyo! who are you? are you looking for someone?", said Kevin.

damn he's cute ! he have this angelic face.

"annyeong!", said kiseop and hoon.

"omo ! are you a fan of ours?", said soohyun.

"she's a tourist", said eli and aj.

damn !!! these boys are so cute and handsome!!! what is air ??!!! oh my god !! i going to collapse! omo im so exaggerated.

"are you mute?", said dongho.

"aniyo! annyeonghaeseyo! minyahe! minyahe ! miyanhe(no! hi ! sorry! sorry! sorry!) ",i waved my hand and i bowed and run away like a child, my feet are shivering, i dont know what to do! they're in front of me i can actually smell their breathe and they smell chicken. ahahahha omo ! maybe they're eating ! i looked at my back and they're still looking at me, they waved their hands at me and i waved back.

"boom!" im on the floor, did i bumped into something or someone.

"im sorry! im so sorry did i hurt you?", said hee chul.

"omo ! sorry ! im not looking on my way, im so sorry", i said and he help me stand up. 

"hyung who is she?", said kyuhyun.

"i dont know. what's your name?", said hee chul.

"Alice, my name is Alice.", and i removed my hands from him.

"hi Alice, my name is hee chul." he said and his face came closer to mine as if he's going to kiss me.

"oh hi! thankyou ! and sorry", and i moved back.

"are you going away?"said hee chul with a teasing smile and his face move closer and closer to mine.

"i should go now thankyou ! sorry !", i said and moved back again and runaway.


run and run to a place where they cant see me.what happened to me?i was Star Struck!




--------------> omo ! what will happen next now that Alice saw UKISS in person? please wait for the next chapter ! thankyou !

comments and suggestion are very well appreciated ! 

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premiummilk #1
keep on writing such fics!
love_eighteen18 #2
wow , very nice .... keep going ^^^
@kristine: wow ! thankyou ! i appreciate your comment! im so happy thankyou! <3
Kristine_iBored #4
I love U-kiss too. <br />
Your fic is very nice, keep up the good work. ^^