Chapter 5

The Art of Life II: Fly High!


With Soo Young as the new Dance Captain, things could only get worse. Soo Young rules the Dance Department dictator style with her strict workouts, strict warmups and backbreaking dance routines. She expects them to memorize all this in time for the National Performing Arts Hiphop Dance Contest that she signed her school team up for. With her difficult routines, it seems as though Soo Young is the only one who can follow the steps. The steps seem to have been created only for her. Even her friends can’t keep up with her.

“Oh My God! You losers are so slow!” Soo Young scolds the entire class. Exhausted and in pain, some sit and lie on the floor. “Get up and let’s do one more round! We’re not gonna get anywhere with your laziness!” Yuri runs a hand through her messy hair and tries to convince Soo Young to tone the steps down as well as her voice.

“Soo Young…” Yuri says out of breath. Soo Young turns around and sees her “rival” gasping for air. “…I think we may need to slow down and you might need to come up with less complicated steps because we’re so darn tired and-”

“Hey Yuri, listen up.” Soo Young snaps a finger in front of her face. “I’m the captain here, alright? I call the shots, you don’t. I know you’re bitter over your short lived reign but that’s not an excuse for you to come to me and disregard my hard work.” Yuri is taken aback by what Soo Young has said and straightens up.

“What the? Disregard? Soo Young, I’m not disregarding anything! I’m not taking your hard work for gra-”

“Look, if I were you, I’d go back there and follow the leader before she whoops my .” Soo Young smiles at Yuri. Yuri purses her lips together and rolls her eyes. She runs a hand through her hair and goes back to the group with a frustrated expression on her face.


[music: “Are You Ready For This?” by Jock Jams]

Soo Young makes her team execute a fast and heart pumping cheerdance routine which is a combination of hip hop and cheerleading leaving everyone tired and sore to their bones. Yuri is just as tired as the rest of them but refuses to give up. A few more twists, pumps and jumps, Yuri gives in to the pain and falls to the floor.

“OUCH!” she yelps. The others including Soo Young stop and check on Yuri.

“Are you okay?” asks HyoYeon. Yuri wails in pain and clutches her leg. Turns out she landed badly on her right leg.

“Oh damn!” Yuri cries as the pain crawls all the way to her leg. She starts to feel numb. The boys check on her and when they do, that’s when Soo Young snaps.

“Please! We know you’re faking this thing. Get up and finish the goddamn routine!” Yuri finally reaches her boiling point when she hears Soo Young’s statement. Despite the pain, Yuri pulls through it to stand up and confront Soo Young.

“I’ve had it with your crabby comments, !” Yuri slaps Soo Young across the face. Soo Young is shocked and pulls Yuri’s hair. The two pull each others’ hair and the bigger Soo Young tackles Yuri, pushing her down to the floor. They roll around and the other students try to break the two girls apart but Yuri just tightens her grip on Soo Young’s hair. Soo Young turns it over and chokes Yuri. Yuri, who has been out of breath, gasps for air.

“…this…is…for…you!” Yuri gives Soo Young a hard punch across the face, nearly breaking her nose. Soo Young covers her nose and gets off Yuri, scrambling away from her. Minzy and Hyunah help her up and Nicole helps Yuri up as well. Both women look messed up. Yuri is unharmed but Soo Young’s nose is slightly bleeding. Yuri smirks at her and walks limply away from them with some help from Nicole.

“ was asking for it! Had to give it to her!” Yuri says as she massages her right leg which is really damaged internally. Nicole, Min, and Hyoyeon tend to her as well. Yuri glares at Soo Young and Soo Young glares back. In her anger, she mouths the words “ you” at Soo Young. Soo Young understands this and stands up, game for some more catfighting. Yuri senses danger and stands up to defend herself but both sets of friends calm each girl down.

“I’m watching you, Kwon! You better start watching your act, too!” Soo Young hollers. Yuri refuses to talk back, knowing that she has proven herself already by means of attacking Soo Young.

“She’s a scared- !” Nicole says. “Ignore her.”

“She said I was faking the injury? I wish she could step into my shoes and say for herself that what was happening to me there wasn’t an act! Dammit!”

“Let it go, Yuri. Don’t harbor hate.” Hyoyeon says.

“You’re right. Come on. Let’s get this thing overwith so we can prove to that scumbag that we’re the real deal.” Yuri says determined. The other girls follow her and the class comes together to practice once more.

Fueled by aggression, Soo Young dances with a hundred times more power, making it even harder for the others to follow. Equally fueled by anger, Yuri is now able to follow the steps, giving the routine all she’s got, just waiting for the fatigue to take a toll on her body. Fortunately, it doesn’t and they finish the routine. After dancing the same dance for hours, most of them lie on the bleachers, on the floor, and practically everywhere. Yuri walks to her friends and altogether they head to the washroom to freshen up.

“Boy, that was some routine!” Min exclaims.

“I know. I’m mighty tired. And my leg is hurting bad.” Yuri says. “I think I need to to go to the clinic and have this treated. I don’t want to be limping on the day itself.”

“Want us to accompany you?” asks Nicole.

“No. It’s okay. I think I can manage.” Yuri declines sweetly,a far cry from the beastly howls she let out earlier. She gathers her things and puts her backpack on her shoulder, limping slowly out the bathroom. Her walking is affected by the injury, thus slowing her down.

“Ouch…” she bites her lip and whimpers. Each step is painful and the backpack is only adding to the difficulty that she is experiencing.

“Need help there?” comes a calm, manly, soothing voice from behind. Yuri looks back and sees someone who is the closest thing to perfect.

Dong Young bae. Also known as Taeyang of Dance Class.

“I see you’re limping and all. Would you like some help with your bag?” Yuri’s eyes are locked on him. From head to toe, she oggles her eyes at him. Taeyang’s built is just as beautiful as his face and his body and this leaves Yuri in a dreamy stance.

“Hello?” Taeyang waves a hand in front of her face. “Earth to Yuri! Are you there?” he playfully calls. Yuri snaps out of her daze and turns scarlet in front of him.

“Sorry. I was just thinking about…something.”

“If it’s about the nasty thing you and Soo Young had earlier, forget about it. She’s really like that. You were very brave, though.” Taeyang praises her. Yuri can feel butterflies in her stomach. “Now where are you headed to, Yuri?”
“I’m…uhm…”Yuri and Taeyang have known each other for a year but never really noticed each other that much. Until today.


“Clinic. I need to go to the clinic because my leg is hurting bad.” she says in a fast paced manner, flashing a smile afterwards. Taeyang shakes his head and chuckles at her quirkiness.

“Are you really this trippy? Or did you just eat something very sweet?” Taeyang jokingly asks.

“I don’t know. I just am. I’m very trippy. You don’t know me, I swear. I am!” Yuri finds herself rambling random things. Taeyang shakes his head and takes her wrist.

“Enough talk. Let’s go to the clinic and get that leg of yours treated. You need to get better before the competition!” Taeyang grabs her bag and walks her to the clinic. Yuri turns brick red and swears that she could faint on the spot.

I never really noticed him before. We’ve known each other for a year but why just now? Yuri smiles at the sweet fact that she is crushing on Taeyang who is just so handsome, sweet, gentlemanly, and talented. Not to mention hot!

In the clinic, the nurse treats Yuri’s leg by giving it a hot pack. Taeyang sits beside Yuri and while the nurse is away, talks to her.

“Where are you from again?”

“From another school in Seoul. You?”

“Been here for years.” he smiles. “I’m Seoul-bred, too.” Yuri smiles back at him.

“You dance really well, Yuri!” Taeyang says. “I know this might sound weird to you but I remember your audition. I remember it very well and please don’t feel awkward but I replay it over and over in my head.” Yuri blushes at this and feels her heart bursting right out of her chest. Taeyang likes her? Maybe!

“What? You still remember it?!”

“I sure do! But I don’t replay it that way, you know, the y way but I use it as my inspiration. Because the passion you put in your dancing is just inspiring.”

“Wow. Thanks. I now have a fan!” Yuri says playfully. Taeyang laughs along with her.
Just say it, Taeyang. You have a crush on Yuri!

“Anyways, I think I have to go now. You’ll be okay here? If you won’t I can always stay to watch over you.” Taeyang offers. As much as Yuri wants Taeyang to go about with business, a part of her wants him to stay with her.

“Oh. If you have to go, then it’s okay. I think I’ll be fine. I promise.” Yuri says with a smile.

“Alright. See you around! Nice getting to know you, though!” Taeyang winks at her and leaves the clinic. Yuri waves and smiles.

All of a sudden, Yuri forgets about the anger she felt towards Soo Young. It has been replaced by an even better feeling. The feeling called infatuation.


Bom comes to school looking a bit sick and weak. Daesung sees her and quickly greets her.

“Hey! Oh wow. You look kinda different. What happened?” Bom sets her music sheets down and sits on her chair.

“Well, I have officially started my diet. I ate a small biscuit for breakfast. And last night I ate nothing for dinner. So technically, I have officially started starving myself.”

“Bom.” Daesung calls her name with a hint of concern in her voice. “Are you sure what you’re doing is healthy? Because if it’s not then you better stop.”

“Of course it’s healthy!” Bom says. “Actors do this all the time and they’re still alive! And to think their schedules are more hectic than mine. If they can survive strict schedules and diets, so can I! Besides, I still eat. Only in small amounts.”

“Yeah but the amounts are way too small!”

“I am 115 lbs. I was 100 lbs before. I gained a lot of weight and I need to lose all of it if I want to get guys.”

“If you really want to get-”

“Don’t give me the cliché “be yourself” or “love yourself for who you are” kind of bull because as a woman who has tried both methods and failed to get even a single guy to notice her, it’s obvious that guys prefer hot girls. All the confidence in the world won’t matter if you’re not y. That’s how they think.”

“Well if a guy is like that, then he’s not worth your time. He’s a dickhead in that case.” Daesung says.

“You know what, you’re the dickhead for not supporting me in this.” Bom stands up and heads to the piano room, leaving Daesung stunned.

In the piano room, Bom sees Changmin all by himself playing a song while singing it. Knowing that she has come unnoticed, she stands behind him and listens to him play and sing. Changmin can really hit the high notes. Though a bit deafening, Bom judges the high note hitting as music than noise. Finally, Changmin opens his eyes and looks around, sees Bom standing right behind him.

“Hey Park Bom Lee.”


“You wanna play the piano?”

“Actually I was gonna practice for my recital but since you’re here first, why don’t you go first. Finish whatever it is that you have to finish.” Changmin smirks at her and eyes her from head to toe. Bom notices that he is staring her down and hugs her things tightly so as not to reveal her belly fat.

“You’re pretty cute. Chubby.” Bom’s heart breaks at the last word. It was okay at first. Pretty cute. But the word that followed. Chubby. This comment almost reduces Bom to tears but not wanting to show any signs of weakness in front of Changmin, she brushes the tears off and sits on the bench.

“I’d like to hear you play and sing.” Changmin says. Bom feels sort of relieved because he’s actually taking interest in her talent but still hurting because the guy she’s crushing on just called her chubby. Nonetheless, Bom tries to impress Changmin by playing a song.

[song: “You and I” by Park Bom herself!]

Changmin looks at her and studies her. Her body, not her talent. The does he care if she can sing or not. All Changmin is looking for is a buddy in this school because after his girlfriend left him for her ex, he’s been feeling really dry and bored. So finding a good buddy sounds like a way to entertain himself.

“So…what do you think?” Bom asks Changmin sweetly. “Did you like it?”

“Oh yeah, yeah it was good. It was good.” Changmin says, pretending to have actually heard her song when in fact all he did was think about .

“Say, there’s an upcoming singing competition. Are you gonna join?” asks Bom.

“I don’t know. I don’t think I have time to practice.” Bom now knows that it’s time to flex her flirting muscles.

“We can practice together.” she flutters her eyelashes at Changmin. Changmin smiles wanly and shrugs.

“We’ll see, dear. We’ll see.” Bom suddenly turns a bright shade of red.

Did he just call me dear? Oh my gosh. I think he’s interested. Bom can feel her heart beat fast.

“Oh. Okay. But I’m going to sign up so maybe, I mean, since you’re a really good singer and all, maybe you’d like to help me…and maybe-” Changmin does the unexpected. He places a finger on Bom’s lips, making her blush even more.

“Call me and I’ll be there. I’m not sure if I’m signing up but if you need help with those high notes, you know who to talk to.” Changmin winks at her and leaves the music room. A strong rush overcomes Bom and she nearly faints as the butterflies in her stomach flutter. She weakly stands from the bench and with legs as wobbly as pasta, she tries to leave the music room calmly though her entire system is raging with desire.

Outside, Daesung is going over his notes when he feels a cold hand on his shoulder. He turns around and sees Bom all pink and flushy, a far cry from the Bom he saw earlier who was pale and sickly.

“Wow. You look so happy. What happened?”

“I’ll tell you later lunch, Daesung! You are so not gonna believe it!” Daesung looks puzzled but somehow already has an idea on what this is about. He smiles and nods his head. He’s just happy that Bom is back to normal.


Daesung and Bom walk together together to the cafeteria. Daesung carries his tray while Bom just walks and talks merrily about her short time with Changmin.

“And he listened to my song, he said it was good and when I was blabbering about the singing contest he placed a finger on my lip and…” Bom sighs. “Changmin is just so dreamy. He’s like the ideal guy and he’s so perfect and…”

“Yeah, yeah. Changmin’s perfect and all. Anyways, are you really gonna join the singing contest?” Daesung asks. The two sit down and as Daesung sets his food on the table, he notices that Bom has her hands crossed in front of her stomach. She must be really hungry but she’s trying to bear with the pangs of starvation.

“I must lose weight for Max. Must lose weight for Max.”

“Chill, would you?” Daesung states annoyed. “First of all, how sure are you that Max is interested in you? For all you know he could just be playing around and is not really game for a relationship?”

“Who knows? He wouldn’t do that if he wasn’t interested.” Bom defends.

“A lot of guys are like that, Park Bom, so be carefuly. Besides, if Changmin really likes you, he wouldn’t change a thing about your weight and he wouldn’t let you suffer like this!” Daesung bites back. Bom suddenly remembers what Changmin told her. Chubby. He said she was cute but chubby. That’s a real downer.

“He called me chubby.” she confesses.

“There you go! He’s just after the feeling not the commitment.”

Bom, who obviously has zero experience with boys, tries to reason out with Daesung.


“No. He’s not. Get over it. Get over yourself. Changmin’s not interested in you, Bom. I swear.” Daesung takes another spoonful of rice into his mouth. Bom sits helplessly beside him, praying that Changmin would make a move on her.

I just want somebody to call boyfriend.

After lunch, Bom’s beautiful glow has disappeared. She is back to the sickly and pale looking girl she was earlier this morning. What Daesung has told her makes her feel low and weak. She grabs her things and heads to the piano room to practice but before that, takes a second glimpse at Changmin who is chatting with other girls. Prettier, taller, skinnier girls. Girls Bom will never look like. She sighs hopelessly and proceeds to the piano room to work on her number.

The piano room is as silent as heaven. Not a sound can be heard. Perfect place for practicing, right?
Wrong! For Bom, this is the perfect place for hiding and crying as well as to privately exhibit bouts of schizophrenia. Not that Bom is a schizophrenic, but Bom could use some self pep talk.

“From now on, you will only eat oatmeal for breakfast, no eating of lunch, and oatmeal for dinner. Follow that up with tea and an hour of exercise. Perfect.” Bom tells herself over and over again. To cover up the sadness and hurt she feels inside, she fills her brain with thoughts of herself and Changmin as a couple. Bom imagines what life would be like if she was prettier, skinnier, taller and had Changmin for a boyfriend. What a great joy!

Until reality comes and tears her dreams to shreds. Bom realizes that she will never be as skinny as those girls that Changmin is obviously interested in. A 20 inch waistline? The ?! It’s not like Bom can or will ever reach that. 20 inches? That’s just the measurement of my thighs, for ’s sake, she says. Bom begins to cry. Her goal is an unachievable one. So in order to not make an idiot out of herself in the piano room, she gets up and sits on the bench, flexes her fingers and plays her song.


While the other acting students are busy reading their lines and working on the stage blocking, Nichkhun, Chansung, and Jo Kwon are working on something secret for their secret fraternity.

“This goes there. And put this right here…”

“What is this anyways?” Nichkhun asks innocently. Chansung raises and eyebrow at him and smirks.

“This is a stink bomb.” he explains with a wicked look on his face. “We’re gonna put this in 10 select students’ lockers and 10 random teachers’ desks. In 2 hours or so, it‘ll blow up, making the entire school stink and holding these teachers and students responsible.”

“God! Don’t you guys feel guilty doing this?” asks Nichkhun, a look of concern plastered on his face.

“This school,” Chansung leans closer and whispers to Nichkhun. “Is full of bull! You may not know it yet because you’re new but in the long run, you will.”

“This school seems pretty normal. No signs of bull or what.” Nichkhun is obviously begging out of the plan but thinking about his social life, he decides to stay for fear that he might not have any friends.

“So when are we actually going to execute this?” asks Nichkhun. Chansung stares at him and smirks.

“There’s two ways, Horvejkul. You can either join us in our rebellion against oppression or you can back off and live the cowardly, gay life you used to live. Your choice. We’re taking you in as our friend but if you refuse to cooperate, then there’s not much we can do for you.”

“I’m in.” Nichkhun replies desperately.

“Alright then. If you’re in, hold these.” Chansung hands 3 stink bombs to Nichkhun as well as a list of students. “Choose three students that you think deserve to get stinked.” Nichkhun looks over the list. Sure enough some of the people he thought were his friends are there as well as some strangers he has not met yet.

“But I don’t know more than half of the people on this list. How am I supposed to execute this?”

“That’s why you should choose three people that you know. That’s why we gave you three stink bombs, right?” Jo Kwon says annoyed. Nichkhun crosses out three names on the list.

“Any reason why you crossed those names out?” asks Jo Kwon. Nichkhun looks at him with doe eyes and shakes his head.

“Just random people.”

“Wipe that innocent look off your face, Horvejkul.” Chansung says dryly. “You’re gonna have to get used to seeing people get hurt and you hurting people. That’s the way it is here.”

“Aren’t we gonna get caught?”

“Just follow our lead. No need to be a bag of nerves, Nichkhun.” Jo Kwon advices. Jo Kwon, Nichkhun, and Chansung stand up and head to their respective areas. Nichkhun goes to the three lockers that he has chosen. He tries to open them using a hairpin and upon opening, puts the stinkbombs in the lockers, burying it in books and things before closing and locking them again. He goes unnoticed and went on with his business. Jo Kwon and Chansung do the same thing. They see Nichkhun roaming aroudn the vicinity and tap him on the shoulder, pulling him closer.

“Meet us at the frat house. We’re gonna have another meeting.” Nichkhun nods and trails behind Chansung and Jo Kwon. The three boys head to the frat house where the other members are waiting. As usual they’re getting high, getting drunk, and getting . Nichkhun still feels awkward towards his new friends and their environment.

“Take a seat.” Jo Kwon commands. He notices the awkward look on Nichkhun’s face and smirks at him. “You’re gonna have to get used to the environment here. I think you will get used to it one of these days. You’re a pretty strong willed and determined fellow, Nichkhun. We just need to toughen you up a little itsy bit.”

“Toughen me up? How?” Out of nowhere, Jo Kwon lunges at Nichkhun and wrestles him on the floor. Nichkhun struggles to counter Jo Kwon’s blows and rolls to the other side. He is now on top of Jo Kwon and the other boys cheer for him to punch Jo Kwon. Even Jo Kwon is urging him to take a hit.

“Do it!” Jo Kwon screams at his face. Nichkhun looks around confused and without warning, strikes Jo Kwon’s face over and over again til his forehead oozes with blood.

“HIT ME SOME MORE, YOU FAGASS SON OF A !” Jo Kwon screams with a mouthful of blood. Nichkhun cringes at this but not wanting to get called gay, he punches Jo Kwon in the face, breaking his nose and knocking out some of his teeth. Jo Kwon pushes the Thai exchange student off his body and tries to stand up. He spits some of his teeth out and throws them to the floor.

“Sthomf onth themf” Jo Kwon says. Nichkhun looks at him with fearful eyes. He seems to not be understanding Jo Kwon because he just lost his front teeth.

“Stomp on them, you bastard, what are you waiting for?” Jay Park says.

“But why? I just nearly-”

“It signals your victory. You must stomp or destroy whatever you get from your opponent.” Chansung explains.


“Do it.” Chansung says with angry, annoyed eyes. Nichkhun looks away and stomps on Jo Kwon’s teeth. A toothless Jo Kwon glints at Nichkhun, stalking him with his eyes like a lion stalking his prey. “Have some beer.” Chansung tosses a beer can to Nichkhun who catches and opens it.

“I don’t drink alcohol.” Jay Park stands up and faces Nichkhun.

“Look, are you going to drink or are you going to your out here?” Jay asks, gritting his teeth. Nichkhun looks at him fearfully and starts to take a sip of the soju given to him. Nichkhun pretends to like it in the presence of Jay Park but as soon as Jay leaves, he spit’s the beverage out of his mouth.

“Next lesson…” Chansung takes out a huge box and opens it. The others gather around him, along with Nichkhun. He reveals a box full of arms. Guns, knives, daggers. Everything!

“My dad collects weapons. Too bad he was too careless.” Chansung says. “I’m gonna show you guys how to shoot and how to stab.”

“Are we gonna start killing people?” Nichkhun asks.

“No. We aren’t going to kill people.” Chansung looks lustfully at the beautiful revolver. “We’re just gonna threaten and frame them.”

“Just a little game of shooting, Horvejkul. One or two shots won’t hurt.” a member tells him with a smirk, stirring a bad feeling in Nichkhun’s stomach.


Onew is still looking for a way to impress Ji Yeon so right after his lunch break, he goes straight out ot the flower shop that’s right in front of their school to buy a beautiful boquet of white roses. He has noticed that Ji Yeon loves the color white so he decided to buy her a fresh batch of them in her favorite color. Bounded together by a pretty pink velvet wrapper, tied together with a ribbon, Onew pays for it and walks nervously yet merrily back to school with this beautiful boquet.

“No more messing around. No more humiliation. I’ve just got to find Ji Yeon’s classroom.”

Luckily for Onew, he runs into Ji Yeon who is holding her color pallette and other art materials. He nearly bumps into her but his alertness saves him from utter humiliation in front of his crush.

“Whoops. Almost got you there.” Onew blushes and hands the boquet of white roses to Ji Yeon. Ji Yeon is taken by surprise but nonetheless takes the boquet in her other hand.

“Thanks Onew, they’re beautiful.” those words mean so much to Onew. To hear them is like floating in the sky.

“So…you like them?” he asks, nervously scratching the back of his head.

“I love them. Thank you so much.”

“Does that mean it’s a yes?” Onew could only hope for a positive answer. Ji Yeon, not wanting to sound mean to him after this nice gesture, answers,

“It’s not yet a yes neither is it a no. You’re gonna have to do more than this to impress me, Onew.”

“What?” Onew suddenly bursts out. He remembers to keep his cool as any signs of unwillingness may lead to rejection. “I’m sorry, but I think I just didn’t pick up what you said.”

“I said, it’s gonna take more than just a boquet to impress me and to get me to say yes. You’re gonna have to prove yourself to me.”

“Prove yourself…” Onew suddenly gets and idea. “Ah! Of course! Meet me at the cafeteria tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Ji Yeon says and walks lightly to her classroom. Onew is floating on air.

“Yes. I’m a few steps closer to getting her. I have to work harder. I mustn’t give up.” Onew walks back to his booth when he notices something uncanny going on in the corner.

“What the fu-” he crouches down and hurries to the post next to the drinking fountain. Something’s going on in the janitor’s closet. “What’s going on there?” he whispers to himself.

Moans. Groans. Small screams. Heavy breathing. A lot of noise coming from a particularly small room. Onew tries to get a closer look but retreats as soon as the door opens. He sees two people coming out. A girl and a guy, obviously. The girl is playfully struggling to break free from the guy’s grasp. Onew’s eyebrows furrow at this sight and runs back to his booth.

The students are wondering why Onew isn’t talking that much on air. Not that they don’t like it, in fact, they love it. We love it. Silence has ruled over school once again. But Ji Yeon and I can’t help but notice Onew’s strange daze. We can see through the small window that Onew looks pretty troubled and is in deep thought.

“Did you say no to him?” I ask Ji Yeon.

“No. No I didn’t. I actually thanked him for the boquet of roses that he gave me.”

“Then why is he so serious?” I ask.

“I don’t know. Maybe someone whooped his or something.”

“Nothing can get this guy down. Not even the most serious whooping. Something must’ve happened. Something bad.”

“He’ll get over it. He’ll probably be making a big joke out of it later on. You’ll see.”


“So it’s official.” TOP announces. “Kim Yubin is our school’s representative in the Battle Rap. This rookie who has come to our school a few weeks ago now holds our fate. If we shall walk with pride or with shame, it’ll all be because of her.” Yubin furrows her brows upon hearing ‘shame’.

“Thanks for the introductory speech, TOP but I would like to practice now.” Yubin says.

“Well then. Go ahead and drop the beats for us.”

“Can I rehearse some place else?” Yubin requests. “I don’t think I’d be able to concentrate with all you people watching.” TOP’s face falls to the floor.

“You can’t concentrate with us watching? Girl, there’s going to be lots of people at the Battle Rap. Around 100 times more than our class population. And you tell me that you can’t concentrate with us watching?” TOP angrily asks.

“I just need some time for myself.” Yubin says.

“Dae-Yubin,” G Dragon almost calls her Daegu Girl. “You were able to do it on your first day. You did a 3 minute freestyle before us. You blew us away. Now what is this bull you’re saying that you can’t rap in front of us. You’ve done it so many times.”

“I have stage fright.” Yubin lies. Truth is, she wants to go out to see how Yunho and Gyuri are doing. It pains her to see them together but she’d rather see him than miss him.

“You have stage fright?” TOP is very angry right now and truth to be told, Yubin is afraid but just won’t show it. “We’re just gonna have to find someone to replace you, then.”

“No. Wait. I can do this. I will do this.” Yubin begs. She loves Yunho and all but nothing beats her love for rapping. But how can she rap with the knowledge that Yunho and Gyuri are just here in school? “I just need a quiet space. Where I can rap. And come up with things.”

“Fine. Go to the auditorium.” TOP sends her away.

“Thank you so much!” Yubin walks calmly out of the room, her legs shaking and her heart beating rather fast. As soon as she’s out, she runs to the auditorium and is welcomed by the silence and the coldness. Good thing Yubin has her oversized sweatshirt on. She looks around for any signs of Yunho and/or Gyuri and sees nothing, making her breathe a sigh of relief. Now she can walk calmly to the stage where the echoes are loud. Yubin ties her hair in a messy bun and puts on her glasses. She produces a piece of paper from her pocket, that piece of paper is where the rap she has just come up with is written. Since there are no people in the auditorium, Yubin feels free to beatbox and produce a beat that would go well with the lyrics.

While Yubin is concentrating on her lyrics, the door suddenly opens. A nervous wreck, Yubin jumps out of her skin but keeps her calm in order to avoid embarrassment.

“Hi. Sorry for interrupting you.” it’s Jung Ah, from the Voice Department. “I just came to vocalize.”

“No. That’s quite alright. Would you like to practice here on stage?”

“Oh. No. That would be alright. You came first, I believe.”

“It’s okay. You can use the stage. I’m only coming up with beats. I assume you’re here to sing?”

“Yeah. How about you?”

“Rap. Need it for the Battle Rap.”

“Rap? Oh so you’re the female TOP that the others have been talking about!  I'm Kim Jung Ah. Nice to meet you.”

“Kim Yubin. Now, are you going to use the stage or not because I could really use some time for my rap.”

“Oh. Yeah, sorry.” Jung Ah goes up the stage while Yubin goes down. She walks to the farthest part of the auditorium, the very back, and beatboxes quietly. Jung Ah, however, cannot help but listen to the young girl. Jung Ah suddenly becomes curious about her. Intimidated, she opts to just mind her own business.

I found a way to let you leave
I never really had it coming
I can’t believe the sight of you
I want you to stay away from my heart

In turn, it is Yubin who can’t help but listen to Jung Ah. Her voice is just so crisp and clear that it entices whoever hears it. Yubin puts her paper down and pays attention to the beautiful young singer on stage. She studies her voice and the melody of the song. Since Yubin is pretty emotional right now and is coming up with a rap that has a sad-tempo.

“Hey! Jung Ah!” she calls. Jung Ah stops singing and watches as Yubin runs to her


“Jung Ah, I’m working on rap-ballad and listening to that part of the song, I think it’d be perfect for my rap. Say, would you like to collaborate with me?” Jung Ah feels flattered.

“Why, sure! I’d love to collaborate with you.”

“Great. Now, here’s how it goes.” Yubin explains everything to her. Jung Ah pays close attention and agrees to sing the chorus, amazed at how beautiful it is.

“Alright! If you’re ready, let’s start!”

[rap: “Sick Enough to Die” by MC Mong ft. Mellow]

TOP and G-Dragon enter the auditorium and see Yubin collaborating with Jung Ah. The rap’s melody is very haunting and heart-striking. So dramatic it is that TOP and GD find seats to hear this out for themselves. First hand. TOP looks at Yubin with imploring eyes. GD looks at her with pure amazement. Soon, the other rap students follow.

Yubin sees them and crumples the piece of paper, throwing it to the ground. Jung Ah notices this and backs away from her, slightly surprised by her feisty attitude. Yubin’s flow is steady even without the copy.

Steady until…
Two people enter the auditorium. Yunho and Gyuri. Yubin sees this and suddenly, everything goes weak. Not wanting to lose focus, she continues with her rap.

. I hope they didn’t notice that. Yubin sees Yunho kiss and hug Gyuri they way he did when he was with her.

“Jungdok doen geotcheoreom…” Yubin’s lips tremble. Soon, her entire body system gives up and she feels, as the song implies, sick enough to die. Yubin is lost, not knowing what to do next. All she’s doing on stage is giving TOP and GD the thousand yard stare. Yunho and Gyuri notice this and ignore it, talking between themselves to be followed by a hug-a-thon and a coo-a-thon. Yubin bites her lip, fighting the urge to cry. Jung Ah notices this and really wants to go near Yubin but Yubin is just numb as of the moment.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” TOP yells from the other side of the auditorium. “Keep flowing, Yubin. Keep flowing! That was good, why did you stop?! Do it again!” TOP doesn’t know what is going on in Yubin’s head right now. Yunho and Gyuri look at her and sneer loudly. Yubin hears this and walks out. Jung Ah follows her all the way to the door and so do GD and TOP.

“What’s wrong?” Jung Ah grabs her shoulder but Yubin shakes her hands off. TOP slightly pushes Jung Ah away and grabs Yubin’s shoulder, spinning her around.

“What do you want?”

“What the has gotten into you?!” TOP asks, shaking her. Yubin shoves his hands away and runs from him.

“Woah. She’s just insane.” G-Dragon says. Jung Ah runs after her but Yubin sees her and coldly stares her down, as if trying to say, ‘stop following me.’

Yubin runs to the ladies room and sees Yuri, the girl who hit her head with the locker door. Yubin storms in one cubicle, taking Yuri by surprise. Yuri fights the urge to knock on her door but feels that she just has to.

“Hello. Are you okay there?”

“GO AWAY!” yells Yubin. Yuri doesn’t take this as offense, rather backs away from the cubicle and tries to understand Yubin’s situation as she has been there before. She shakes her head and slowly makes her way out of the ladies’ room.

Inside, Yubin is not crying. No, she isn’t crying. She’s angry. Very, very angry. What she wants to do is rip all the toilet seats from the floor, rip all the sinks from the wall, smash all the mirrors, spray graffiti on the walls and just outright trash the entire place. Yubin tries to fight the tears that are coming and at least in that, she is successful.



I sit in writing class with Victoria Song. I try not to talk to her about the project that we should be working on and the project that Ji Yeon and I are working on. Honestly, between the two, I am more dedicated to my project with Ji Yeon. I’ve spied on so many wrongdoings and all we have to do is put it in pictures and submit it.

And I’ve completely forgotten that Victoria is part of this equation.

“So.” she leans in and whispers to me. I feel creeped out and look at her shocked.

“So…what? What?”

“Did you spy on Nichkhun today?” I can tell this girl really likes Nichkhun.

“Uhm. No. I didn’t spy on Nichkhun today. Did you spy on anything today?”

“Nope. Only thing I’m interested in is Nichkhun.”

Quite honestly, I did spy on Nichkhun. I saw what he did with the guys and the stinkbombs and all but I just don’t want to ruin him in front of Victoria. Not just yet. Plus, I want Vicki to find out about this herself.

“Say, Ji Yeon and I are spying on other people. Onew’s about to collaborate with us. Why don’t you spy on Nichkhun.”

“Me?” Victoria asks surprised. “Why should I spy on Nichkhun?! I might get caught.”

“Nichkhun, as you know yourself, is your crush. Okay? Honestly, I hate it when you come up to me and ask me if I’ve spied on Nichkhun because chances are I didn’t so to make it more convenient for me, why don’t you spy on Nichkhun. Besides, it’ll give you unlimited…well maybe not unlimited but you can get to see his face.”

“Oh. I see.” Victoria finally sees the point in all of this. “Alright. I’ll spy on Nichkhun. But if I get caught.”

“Then don’t let yourself get caught. Easy as that! Why would you spy on him from a very visible angle, right?”

“Yeah. Right.” Victoria stays quiet for a while. “Okay, I’ll do it!”

“Very good. Now go mind your own business. I got a story to write.”

I start writing about the novel Ji Yeon and I have been working on when I remember that Ji Yeon has NOT YET given me the drawings yet. I don’t even know if she’s worked on them already.

Later that day, Victoria and I are walking on the corridor when we run into Nichkhun Horvejkul. Got to admit, Nichkhun’s pretty different looking with all his bruises and wounds (I know why) but still friendly, as friendly as he was on the first day of school.

“Hey!” I greet him. I elbow Victoria’s side, an effort to get her to say hi. Victoria just looks at him and smiles. Nichkhun smiles back.

“Hi there. Uhm…what are your names?”

“I’m Tiffany and this is Victoria. We’re from the Writing Department. You must be Nichkhun Horvejkul.”

“That is my name!”

“You are pretty well known in here. Say you’re a good actor. Wanna see if it’s true.”

“Yeah. They say that. But honestly, I’m not.” despite being ridiculously handsome, popular and a member of a badass fraternity, Nichkhun still knows how to keep his head down. I see his eyes on Victoria and Victoria looks at him back. She smiles at how coy he acts in front of her.

“Hi. Victoria.”


“Nice meeting you.”

“Same.” Victoria turns brick red. Nichkhun smiles at her and of course, she smiles back shyly.

“Say my friend here’s interested in having lunch with you.” Victoria’s eyes widen as she tries to elbow me to stop without erasing the smile on her face. “Are you free?” Nichkhun nervously scratches the back of his neck, as he knows that he has to eat with the fraternity but he doesn’t want to let Victoria down. Sacrificing his friendship for another, he says,

“Yes. Sure. Why not? But lunchtime’s passed already.”

“Then have lunch with her tomorrow.” I suggest.

“Okay. See you.” The two smile shyly at each other and we part ways.









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pluckfire #1
omgod this is so cute
i already finish this in one shot.<br />
wew. ^^<br />
<br />
nice story. ^^
Wookphilic #3
Unnie! You really amaze me I must have been really out haven't I? I didn't even know you wrote a sequel to this! I shall take my time to read it ^^
Cindaye #4
Update soon please!!<br />
OMG Bom pregnant ?? Yoobin is making friends:) but why is she doing drugs ;O<br />
LOL intense update soon
yeppuda #5
yuri..poor yuri..and park bom pregnant?
yeppuda #6
update soon!!