Chapter 4

We Got Married

“Here’s your special, Park Bom sshi. And your coffee and ginseng tea, G-Dragon sshi.”

“You can call her Mrs Kwon, since we just got married.” Jiyong grinned devilishly.

“Ah, yes. Mrs Kwon.” The waiter bowed before moving away.

Bom thought, I knew he wouldn’t forgive me so easily.

The commentators’ eyes widen at the half a dozen plates on the table.

“Can Park Bom sshi finish all that?”

“I can’t even finish that…” Kim Jung Min said.

“Ya… she has a huge appetite. But she looks so thin…”

Jiyong arranged all Bom’s favourite food and the ginseng tea in front of her, leaving a plate of doubokki and the coffee for himself.

“So the ginseng tea was for her…”

“Eat up, or the food’ll get cold.”

Bom smiled sweetly at Jiyong when she saw what he did.

She put the fried chicken and braised pork in front of Jiyong. “You eat too, why did you think I ordered the special?”

Jiyong laughed, “I have a good wife. Are you taking care of me, jagiya? I heard the best way to catch a man's heart is through their stomach. Haha, are you trying that tactic, darling? I must say I am pleased.”

Bom blushed, sighing that it’s getting frequent for her to blush in front of Jiyong. “We’ve known each other so long, Ji. Of course I know your favourites and preferences and you know mine. You know I ordered the special because it has some of your favourites and you’re gonna help me finish it. So start eat-”

“Ahh, open wide, darling. Here’s your favourite corn.”

Bom could only open up and chew on her corn while glaring at Jiyong.

Jiyong pretended not to see her glare and started eating. But he didn’t just enjoy the food by himself. Since the food was so delicious, he felt that he just had to share with Bom and so the dinner became a ‘feeding session’ where he took turns feeding himself and Bom.

After they finally finished their meal, Bom asked, “where’s your car?’

“Is G-Dragon driving?”

“How did she know he’s driving?”

Bom cam:

“How did you know that Jiyong is driving? Did he always drive when he went out with you?”

“Ah… Because usually in WGM, the husbands are always the ones driving. And Ji should be driving, since he won’t want others to join in our first day together.”

“You know him quite well…”

“Yes, we’ve known each other for 8 years. We became close after I sang a few songs with him and Seunghyun.”

“So, you won’t have to go through the get-to-know process… Since you have been such close friends, can you picture him as your husband and not a close dongseng?”

“He’s never acted like a dongseng before, he’s always teasing me…” She pouted her trademark pout.

“He always acted like he was older, but picturing him as my husband is a little weird…” She looked around quickly, realization dawning that Jiyong might hear her, “Jiyong is gonna hear about this, is he? Please don’t tell him.” She begged, eyes staring pitifully at the director.

“Er… but it’ll going to be on broadcast…” The director feels so bad knowing he can’t help her. Well, he realizes that once Bom looks at you with the puppy dog eyes and that irresistible pout, you can’t help but do whatever she wants…

Bom sighed, I’m in for it this time, Jiyong is gonna tease me forever…

The director’s frown cleared when he thought of a way to help Bom, “Well, are you glad that Jiyong is your husband, despite your difficulty picturing him as your husband?”

Bom gratefully grabbed the lifeline he offered, “of course, since we are very close, it is easier for me to be natural on set. I usually find it hard to act natural during filming, especially variety shows, but with Jiyong, I don’t think there’ll be any awkwardness at all. I’ll be looking forward to our days as a married couple. I’m sure Jiyong will be a great husband. Yeorobun, please look forward to our GBom couple, ne?!” Park Bom smiled cutely at the camera before bowing.

"Haha, Park Bom neomu kyeopta"


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Chapter 5: I need to read more please don't abandon this story
Chapter 5: Hi im a new reader here^^ and i hope u will update this story someday soon! Authornim fighting <3
gbomtop #4
Chapter 5: Please update
hyo-jin #5
Chapter 5: please write more!!!
I really love this story!!!
Lord_voldemort #6
idlearound #7
Chapter 5: Hi there, author-nim, I've enjoyed reading this cutie & light-mooded GBom's version of WGM! ^_~
I was reading TopBom stories when I wanna try reading GBom and saw your story. And instantly I got hooked ^_~
Please continue to update this awesome story more if you have the time! Thanks! *bow*
Chapter 5: Kya, you updated! I've waited for so long...lets see how these two live together
Chapter 5: WOOO A WGM FANFIC OF GBOM ! ^^ subscribed hehe :3 please update soon ~ :D cant wait aha :>