That intense stare..And our first meeting.

Your the only one, I'm sorry..

"Okay class take a seat." says my international business teacher as I walk through the door. "I'm sorry I'm a bit late." I say as he smiles nodding at me to take a  seat. I am stopped by the feeling of a pair of eyes on me. Of course the entire class is looking at the guilty late comer but this felt differently. I look at the fourth row to see someone with longish blonde hair covering part of his face. I can feel his stare grow intense as I gaze at him. I felt my heart skip a beat and breathing became impossible. Yet being flustered at his undivided attention I slowly remove my eyes from his and smile to myself as I sit in the second row of seats in the classroom. What I didn't know though was that he smiled a little to himself as well because at that moment he felt something that to this day he still has trouble explaining.

"Okay class today is going to be a bit different. You will have a partner for this project but I will not assign them." says my professor while the entire class sighs frustratingly. A girl raises her hand, " Um how are we supposed to choose our partners if were not familiar with the person?" she says looking a bit angry at the current circumstance. My professor laughs aloud while smiling intensely. I have decided that nothing good can come from his overly happy demeanor. "Well that's why I am going to force you all to speak to one another. I want you guys to go up to the person you are interested in. Maybe the way they look has enticed you or their personality seems like they would be friendly or maybe you just like the way they dress. Regardless I want you go up to the person that you are even slighty interested in, tell them why your interested in them and then choose that person as your partner." My professor instantly looks at me and smiles. I feel my heart drop and my stomach feel sick with butterflies because I realize that this was not only my punishment for being late but also a way of entertainment for himself. I guess he liked to see his students suffer. "Since everyone knows what they must do. I want the students from the first two rows to start. Wait, Ms. ____. How about you bravely go first to the person you have taken a liking too?" I give him the deadliest stare I can muster while slowly getting up from my seat. I know who I want to go to and my feet just seem to take me to him without even a small hesitation. The entire class is gazing at me with the utmost curiosity as I make my way to row 4  of the classroom. He sits in the seat next the main aisle on the left side of the room. I hadn't realized it until I saw his desk that my head was down the entire time. As I lift it I am face to face with those same eyes that almost paralyzed me earlier. Instead of stuttering or shivering or showing that I was nervous I try my best to seem cool and the normally confident girl I am. I smile at him and to my surprise his eyes seem to look less defensive like maybe he was letting me in? "Um hi my name is _____ and I normally sit in the second row during class."

I wanted to try and be as normal as possible, I wanted to tell him everything I was feeling, I realized that I needed to be closer to him get closer to him, become someone whom he cannot separate himself from. I didn't want any of these things to be malicious but rather so that I can take care of him.... ~sigh~ all of these feelings were overwhelming me by flowing in half hazardously like a tsunami and I had no way of stopping them...

I decided that honesty would bring about the best results...

"I like your hair and by that look you gave me earlier I was able to see how intense your eyes can be. But being able to see that same stare up close has shown me how beautifully dark your eyes truly are. Will you be my partner during this project...." I trailed off because I realized that I had no idea what his name was. "Kris, ____ my name is Kris." he smiled and I almost tripped on air. Butterflies grew in my stomach as he grabbed his stuff and began packing his backpack. "Yeah, I would like to be your partner. Where would you like to sit?" Kris said with a smile plastered on his face. I couldn't stop the small laughter escaping from my mouth. He shined brightly and in that moment I realized that I needed him in my life.


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i think im ging to stop this story here.


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Chapter 3: Aish! Complications! Chanyeol likes her too :s
Chapter 2: Can't wait for the next chapter! Great job author-nim! ^^
theecho #3